Well-Known Member
Leaf don't you think they'll just lower the testing standards? It's not like HC isn't know for making it up on the fly? I hope Conroy is getting them as well. Maybe someone should try and make contact with Wilcox of the coalition...hell maybe I'll try to...OK, so we agree that HC doesn't want to lose the court case.
To not lose, the LPs have to be supplying patients with mmj. HC will probably argue that there is sufficient supply...PPS has lots to sell. Conroy would counter with the fact that PPS doesn't have the strain selection etc...Most LPs cannot pass the testing right now, huge problem for HC.
Price is secondary....growing your own is obviously the least expensive option.
HC wants the LPs to succeed. HC needs the LPs to succeed or they lose the court case.
The MMAR "stay" saved HC's ass...
I hope that detailed examples of lack of availability are reaching Conroy...