Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

It says the percent by mass of every single essential element on the bottle.

Regulations require that nutrient companies put exactly how weak their nutrients are. That's what NPK is.

dyna gro foliage pro is 9-3-6 which means it's 9% nitrogen by mass, etc.

If you want strong stuff, use dry salts like me.

Yara calcium nitrate is 15.5% nitrogen and 19% calcium by mass. That's the good stuff.

Dyna grow bases are decent but I'm telling you right now the stuff is weak
Yah the GH 3 part bubble are easy to use nutrients that why a lot of people run them but you don't get yield or quality you get with better nutrients, GH 3 part are tried and true nutrients I'm not knocking that they work but they are the bottom tier of nutrients available in the market they been running same formula for 20 years and haven't done anything to upgrade or Change them as we have learned more about growing cannabis over the past 2 decades.. They used to be awesome now they are sub-par at best unless you go adding other supplements and tailor it to specific plants varieties and strains.. I've never been able to get anywhere near 2 a light or have high thc production with gh the stuff just isn't there man ..
Plants don't just need n-p-k they need micro nutrients and bacteria sand enzymes and beneficial microbes to provide huge root masses that are your structural bases for vigorous and lush plant growth.. Lie I said all base nutrients will grow plants it's the quality and yield you won't get running gh 3 part lineup plain and simple lol
Canna is awesome eh. They're shysters! Canna is the same bunch of shitheads I was fighting online when they first came on the cannabis specific market about 13 years ago, pushing their new CO2 tabs for soil. Never could get thru the rep's retarded head that CO2 at the root zone is anerobic and will kill roots. He didn't care what he was selling, he was only after the money.

Roots must be in an aerobic environment, as in O2, as in aeroponics or pumps for DWC or they will die.


Canna is one of the best nutrients products on the market hands down man I love canna I'm part of the canna cult and I swear by it but like I said u need to add nitrogen to bloom because it's kind of weak in that aspect a lot of companies don't have enough nitrogen for flowering
That must be why advanced nutrient's 3 part, Jungle Juice, is an exact copy of GH flora 3 part.

... gh IMO is one of the worst nutrient lines on the market people run it cuz it's cheap and they don't know better ... Info like 3'part nutrient lines they are awesome just don't recommend gh's at all... It's the cheapest and crappiest line up on market IMO good for beginners cuz it's easy to use
Canna is one of the best nutrients products on the market hands down man I love canna I'm part of the canna cult and I swear by it but like I said u need to add nitrogen to bloom because it's kind of weak in that aspect a lot of companies don't have enough nitrogen for flowering
I like their coco. Their nutes: Meh! Nothing special.
That must be why advanced nutrient's 3 part, Jungle Juice, is an exact copy of GH flora 3 part.

First off jungle juice is a 2 part that revised their version of canna do your HW you can ask advanced for yourself they will even tell you that.. And yes jungle juice 2 part brand new product only year old roughly and it's way better than GH flora series lol


First off jungle juice is a 2 part that revised their version of canna do your HW you can ask advanced for yourself they will even tell you that.. And yes jungle juice 2 part brand new product only year old roughly and it's way better than GH flora series lol
It's all the same fucking shit.

The ingredients to hydroponic formulas haven't changed since the 30s other than the addition of chelating agents. We're still using Hoagland and Arnon's recipes from the 30s.
Let me guess.. they also need amino acids and B vitamins, right? Pffft......

You wanna make your buds smell better?

Plants don't just need n-p-k they need micro nutrients and bacteria sand enzymes and beneficial microbes to provide huge root masses that are your structural bases for vigorous and lush plant growth.. Lie I said all base nutrients will grow plants it's the quality and yield you won't get running gh 3 part lineup plain and simple lol
Humic any fulvic acids help the transportation of nutrients and proteins vital to all of life as well as b vitamins keep things green and promote vigorous growth in plants that is correct b-52?from advanced is awesome product as well as super thrive and thrive alive foliar spray
Saying you don't need or shouldn't incorporate vitamins and humic any fulvic acids is like saying you don't need to add beneficials bacteria and microbes to your root zone of course you do...

And yes the jungle juicenisnan2 part formula that isn't revised version of canna..

Big mike talks about taking canna and researching it for 3 years before finding out how they made it he then took that product and revised it because although canna is a great product it's bases are weak when running high feeding co2'enriched gardens and supplementing nitrogen and phosphorous is essential to find ideal range for various strains other than that canna is by far a top tier nutrient including the canna boost which is one of the best products on the market and worth every penny they charge for it.. Those who bash it don't have the money to buy ... It's a black strap yucca based boost with humic and fulvic acids and vitamins.. It's the bomb
I find that a lot of people who say advanced nutrients and companies like canna are over priced snake oil because they either can't afford it or u read someone whose an organic junky bash advanced because they use map and dap in developing their nutrient profiles.. Bottom line is both companies have the best nutrients in the business... I've run almost every nutrient company on the market except dyna grow buzz or Technaflora..malthough I have used some of their additives...
You're another funny dude.. You obviously never ran canna or advanced nutrients with success or never tried me cuz u can't pony up spending a thousand or two on nutrients for a run .... GH 3 part doesn't even hold a flame compared to either of those nutrient companies plain and simple lol they are mediocre at best