Hawaii Growers

Funny though, they are trying to say the guy needs a permit to bulldoze his land, when I'm guessing 99% of people in that area did not acquire permits to clear their land.

I believe you need a permit to put up a fence or rock wall taller than 6 feet, but... I don't think that falls into that category. You can bet if it works, even for a little while, someone further down slope will try it as well.

I know I'm a total rookie here, but if anyone here is being threatened by the lava flow, I have some space here in Hilo for storage, and cash not necessarily required... trade expertise and supplies maybe?

That's awesome of you to offer.
Rik, yes we live on the south side of the flow..our house is probably a quarter mile from that blue line the flow is following once it crosses Hwy 130.
I'm a legal MMJ grower so I just grow for my own use...my wife might disagree with that fact because the jars are piling up..I've never had so much weed in my life:bigjoint:. I work in Hilo so when the flow cuts off this part of the island the only way for people to get out is going to be a 160 mile round trip via Chain of Ctraters Rd instead of the 30 mile shot front the hwy. Then maybe I'll start selling. Police station is on the north side of the flow.haha
I am going to try at least 2 or 3 of these sativas next year because that's all the room I can spare for those kinda plants. I'll have to lst the hell out of them I'm sure. I was thinking along the same lines for my GH as well. I'm going to put maybe 6" of screen around the top at the eve and a couple feet around the bottom and frame in a spot or two to mount 1 or 2 box fans on timers. What was the purpose of the PVC?
Sorry for the slow reply, for some reason RIU dropped the ball and I didn't get any updates about this thread. Anyway, the PVC would be to extend the ridge line over the other side of the roof so I can make a covered vent. Something kind of like this:

That way it's vented, but I wont get rain inside the greenhouse except maybe with a strong Kona rainstorm. I'm actually thinking about using galvanized pipe now though because I'll probably use 1x4" lumber to make bats to hold the plastic and I'm not sure if PVC would be strong enough for it.
Just one property owner is trying to do that to save his property. County didnt want the liability of trying to divert it and end up having it hit somewhere else, so they just decided to stand by and let nature take its course.

Funny though, they are trying to say the guy needs a permit to bulldoze his land, when I'm guessing 99% of people in that area did not acquire permits to clear their land.
That is funny. I think the last survey of the B.I. that I read (2008 I believe) said close to half of the residents of the B.I. lived in un-permitted structures and I'm sure most of that overall percentage is from Puna and Kau. If people don't permit their houses you can be sure they're not pulling permits to clear their land.
Hey Rory808 and 808newb, I am also new around here and growing medically on the big Island, down in Kau. I just put some seeds in soil, white russian, Maui Waui, and fem. Happiness. Looking forward to starting a journal on here soon so we can all help each other out. The challenges growing here are much different then on the mainland and I would like to hear how you guys are handling it.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys!
Hey Rory808 and 808newb, I am also new around here and growing medically on the big Island, down in Kau. I just put some seeds in soil, white russian, Maui Waui, and fem. Happiness. Looking forward to starting a journal on here soon so we can all help each other out. The challenges growing here are much different then on the mainland and I would like to hear how you guys are handling it.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys!

Ya, I'm all for co-op from fellow newbs heh... maybe swap clones one day or somethin... broaden the variety. 8-)

So I planted 9 seeds and 8 sprouted and are off and runnin. decided to sprout them direct in seedling mix instead of water. I got curious about the one that didnt break the surface, so i took a needle and started removing the soil bits above it. I uncovered the seed and the root was out and down but no stem coming up. maybe i just fucked up out of curiosity, but 8 out of 9 is a raging success on your first grow where youre really crossing your fingers. seeds are feminized. I'm watching them like a hawk and way nervous until they get stronger... The Northern Lights is the one that didnt hatch right. I'm also growing kale, chard, cilantro, etc... have an omega juicer and gunna be juicin.

Question: I just googled green harvest to see if it still exists here. I heard it was rejected, but its an annual budget right? Anyone know where I can get info on this? I'm close to Hilo and get buzzed dozens of times daily from the tourism flights to waterfalls. I'm 100% legal (once I plant the 8th outside somewhere), but curious if theyre up there.

So I bought a small submersible pump, 132 gph, and its feeding 12 emitters going to 4 pots at a time. theyre 1 gal/hr. It doesnt have to pump far so I have all kinds of pressure. Is 3 gals/hr overkill too much? I'm gunna be growing out of these 30 gallon pots and plan to get them about 5/6 feet tall...

Im using 2 T5 lights (new) to supplement sunlight. I put em outside (growing outside) when I can. Timer for 18 hours sun for cloudy days like yesterday. I also just finished a rainwater collector. took a brand new shower curtain liner piece of plastic and put a hole in the center and a 5 gallon jug under it. Gunna run it through a coffee filter just for the heck of it and use it to fill my reservoir and the mister im using for these seedlings. When should I start adding this Buddha Grow 2.0-.25-1.5 nutrient?

and I have fire ants that will show up if I leave any ant food out. Will they bother my plants? I'm thinking about having a tiny moat around all my plants anyway... Is that silly?

If anyone has tips on any of this I'm all ears. I'm just copying what I saw a friend do over 6 months last year.


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Rory, you are doing hydro for your first grow?
Fire Ants will likely find your plants, I hate using pesticides but sadly that is pretty much the only option for those bastards. Dont use pesticides on your plants just where the ants are traveling from. I use a peanut butter, xantham gum, and indoxicarb mixture that is very effective except when it is rainy.
Ya, I'm all for co-op from fellow newbs heh... maybe swap clones one day or somethin... broaden the variety. 8-)

So I planted 9 seeds and 8 sprouted and are off and runnin. decided to sprout them direct in seedling mix instead of water. I got curious about the one that didnt break the surface, so i took a needle and started removing the soil bits above it. I uncovered the seed and the root was out and down but no stem coming up. maybe i just fucked up out of curiosity, but 8 out of 9 is a raging success on your first grow where youre really crossing your fingers. seeds are feminized. I'm watching them like a hawk and way nervous until they get stronger... The Northern Lights is the one that didnt hatch right. I'm also growing kale, chard, cilantro, etc... have an omega juicer and gunna be juicin.

Question: I just googled green harvest to see if it still exists here. I heard it was rejected, but its an annual budget right? Anyone know where I can get info on this? I'm close to Hilo and get buzzed dozens of times daily from the tourism flights to waterfalls. I'm 100% legal (once I plant the 8th outside somewhere), but curious if theyre up there.

So I bought a small submersible pump, 132 gph, and its feeding 12 emitters going to 4 pots at a time. theyre 1 gal/hr. It doesnt have to pump far so I have all kinds of pressure. Is 3 gals/hr overkill too much? I'm gunna be growing out of these 30 gallon pots and plan to get them about 5/6 feet tall...

Im using 2 T5 lights (new) to supplement sunlight. I put em outside (growing outside) when I can. Timer for 18 hours sun for cloudy days like yesterday. I also just finished a rainwater collector. took a brand new shower curtain liner piece of plastic and put a hole in the center and a 5 gallon jug under it. Gunna run it through a coffee filter just for the heck of it and use it to fill my reservoir and the mister im using for these seedlings. When should I start adding this Buddha Grow 2.0-.25-1.5 nutrient?

and I have fire ants that will show up if I leave any ant food out. Will they bother my plants? I'm thinking about having a tiny moat around all my plants anyway... Is that silly?

If anyone has tips on any of this I'm all ears. I'm just copying what I saw a friend do over 6 months last year.

Ok, lots of questions here so I'll start at the top and do my best! I like starting my seeds in water so I can see them crack. No crack then they no good. I just put all 13 of my cracked seeds in Ocean soil mix. 10 of the 13 have popped up, still waiting on 3 of them, Ill probably do the same as you and investigate VERY carefully with a pair of tweezers to see whats up hopefully they be ok!. 8 out of nine is great, especially feminized. to be technically %100 legal you can only have three plants flowering and four vegging, but seriously, how does that work? Of course that changes in January so I guess it's all the same.

I believe green harvest is still flying. This is the time of year they do fly anyways as they are mostly looking for larger outdoor commercial grows. Green harvest is the feds, so you definitely want to be careful, but as long as your under 20 plants or so with no more then a dozen flowering then you should be ok. I think they use the addresses that are on file with the state and target those houses to make sure they have the correct amount. Hopefully a lot of this changes soon with the new laws in January and the dept, of health taking over the mmj program.

Im lost on the submersible pump and what it is being used for. R u growing hydro outdoors? I have a pump for my clonebox, sounds like the same one you have even. are you pumping water to the emitters and these water the soil? Send me a pic of your setup. 30 gallon pots is definitely big enough for 5-6' plants. Do you have a cover outdoors to protect from rain when they are flowering?

Thats a cool idea for rain catchment. Be careful using that water, it could be acidic and my need to be adjusted. carful putting it in with seedlings! I would say go LIGHT with the buddha when you start to see roots, half strength to start out and see how they react.

And finally the ants! Yes they can and will mess with your plants not to mention they might attack YOU when your trying to tend to your babies. Ants don't usually directly hurt plants (except leaf-cutters) but they do mess up the soil and roots and they farm different insects, mostly aphids and scale, for their honey-dew. First thing is control, keep them out of the house and away from the foundation. I just made some ant traps using jello, honey, a raw egg and boric acid. Put all together, put into small cups and ants LOVE it, bring the boric acid back to the queen and they all die. I also sprinkle cinnamon around the stem of my plants and wherever I see ants, they hate cinnamon. Cinnamon essential oil mixed with warm water and dr.bronners peppermint is a good spray to use. A kettle of boiling water in their mounds will also push back the colony and make them think about moving to less hostile environments. You will never completely remove ants from your outdoor garden or your property, so your goal should be to keep them out of the house, make sure they aren't crawling up your plants and making residence in your soil or biting you. Tiny moat around the plants is NOT silly, but don't get complacent and think thats all you need to do. Bugs here in hawaii will ruin a plant in know time, and they carry diseases from one plant to another, so you gotta be careful!
no time now but ill edit this by tonight with the answers... and good news... that 9th seed i screwed with just sprouted normally after i covered it back up. 2 days later than all the others. first of many lessons learned.... be patient with seeds.

finished edit:

Rory, you are doing hydro for your first grow?
Fire Ants will likely find your plants, I hate using pesticides but sadly that is pretty much the only option for those bastards. Dont use pesticides on your plants just where the ants are traveling from. I use a peanut butter, xantham gum, and indoxicarb mixture that is very effective except when it is rainy.

well my setup is a tile patio 12 feet off the ground on the upper level, so that will definitely help me isolate their trails, but they come up here if i leave dog food out, so theyre out. cant i isolate with a moat? bastards cant swim...

Ok, lots of questions here so I'll start at the top and do my best!

thanks a million for all that. I'll get a pic on a day thats not pouring and post it. so ya, my 9th seed sprouted and all 9 are doing great. yay

ill have 7 plants out and sunning because thats the limit. i could have a blue card at any point. is the consensus that its worth it? if i get one, ill have it before these go outside. Right now there are only legit veggies on my grow platform...

not growing hydro, im using a closed auto drip system and dirt. 3 emitters per pot. just bought 4 misters to try but not working so far... no mist, just dribble. maybe pressure too low?

yes, i have clear corrogated plastic roof panels to protect them from the rain. i looked at a 30 gal pot today. i have 4 25 gallons and 3 20 gallons. will upgrade with a lot of other things when more $

ya so i have seedling kale plants and will try EVERYTHING im thinking about doing to my babies on them first lol, starting with rainwater. Everything seems great right now. When should I start adding the buddha? it gives a table with "seedlings" on it but.... i wont see roots, so...

man, looks like its going to take a lot of effort to keep these fire ants off em cuz theyre here alright. first encounter in my life was 4 months ago and i had my shirt off and caught a dozen quick bites across the chest when i brushed against a palm leaf. sucked.

they die real fast with raid, but of course im not taking that anywhere near my plants. will look into the things you mentioned thanks. :)

here is that pic: its not completely finished thats for sure...


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separate issue... so I have to cover the rest of the open air side of the patio because the floor leaks in a place and the owner wants it roofed, so im wondering if i should put more corrugated plastic or the clear stuff they put on green houses? Its future free expansion area... gunna start building as soon as I make a decision... hopefully be done by this weekend.
Why the drip emitters and sprayers? are they going to keeping the soil moist all the time or will you have it on some kind of timer? I think for a first few times you grow with dirt you should water by hand, you'll get a better idea of what the plants need, plus they will use more or less water depending on the weather and size of the plants. Even different strains have different watering requirements.

The buddha would depend on what medium you put the seeds in. If you used something like foxfarm ocean floor mix or made your own you shoudn't need to fert for a few weeks. If you are using a soilless mix without amendments then I would follow the directions for seedlings. Be careful, to much could burn the plants.

The corrugated plastic covering looks good. can't say about covering the rest from that pic, not really sure what your working with.

Yeah, ants be a bitch. Spray with 50/50 water vinegar as a barrier, or 50/50 lemon juice and water. They don't like acid obviously!

I love having my card, gives me peace of mind. I hear helicopters and don't even worry cuz I know i'm legal. Just my two cents. If you need a doctor let me know, mine is way cool!
nah i figured id just water half of em at a time via timer and let the other half dry out so the roots spread right? im clueless as to whats best, emitters or misters, but just experimenting. I'm all ears if theres a standard out there...

Sounds like I dont need to fertilize for a few weeks then, thanks.

i have a lemon tree that has more lemons than i could possibly use, so ill use that thanks

ya pm me a hook up if ya got one on the card thanks
successful transplant from seedling tray to cups. Think from now on I'll just go right to the cups. poked several holes in bottom for drainage obviously. As you can see from the pic, the 4 on the right (all same species) are shorter than the other 4 on the left, which are all different species. I had them in a stubby L pattern and the light hit one side better than the perpendicular side, so I rearranged em to all be in a row and have 2 T5's on em to supplement natural sunlight. made the cup holder out of a package one of the lights came in. labeled with clothes pins. light is 4 - 5 inches away from top of plants.

god this is so damn exciting... feels like caveman building a fire... come on baby...:weed:
Aloha hello Big Islanders.

I finally got the Keys to my new house in KAU. I won't be growing right away until I get signed up to do so. I will be lurking here though.

I have mixed emotions about med cards. Especially after this weekend's greenharvest activity. Those assholes circled my house low and slow trying to look in my greenhouse from all angles twice last week.
I think getting " signed up" is putting your name and address on their list of next people to be harassed on the next numbers count they do.
Heads up Big Islanders, Green Harvest is flying this week and doing number checks (illegal if you ask me). Make sure you are within your numbers.

Thanks for the head's up, though I'm a legal grower as hard as it is sometimes. How do you know when they're here or where they are? I also had a chopper fly pretty low and hang out for a while, but I didn't look outside because there's been so many lava activity helicopters around it didn't really phase me too much. It did cross my mind at the time though.
I know you all will think I'm crazy to toss out four 9', finished, full of bud plants because we maxed out what we could have per medical card but I did. I could of been set and not had to grow for a very long time if we didn't have a 3 oz limit each. I did get to choose and pick what to keep from each plant, but, I hated to throw the plants in a pile to rot away.

I don't usually let my plants get that big, so I haven't had to do that before. However, I'd rather do that and have too much at harvest than to get a bunch of bud rot, mold, thin material that I wouldn't be able to keep anyway. Seems like the laws don't take into consideration the amount of time to fully grow or all the things that could possibly go wrong to ruin a crop. I do understand the amounts set are to prevent the sale etc.

Anyway, I don't know why I wrote all this. :peace: