The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
If so, what was all the cheap bulk he liste people wer goin on about?
very true, but it really wasnt that much different tbh mg apart from from some meth and he listed his sniff in more bulk.

made no sense for a vendor his size to go like that, he prob made less than 10k in FE and was more than likely selling that amount n some before legit.


Well-Known Member
very true, but it really wasnt that much different tbh mg apart from from some meth and he listed his sniff in more bulk.

made no sense for a vendor his size to go like that, he prob made less than 10k in FE and was more than likely selling that amount n some before legit.
They must be goin after all the big vendors, I can't see agora bein about too long. I've still some coin I need to spend


Well-Known Member
agora wont be long imo mg, they will either be nabbed or take the influx from the nabbed sites run ok for a short while n do one.
I can safely say if it was me in the shoes of agora or a top vendor and I could just pull the plug and leave be it with or without everyone's coins I'd be gone lol. But I'd try and take as many coins as I could, be fuckin hard not to lol


Well-Known Member
this is very interesting, a poster on another forum says the following; "
They are both fall out kids Ross and now Defcon. Let me explain how I have come to think this way, I joined SR1 very early on and got talking to the admin team on occasion so kinda felt I knew them by personality, I could tell them apart when answering my messages and after being hooked by SR magic I opened an account to sell bitcoins from and did good for almost 2years but couldn't recover when the site got taken down. So I knew the site well and spent most of my time on it. One day I was reading in the forum as you do, and something the admin at the time (before DPR) said in a post just stuck in my thoughts and I had to look a little deeper as the thought was doing my head in. It didn't take me long before I had found a website that I was convinced was the owner of SilkRoad and this website were the same person. I contacted the admin who had just started using dread pirate roberts and told him what I had found so he was aware it could be done and he sent a personal message back to me asking for the name of the site I thought was his (encrypted) . So i sent him the information he asked for and not two minutes later my PC started to throw wild error messages at me and my screen was not acting right, all the signs of being hacked were happening right in front of me, all the other PC's and laptops in the house were also affected and I got a call from a friend telling me the site had been pulled offline due to an error in the payment system that had dumped thousands of bitcoins into a few users accounts by mistake so was down for repairs, this is less than an hour after I sent the message and where did they get my IP address from? I'd only ever connected to them or there service using Tor then I realized I had used my clear net browser to access the website in question and was the only place the SilkRoad admin team could have got it from they looked at the servers access log. I timed how long the SilkRoad was offline (12hrs). The server had been moved because my guess had been spot on and scared the shit out of the man I call dread pirate roberts (admin before Ross) . This is May 2013 the server had been moved and given to the new DPR the first of the fall out kids Ross. He lived 10hrs drive from the man I had guessed and six months later the mistakes that uncovered the site had been made in this time.

As the dust settled from the SilkRoad seizure I sent the man who I had pointed out a message in real life and he replied and we started to talk and we even exchanged PGP keys. We spoke about an SR2 and I think I made him think cos a new SilkRoad forums just appeared from thin air and the new leader was the same man again for sure and he started to ignore my emails in real life, everything just didn't add up and as soon as SilkRoad 2.0 was alive and running the admin changed hands to fall out boy 2 Defcon. Over the break the site took at Christmas I'd guess and then two weeks ago i discovered something that proves what I'm saying to be true.

If you read Digital Alch posts from SR1 and then DoctorClu on the SR2 forum you could soon see they are the same person and when I asked him on the forum via a personal message I was banded and he changed his name on his posts to Citus and vanishes from the site completely, his PGP key is changed and falls apart in keyring then after all my research in to him it turns out hes a friend of the original guy i thought was the first admin and lives in the same city.

My point is these boys you see taking the full blame for this website called SilkRoad are products of the real two people responsible for the site and this is the second time they have done this and wont be the last. It makes them money, they can play with the site in secret and at arms length and are not the people going to jail are they."

makes sense to me lol


Well-Known Member
Yea on about 100 ° for about 20 mins is that rite man
i did it at 150 for 10 mins, (wait for it to cool before opening it) mixed the trim up then back in for another 5-10 mins till all material is golden brown.once your material is golden brown she's active but again don't open her till she's cool we want to keep all the goodness in there. You gonna clarify your butter? Get a vanilla pod for when ur mixing her together.