About HomoSexuality


Well-Known Member

Psychologist call what you are doing "Projection"; I am straight; I love my God and particularly beautiful women.

Im guessing if you loved your god as mush as u say he would not be to happy with you putting cannabis into your lungs would he ,
im hoping your smoke weed and are not that sad to just this site to bore every 1 with your 1920s views if im doing this and peoples doing that whats it 2 you
a psychologist would tell you to get your own life and stop wraping your neck with the guilt of a book


New Member
Im guessing if you loved your god as mush as u say he would not be to happy with you putting cannabis into your lungs would he ,
im hoping your smoke weed and are not that sad to just this site to bore every 1 with your 1920s views if im doing this and peoples doing that whats it 2 you
a psychologist would tell you to get your own life and stop wraping your neck with the guilt of a book

Lets make this clear; I am not in denail of who I am, who God is (to me) nor do I have a problem with who I am and who I am becoming.

I do not put weed before my relationship with God; weed does not hinder me from seeking a closer relationship with God or any other of my priorities in life (eternity); in other words I am in control of it (weed), its not in control of me.

That Book is a great means of guidance and intervention and understanding of events in the world and in family situations.

Don't knock it without giving sincere study to it yourself.


Well-Known Member
You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye.

A few words from the book you warship that u deem on others , It will also tell you that a hypocrit will not go any were in front of another person because he uses gods name aloud to prove how much better he is that others , the humble person comes 1st the people that keeps there faith close with out having to force and tell other how bad they are .. before u tell me what im doing think what you are doing 1st ... h4l


New Member

Lets make this clear; I am not in denail of who I am, who God is (to me) nor do I have a problem with who I am and who I am becoming.

I do not put weed before my relationship with God; weed does not hinder me from seeking a closer relationship with God or any other of my priorities in life (eternity); in other words I am in control of it (weed), its not in control of me.

That Book is a great means of guidance and intervention and understanding of events in the world and in family situations.

Don't knock it without giving sincere study to it yourself.
Funny, because pretty much every one who has really actually studied the bible is an atheist. You just interpret everything in an illogical way. It's a book... That was written thousands of years ago...The people who wrote it were human just like us. The people made up stories just like us. It is hardly reliable. . Actually not reliable at all. If that is your reason for following the Bible, then why not any other religion? They are all very similar in that aspect.


New Member
A deity is a conscious being. You don't have to believe that 'God' is an aware consciousness, a supreme being. There are pantheists who believe that reality and the universe itself is God. Spirituality is a versatile term that can mean something as simple as being in touch with yourself and having love.

Either you'ved calmed or passed someone esle the keyboard.

Cool. Once upon a time when man wasn't so confused and out of touch with its Origins/Reality, we were.

This is Heaven.

This is what Christ wants us to realize.

To be like Christ is to be one with the Spirit of Heaven/God.
To be a Christian at best is this definition that you have theorized.


New Member
You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye.

A few words from the book you warship that u deem on others , It will also tell you that a hypocrit will not go any were in front of another person because he uses gods name aloud to prove how much better he is that others , the humble person comes 1st the people that keeps there faith close with out having to force and tell other how bad they are .. before u tell me what im doing think what you are doing 1st ... h4l

Nor am I a hypocrite, I would not ask anyone to do something I haven;t done or wouldn't do.

I do say or do one thing and then say and do another; that is not who I am. It sounds to ne that you are fighting something outwardly instead of within;

what I am saying is that you should practice what you preach when you say "get the speck of sawdust out of your eye before judging your brother".

I have concluded if you can handle my first diagnosis to you that you are "Projecting" inner deials and delision on me when you should look within to resolve them. I empathize with you also.


New Member

Either you'ved calmed or passed someone esle the keyboard.

Cool. Once upon a time when man wasn't so confused and out of touch with its Origins/Reality, we were.

This is Heaven.

This is what Christ wants us to realize.

To be like Christ is to be one with the Spirit of Heaven/God.
To be a Christian at best is this definition that you have theorized.
No..... Being a Christian means believing God has the power to intervene. Pantheists don't believe that.


New Member
You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye.

A few words from the book you warship that u deem on others , It will also tell you that a hypocrit will not go any were in front of another person because he uses gods name aloud to prove how much better he is that others , the humble person comes 1st the people that keeps there faith close with out having to force and tell other how bad they are .. before u tell me what im doing think what you are doing 1st ... h4l

Nor am I a hypocrite, I would not ask anyone to do something I haven't done or wouldn't do.

I do not say or do one thing and then say and do another; that is not who I am.

It sounds to me that you are fighting something outwardly in wich you should be resolving within;

what I am saying is that you should practice what you preach when you say "get the speck of sawdust out of your eye before judging your brother".

I have concluded, if you can handle you are "Projecting" inner denials and delision on me when you should look within to resolve them.

I empathize with you also.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I say you're a griefer in the guise of a christian.Looking for a fight.So sure of your own moral superiority that you just MUST spread the word to the heathens.News flash.We can all do our own soul searching, and we never asked for a preacher.

Either you'ved calmed or passed someone esle the keyboard.

Cool. Once upon a time when man wasn't so confused and out of touch with its Origins/Reality, we were.

This is Heaven.

This is what Christ wants us to realize.

To be like Christ is to be one with the Spirit of Heaven/God.
To be a Christian at best is this definition that you have theorized.


Well-Known Member
hmmm i was reading an article yesterday that was rather interesting. it was discussing belief in god in relation to IQ. and it theorizes that people with higher IQs are less likely to believe. i personally feel that god is a grown mans santa claus. people cant seem to have faith in themselves and their own abilities, so they have to find faith in a higher deity. i found myself a "religion" for lack of a better term...that makes sense to me. im pagan. i worship the ground i walk on. my planet. something that i can see, and feel, and care for. i find that paganism works for me. and i read a quote once that explains it perfectly. "if you take the christian bible and put it out against the wind and the rain, the pages would disintegrate and the words would be gone. my bible IS the wind and the rain".

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Man oh man, do I agree.
hmmm i was reading an article yesterday that was rather interesting. it was discussing belief in god in relation to IQ. and it theorizes that people with higher IQs are less likely to believe. i personally feel that god is a grown mans santa claus. people cant seem to have faith in themselves and their own abilities, so they have to find faith in a higher deity. i found myself a "religion" for lack of a better term...that makes sense to me. im pagan. i worship the ground i walk on. my planet. something that i can see, and feel, and care for. i find that paganism works for me. and i read a quote once that explains it perfectly. "if you take the christian bible and put it out against the wind and the rain, the pages would disintegrate and the words would be gone. my bible IS the wind and the rain".


Well-Known Member
it just seems to make more sense. christianity in my opinion, is the most illogical way of living i have ever heard of. this is plain and simple. worship your earth. take care of your planet. plain and simple. and prophecy...dude...u need to see zeitgeist. really...


New Member
It is so clear that the guy was looking to get off trying to convert people. Typical Christian. I don't even think he contributed to the site other than in this thread.


New Member
Funny, because pretty much every one who has really actually studied the bible is an atheist. You just interpret everything in an illogical way. It's a book... That was written thousands of years ago...The people who wrote it were human just like us. The people made up stories just like us. It is hardly reliable. . Actually not reliable at all. If that is your reason for following the Bible, then why not any other religion? They are all very similar in that aspect.

I believe in God, I am not an atheist; notice how I clearly respond consistent to you'll comments; no doubt.

You are being opinionated in this comment. Youre confusing someone and its not me, thank God. Trust the God of your heartl at bestit is the God of Heaven the God od Truth; You are right to my knowledge Judaim, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism and Confusius do have consistent Truth/Wisdom/Virtue, I have learn form them.

Jesus fuflfills them all. None of them exemplified the Virtue of God like he did with the name/reality Jesus Christ.


New Member

I believe in God, I am not an atheist; notice how I clearly respond consistent to you'll comments; no doubt.

You are being opinionated in this comment. Youre confusing someone and its not me, thank God. Trust the God of your heartl at bestit is the God of Heaven the God od Truth; You are right to my knowledge Judaim, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism and Confusius do have consistent Truth/Wisdom/Virtue, I have learn form them.

Jesus fuflfills them all. None of them exemplified the Virtue of God like he did with the name/reality Jesus Christ.
I just state the facts, brah. & it is very much a fact that the Bible is not reliable.


New Member
I say you're a griefer in the guise of a christian.Looking for a fight.So sure of your own moral superiority that you just MUST spread the word to the heathens.News flash.We can all do our own soul searching, and we never asked for a preacher.


"The Great Commission"; everyone does not know or remember what you do; you shouldn't assime nor take for granted such understanding; for to much that given much is required" Maybe you are proscratinating a calling on your life that God is telling you. I am who I am; I believe that the meek shall inherit the earth and the Truth shall set you free. you said that other stuff.


Well-Known Member
derka derka, give it up you came to the WRONG place to preach about religion and how gay people arent for sure gay. in case you didnt know, marijuana and some drugs in general make you question things you have never thought about questioning..religion, the govt, human rights...the list goes one. go join a religion forum if you're looking to recruit people to the cult people call christianity

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well said.
derka derka, give it up you came to the WRONG place to preach about religion and how gay people arent for sure gay. in case you didnt know, marijuana and some drugs in general make you question things you have never thought about questioning..religion, the govt, human rights...the list goes one. go join a religion forum if you're looking to recruit people to the cult people call christianity