Let's get drunk!!!


Well-Known Member
uhhh the pruno is sitting in a bag in a bowl of water covered in a towel no signs of fermentation yet probably cause its only been like 24 hours i hope i made it right, why is md914 mad at you?
IDK...Maybe she ain't but she sure act's like it check her thread out that we trashed w/ permission you'll see I guess if you say you have a boner people take you seriously??LMFAO

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Bro if you were by me I would blaze you no problem:-P:-P
thanks man i'd appreciate that haha ppl here are usually stingy fucks

Find the dude that fucked you over and take everything he has, and go get some weed
idk if the dude actually ripped me off yet he could be saving it for us next weekend but i doubt it, but he did fuck me around though. even if he did do all the coke and drink all the whisky he'll probably pay me back, who knows whats on the go see what happens, tired of letting anxiety get the best of me