AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow

Hey ADT...I really can't see these pics well enough to give an opinion until I get home and can view them on my laptop. But without seeing I will say that I wouldn't flush...overwatering comes with it's own set of problems IMO :mrgreen:

Alrighty! Well just let me know when you get a little better look. I won't do no flushing as of now. :)
Well fuck thanks for the heads up, was about to spend $11 bucks on a 4 lbs bag!! Lmao.

your plants are a potassium def...... don't be flushing em.... no point in flushing point in flushing anything really maybe growing in perlite vermiculite mix how they do...... if you need a plan I can think of something let me know what all you got laying around for supplies......
your plants are a potassium def...... don't be flushing em.... no point in flushing point in flushing anything really maybe growing in perlite vermiculite mix how they do...... if you need a plan I can think of something let me know what all you got laying around for supplies......

hydrated lime is what you need now tho..... the other for your next mix..... but if your mix sucks your just fukn yourself ...... best thing you can do is buy some ffof and "jazz" it up a little.......

Alright so I need hydrate lime now and the other stuff at Menards for my mix. And no more flushing.

My soil has never gave me a problem before, which is why I've been so stumped trying to find a solution. I don't do a new mix every time, I just reuse my soil and add a little bit here and there. Normally my microbe teas keep the plants healthy, always have. I have other plants vegging in the same mix different strain with no problems. The soil was originally FFOF and I've reused and added things over such a long period of time that I wouldn't really consider it FFOF anymore.

For supplies I have on hand I have some alfalfa and kelp meal, epsom salt, seabird guano, two kinds of bat guano, worm castings, and I think that's it. Anything you would suggest getting I can try to find tomorrow in stores somewhere or order it tonight.