Why's my leafs canoeing?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Glad you don't like flushing! Got a problem? Water it out with no added nutrient except maybe Ca/Mg if you use it.
Flushing can cause other problems down the road. Be SURE to pH all ingoing liquids to 6.5 and forget about pHing the soil.

Re potted to the 5 gallon not to long ago? It'll take 2 weeks for the roots to spread out and begin filling the pot. That means that the soil stays "moist" longer then normal. This gives way to the MINOR over watered look. That will improve on it's own in a week or so. Don't sweat it.
I asked how often do you water, because even if you use the "how heavy is it" method. There is STILL an amount of time between waterings. That's what I wanted to know.
Ok, you transplanted it, right? You still used some type of nutrition in early veg, right? That's what I wanted to know too!
There is a short period of time from transplant that what you used will combine with what you transplanted into to effect the plant. You put it in the "hot" soil and I wanted to know what you fed it to give you a more specific time frame to recovery other then 7-18 days.

Simply continue to use a pHed straight water for a week or so and you'll see your plant improve on it's own.

BTW, I use a metered amount of water everyday. The amount is exactly enough to carry me to the next day at lights on. I do it this way so I can more "exactly" control how much of anything I give them or not. I feel I can respond to a "problem" quicker and get the plant back to health and stability faster and more accurately.


Active Member
Glad you don't like flushing! Got a problem? Water it out with no added nutrient except maybe Ca/Mg if you use it.
Flushing can cause other problems down the road. Be SURE to pH all ingoing liquids to 6.5 and forget about pHing the soil.

Re potted to the 5 gallon not to long ago? It'll take 2 weeks for the roots to spread out and begin filling the pot. That means that the soil stays "moist" longer then normal. This gives way to the MINOR over watered look. That will improve on it's own in a week or so. Don't sweat it.
I asked how often do you water, because even if you use the "how heavy is it" method. There is STILL an amount of time between waterings. That's what I wanted to know.
Ok, you transplanted it, right? You still used some type of nutrition in early veg, right? That's what I wanted to know too!
There is a short period of time from transplant that what you used will combine with what you transplanted into to effect the plant. You put it in the "hot" soil and I wanted to know what you fed it to give you a more specific time frame to recovery other then 7-18 days.

Simply continue to use a pHed straight water for a week or so and you'll see your plant improve on it's own.

BTW, I use a metered amount of water everyday. The amount is exactly enough to carry me to the next day at lights on. I do it this way so I can more "exactly" control how much of anything I give them or not. I feel I can respond to a "problem" quicker and get the plant back to health and stability faster and more accurately.
like i said man i "haven't" givin my plant ANY food or nutes just water unless the nutes from the soil, I NEVER gave my plant any food like i said in my early Post i know the soil i have is "HOT" so why would i add nutes too it? yes i did transplant it so yes i do know its a little shocked should take a week or so to get back up, an i really dont know how long till i water i just do the lift method you never wanna guess when to water an i make SURE the whole POT is DRY so i know i got no left over water man,


Active Member
i do how ever understand i do got too much N an i dont want to flush so ill continue to water only an see if that clears?
an i dont wanna top her again till i see this claw/curling stop. i feel helpless right now :(


Active Member
so you think it could just be too much N an little shocked from the transplant? also i still used my original soil but added more fox farms will i still get bad results? or good? im sorry im just confused not from what you said just on my own.