About HomoSexuality


New Member
yep...the world was created in 6000 years...lol...which explains dinosaur fossils on the planet that are millions of years old...hahaha...wow...they reject that science...yet they accept their computer. makes perfect sense to me...lol

Satan planted the fossils!! That explain everything!! pshhh


Well-Known Member
im not trying to convert anyone. im just trying to help you understand how there is no logic or reason to your beliefs. people with these beliefs are holding back the development of the rest of the world who would like to get on with the whole evolution process.


Well-Known Member
why dont you explain to me how im wrong in my thinking instead of making general statements yourself. i would like for you to write something acknowledging all the questions i had in my post. make me a valid argument that proves me wrong. not just "the bible says so" or "because god is in my heart". i want a valid argument for my thoughts.
your looking for scientific, logical answers. from people the belive wholeheartedly in theories as facts. good luck.


Well-Known Member
haha that darn satan screwing everything up again! i thought that god was all powerful...why didnt he tell satan to stop it? hahaha


Well-Known Member
your looking for scientific, logical answers. from people the belive wholeheartedly in theories as facts. good luck.
yea i know...i just want him to give me proven facts. not theories. lol. he wont be able to cuz there are none.


Well-Known Member
because we need satan. we need the promise of eternal damnation to scare us into always doing the right thing.

i accept religion as a way for people to answer un-answerable questions and to keep people from destroying themselves. thats about it.


New Member
your looking for scientific, logical answers. from people the belive wholeheartedly in theories as facts. good luck.
Do you know how close we are to understanding the origin of our universe? In the past 5 years we have discovered so much in quantum physics, The String Theory... I believe we were created by a friggin advanced alien race before I believe the Bible.


New Member
yea i got a neg rep saying i have nice lips for sucking cock, and that they have a high iq and believe...lol. i would question how high of an iq tho...hahaha


That's unfortunate and if you realize that the devil can ultimately only do what we let him/her/it/them "greater is he that is within me then he that is in the world" Mary Magdeline was Jesus favorite or leading girl and she is said to be a prostitute; Jesus was also anoited by a sinful woman" so regardless of how the world look at you Jesus loves you, if you let him.

It odesn't have to be a problem with me either.​


New Member
Satan and God were just made up by some people who were just as confused about existence as we are. Satan and God just represent good and evil. It really means nothing more. Jesus was the object of a literary genius.


Well-Known Member
we need satan because god needs to challenge us to make sure we are on his side. and we are faithful
rest yall are goin to hell


New Member
im not trying to convert anyone. im just trying to help you understand how there is no logic or reason to your beliefs. people with these beliefs are holding back the development of the rest of the world who would like to get on with the whole evolution process.

Too much Generalization. Some people, including you need to be more specific when developing points and opinions.

As sick as the world is and as normal and popular as doing wrong and worshipping the beasr is in the temple and outside of it (in the world), everyone is not dong it, at least I'm not.
So I would apreciate it if you stop putting my in the popular / normal status quo; I am not one of them.

By the good grace of God Almighty, I am not in an identity crisis or suffering from an emotional trauma. I empathize with you; there is a victorious way out.



Well-Known Member
im not going to hell...im going into a big oven...then into a pretty urn on top of someones mantel...lol no...i think that when i die my soul will be absorbed into the earth to strengthen it.


Well-Known Member
Too much Generalization. Some people, including you need to be more specific when developing points and opinions.

As sick as the world is and as normal and popular as doing wrong and worshipping the beasr is in the temple and outside of it (in the world), everyone is not dong it, at least I'm not.
So I would apreciate it if you stop putting my in the popular / normal status quo; I am not one of them.

By the good grace of God Almighty, I am not in an identity crisis or suffering from an emotional trauma. I empathize with you; there is a victorious way out.

if you need help learning how to roll hit me up...

otherwise. i dont think she was exactly talking about YOU in particular..


New Member
I never said I knew the answers to all of the questions. I don't make extraordinary claims for something clearly nobody knows. But I just live by logic.... and like I said, it is illogical to just come to the simple conclusion that there is God, Satan, Heaven, and Hell. There has to be more to it than that.


Well-Known Member
go see batman, then realize how fear mongering doesnt work, noone believes that if they do not follow 10 little rules, theyre going to hell. this is the conscious shift this race needs. and some moderator needs to delete this thread because like religion it will cause conflict until the end of time. but before i go i would like to know what is your position on evangelics prophecy?


New Member
I have no problem with Christians who just mind their own business and don't stick their heads up everyone's ass devoting their life to convert good people. I respect people's beliefs, I just don't agree with them.