He's anonymousbruhYour soft as fuck. What's your address so I can come rob your Punkass!!
Also his parents will sue over anything. At a party one time he broke his door and made one of my friends run though the door and they were going to sue his ass for a new door...... They also sued someone for like 1million dollars last month. Also one of my buddies told me about his step-dad and he is basically like a kingpin of my town and I don't wana get shot up over a few Oz and sued
There's your answer. Show the suit happy parents the video... the problem will work itself out. You do not have to say shit. Just SHOW the mother and be all concerned and like you don't wanna see the kid getting on drugs and all.
Roll a joint with a few pubes in it, "accidentally" leave it near him and say you have to leave for an emergency. Or be mature and confront him. Either one may bring some satisfaction, since you're having problems moving on from it.
simply invite him over and confront him.
no need to be beating anyones ass over it.
explain you checked your cameras and saw him steal from you, ask him why he did it and why he betrayed your trust.
clearly hes not a real friend, your other option is to hangout with the rest of the group. he will be there but thats life when you live ina small town and only have 1 group of friends,
youre options are confront, or ignore.
seems like im always the goddamn voice of reasonFinally! The voice of reason!
I agree, do this but make sure the camera is running. Then afterwards hit him with a custard pie in the face, or pull down his shorts and laugh at his winky. We don't want this drifting too far into the realms of 'mature response'
Wear a mask, attack at night and makesure your first hit with the bat is to the knee.seems like im always the goddamn voice of reason
i dont see why anyone would want to have a criminal record by beating someones ass over some fucking weed.
just illogical and uneeded good luck getting a career or job afterwards.
people who act on emotion and dont think things through,
gotta ask yourself
is this guy really worth ruining the rest of your fucking life over?