Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Im staying up to write it down,All.He cant remember things.
He says he did this,when he didnt.Or I did something,I Didn't .
The only way I can think to prove it too HIM!
Oh sweetie, we can't prove it to them we just have to help them understand that their minds aren't working the way they used to. I have found with my mom, her intelligence gets very insulted if I ust tell her how things are instead of going along with what she thinks they are.

It's a slippery slope because on one hand you don't want to lie to them, or mislead them but you have to look out for them and try to be as gentle and loving as possible also.

Otherwise it just gets mom up at arms and she acts out really bad.

My step dad has not as much patience as me with her which is why he calls on me when he has days like today with her.

You know you and your dad are always in my prayers, and know you're a good son Beechy ;) keep up the good work. ;) :hug:
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Well-Known Member
Just now reading that? Or have read and replying....GO get some rest.
Anywho,yeppers I get it now.He gets soo mad and bullheaded....offended.
Its now at the point of doing harm to himself or others,that is my main concern.
REAL close to the call,I dread so much.I dialed the wrong num.or he would already be in a home.
Gets some rest,Rosey.Talk soon.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
How come the right thing is never the easy thing?
My view...Depends on subject.I do get what your saying,tho annie.
On this,it has to do with care and a lot of love.Also having to know things are changing,and never will be the
the same.As we all know change is tuff.Then put love in with change,and never going to be the same OH MY!
System overload! LOL