who is are lord?????????


Well-Known Member
ok guys iv not been following our lord OMG for too long but know a lot about him and respect him BUT...........he doesnt seem to be doing anything ...erm...kinda....well.............lordish?

he just .......like......doe's.......................nothing?

i dont think he's the lord.

please dont answer until our so called "LORD" posts first ......thank you.
ok guys iv not been following our lord OMG for too long but know a lot about him and respect him BUT...........he doesnt seem to be doing anything ...erm...kinda....well.............lordish?

he just .......like......doe's.......................nothing?

i dont think he's the lord.

please dont answer until our so called "LORD" posts first ......thank you.
utter blasphemy, sinner. Ask, and then you may (possibly) receive., but if you don't ask then you cannot possibly receive, do you understand this logic, sinner?
oh sorry didn't read the end bit. oh well. Hey our Lord has already said He is going fishing and is busy. He needs to have some kind of life outside of his heavenly duties at rollitup. Do you not agree?
ok guys iv not been following our lord OMG for too long but know a lot about him and respect him BUT...........he doesnt seem to be doing anything ...erm...kinda....well.............lordish?

he just .......like......doe's.......................nothing?

i dont think he's the lord.

please dont answer until our so called "LORD" posts first ......thank you.

You don't have to believe in Me.

No one is obligated to believe in Me.

We can just be friends.

I am not looking for disciples, or followers, while I am alive.

I am just looking for witnesses while I am alive.

I am looking for people that will remember Me.

I have a special kind of love for My witnesses, because they know Me.

I am sorry that I haven't had a chance to answer all of your questions Bradburry, but I have been busy.

If you want to witness Me, you can. If you want to do something else, you can.

I am not some kind of dictator.

I want My people to be free.

I am not mad at you; I am not ignoring you, I have been busy.

Whether you decide to believe in Me or not, you have been able to see the Truth.

Its all good, Bradburry.

get on your knees and 'worship' me, sinner
i think you should open a pray thread to see if you can answer peoples prays .........then i will KNOW you are the lord ...........until then george is our lord (but a really shit one)....he trys bless him but fails to deliver.
You don't have to believe in Me.

No one is obligated to believe in Me.

We can just be friends.

I am not looking for disciples, or followers, while I am alive.

I am just looking for witnesses while I am alive.

I am looking for people that will remember Me.

I have a special kind of love for My witnesses, because they know Me.

I am sorry that I haven't had a chance to answer all of your questions Bradburry, but I have been busy.

If you want to witness Me, you can. If you want to do something else, you can.

I am not some kind of dictator.

I want My people to be free.

I am not mad at you; I am not ignoring you, I have been busy.

Whether you decide to believe in Me or not, you have been able to see the Truth.

Its all good, Bradburry.

who are your people buddy ?......... atm its just me and critiy.....why?
Fuk. .I been away awhile. .. So what's happening? George is fully claiming the title now? Before he was saying he was on meds and knows he is delusional. . And now. . He's fully in the zone. .. You guys gotta stop encouraging him.. Your not doing his mental health any favors...

Sent from my GT-S7580L using Rollitup mobile app
Fuk. .I been away awhile. .. So what's happening? George is fully claiming the title now? Before he was saying he was on meds and knows he is delusional. . And now. . He's fully in the zone. .. You guys gotta stop encouraging him.. Your not doing his mental health any favors...

Sent from my GT-S7580L using Rollitup mobile app
you might find its his stupidity that people are trying to break .....not his mental health.

he needs to see common sense.