Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
@curious2garden pm book about dreams,not the other 1 on perception...meanings your thoughts please hun.
ty annie.
OK posts are erratic..sorry bout that :(

On lunch..its almost over just wanted to say hi ;). Tell me about it via.. @PM? Sorry had go rush off this am..glad you're getting things done to where you can breathe. What you need will always come but peace of mind is worth more than money can buy :)


Well-Known Member
@roseypeach,yes.o_O you damn guys never told me I cant FNN text or were having issues.
Wasn't aware that it was a big deal..guess I missed something? But that's right I'm high. And now hungry so eating a snack before bed.

I honestly can't say anything about your chatting skills since my own leave something to be desired when really hammered/loaded..;). WUV u BEECHY :hug: