About HomoSexuality


New Member
I have never been able to rationaize the god thing in my mind...none of it makes sense.....
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Well-Known Member
This is a double sided 1 for the people with the lower IQ,S that believe in a god are actually more content and happy i read from some debate
i guess thats what they dont wear black and hate there family they know the meaning of there life ( or they think they know the meaning of there life who cares they are happy )



New Member
Yeah.. Their favorite argument - EVOLUTION IS JUST A THEORY!!

Oh but an ancient book is just solid proof of everything right...

I don't know if I have ever wrote it down, but I have a theory that includes the "Seven Day" Theory/Reality of the Book of Genesis with the Theory of Evolution.

It is basically based on God telling us that "a day is like a thousand years and a thousands years are like a day".

Can you see where I am going withthis?

How many man days is a day to God?


New Member
I have never been able to rationaize the god thing in my mind...none of it makes sense.....

I have tis defintion of schizophrenia that is basically defined as when the Truth of our hearts are opposed by the lies of the world within our minds.

This is why our consciences are so important they help us recognized this front and the best/moral choice to take, but it is a process to get our of this place of schizophrenia and/or delusion and or "the wilderness"


New Member
This is a double sided 1 for the people with the lower IQ,S that believe in a god are actually more content and happy i read from some debate
i guess thats what they dont wear black and hate there family they know the meaning of there life ( or they think they know the meaning of there life who cares they are happy )


You could be astonising to some they way you articulate yourself with me. This seems to be an argument of the Law of the Jews with that of the Gentiles, not to forget the law of the pagans.

When Jesus Christ was posed wit the question that his mother and brothers were outside while he was giving a teaching he posed the question "who is my mother and my brothers; those who do the will of my God are my mother, my sister, and my brothers".

To deny or oppress a greater understanding of the truth can be a type of sin/wrong or shortcoming which is less them ones original destiny; and what's life if this path is chose? "to each their own" But get the hell out of my life.


New Member

You could be astonising to some they way you articulate yourself with me. This seems to be an argument of the Law of the Jews with that of the Gentiles, not to forget the law of the pagans.

When Jesus Christ was posed wit the question that his mother and brothers were outside while he was giving a teaching he posed the question "who is my mother and my brothers; those who do the will of my God are my mother, my sister, and my brothers".

To deny or oppress a greater understanding of the truth can be a type of sin/wrong or shortcoming which is less them ones original destiny; and what's life if this path is chose? "to each their own" But get the hell out of my life.
Furthermore, do you know that there is a line between "loving your enemy" and "hating what is evil"?

Both are encouraged by the disciples of Jesus witin the Christian Bible. It is a matter of heart and mind. Do not be decieved, do not be anipulated in vain.​


New Member
All I got to say it...

What makes your religion right then? There are thousands of religions. How would one feel confident in their own knowing that other people have the same level of faith, but in another mythological story? If it is logical to believe in the Christian God, then it is equally logical to believe in the ancient Greek Gods, for example. Who is to say THAT's not the right path to take? and do you see anyone praising Zeus anymore? No.. Because after a while, religions die. & that is exactly what will happen to Christianity and probably most other religions.


New Member
I just state the facts, brah. & it is very much a fact that the Bible is not reliable.

Its reliable to me. So you should bemore specific when you make that statement, like by saying "it is not reliable to you". You need the testimony of the Christian Bible if you desire heaven; unless you siffer like Christ without it.

To each there own.


New Member
hmmm i was reading an article yesterday that was rather interesting. it was discussing belief in god in relation to IQ. and it theorizes that people with higher IQs are less likely to believe. i personally feel that god is a grown mans santa claus. people cant seem to have faith in themselves and their own abilities, so they have to find faith in a higher deity. i found myself a "religion" for lack of a better term...that makes sense to me. im pagan. i worship the ground i walk on. my planet. something that i can see, and feel, and care for. i find that paganism works for me. and i read a quote once that explains it perfectly. "if you take the christian bible and put it out against the wind and the rain, the pages would disintegrate and the words would be gone. my bible IS the wind and the rain".
I have wanted to answer this since yesterday; but the high spoilers were in effect. Though I wasn't high of the green; thank God(?).

What you have explained sounds like Buddhism; worshipping the creation, worshipping the Creator; harmony; when you speak of worshipping the ground you walk on and the winds and the rain; possibly a better word is "homage"?

It is the Spirit from which these things evolved that should have a distinctive hierchy/priority; not to confuse the pagans who have no desire, reverence, or sense of the Spirit. It can be confusing when you put it that way (worshipping the ground and things) make the world a better place while you 're hear if you can, why not?

I don't see you as a pagan, just short on reasoning. Homage these things to God/Spirit for you are moer than them within his order of creation; though at best you are one with hem.​


New Member
All I got to say it...

What makes your religion right then? There are thousands of religions. How would one feel confident in their own knowing that other people have the same level of faith, but in another mythological story? If it is logical to believe in the Christian God, then it is equally logical to believe in the ancient Greek Gods, for example. Who is to say THAT's not the right path to take? and do you see anyone praising Zeus anymore? No.. Because after a while, religions die. & that is exactly what will happen to Christianity and probably most other religions.
In this statement, it seems more like you are questioning the "Order of Truth" moreso than the reality of Jesus Christ and his testimony or mines within his.​


New Member

In this statement, it seems more like you are questioning the "Order of Truth" moreso than the reality of Jesus Christ and his testimony or mines within his.​

The path of Truth is the only secure way to determining that answer for yourself. You must be faithful to the Truth in heart and in (His) Word.

"The Truth shall set you free"


New Member
She wouldn't be neither Pagan nor Buddhist..She actually fits the description of Wiccan more than anything, minus the witchcraft. Wiccans worship nature. But people can still call themselves whatever they want...

But I actually see things the same way she does, but I just call myself an Agnostic


New Member
In this statement, it seems more like you are questioning the "Order of Truth" moreso than the reality of Jesus Christ and his testimony or mines within his.​

It's unsurprising to me that that is the best you could come up with..

Why don't you answer the question?


New Member
derka derka, give it up you came to the WRONG place to preach about religion and how gay people arent for sure gay. in case you didnt know, marijuana and some drugs in general make you question things you have never thought about questioning..religion, the govt, human rights...the list goes one. go join a religion forum if you're looking to recruit people to the cult people call christianity

This is within the Spirituality, Philosophy, and sumin sumin forum. If the administration or majority/consensus want to kick me off this site unconstitutionally then I don't want to be here anyway. Otherwise, you are the liability.

did you say: "marijuana and some drugs in general make you question things you have never thought about questioning..religion, the govt, human rights...the list goes one. go join a religion"

Is this not human rights and religion? Are yoou being biased, hypocritical or falsely contradictive?​


New Member
She wouldn't be neither Pagan nor Buddhist..She actually fits the description of Wiccan more than anything, minus the witchcraft. Wiccans worship nature. But people can still call themselves whatever they want...

But I actually see things the same way she does, but I just call myself an Agnostic
I have noting against the GOOD witches; its the wicked ones that I want the hell out of my life. I am not at all fimiliar with wiccans or agnostic at this time; but value the Virtue/Truth of God righteously. Through it all I desire for all to not fall short or go and/or stay in error, but to fulfill their true destiny in eternity, not just here on earth; but, at best consistent with time on earth in the flesh throughout eternity by the invisible things/spirit.​


Well-Known Member
well dude...im officially done being nice. you are now going to hear the wrath of person who thinks that christianity and god is absolute bullshit. belief in god is a delusion. christianity contradicts itself...and makes itself look stupid. lets take a look at christianity for a moment. they dont believe in evolution, although we have all kinds of PROOF...SCIENTIFIC PROOF that evolution is reality. not just a theory. and we have absolutely NO PROOF that god created the world (the bible does not count. it is a story. not a form of scientific evidence). many christians dont have much belief in science. well then the next time you're sick...go to church and pray to get better. dont bother with doctors. their science is only a theory to you, and god is the absolute proven truth, so you dont need their medicine right? well...what about that whole "thou shall not kill" part? how many people have died due to religious wars. or the fact that that the bible says sundays are for worship and anyone who works on that day has to be put to death. now wait a minute. god said "thou shall not kill" didnt he? but now hes saying that if you work on sunday you should be killed. uh...which is it? or how about prayer for example. prayer does not work. there are several scientific studies to prove that prayer does not work. if god loves all of his creatures then why do bad things happen to good people? why are there countries in the world with people dieing of starvation and disease? why wont he show himself? why hasnt jesus come back for you yet? answer. it is all imaginary. belief in religion is a delusional superstition. in order to believe in religion...people have to discard rationality and intelligent thought. and make up excuses for everything.


Well-Known Member
well...im not a wiccan. im a traditional witch. i think that in order to be successful at magic you have to be able to embrace the good with the bad...the light with the dark. i do "good" spells to help and protect people. i also hex and curse when the situation calls for that as well. but thank you to breathesmoke for noticing :D


New Member
Ha no problem =D

The delusional Prophecy dude probably won't know what to say.. I'm still waiting for an answer to my question. lol@ Christians.


Well-Known Member
pagan is just the "umbrella" term for this path of belief. lots of different beliefs fall under the pagan category. wicca also falls under the pagan category...its all kinda inter related.