About HomoSexuality


New Member
and on the topic of homosexuality...some people are scared of accepting it because it means change. people are afraid of change, and they're afraid of the world evolving and growing. they want things to stay the way its always been...well to those people...give it up. humanity is evolving and growing every minute of everyday. get over it and move on. things have to change its part of the life cycle.

Agreed 100%. :joint:


New Member
For the sake of argument this essay was a theory that is based on sincere human observations, as well as designed to help break the mode of religion. I come to you not as a religion but as a person of FAITH. Religion has too many sometime limiting and unfulfilling boundaries as oneof you somewhat hinted at. Faith allows me to evolve and persevere into a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God/Truth/Virtue. My God is the God of gods, so even if everyone don't have th same god, they really should, anything less would be uncivilized; but hay, freewill right(?).

I appreciate everyone's responses some were more interesting then others though. If the shoe fits. However, I would appreciate that those who do judge do so in knowledge and not ignorance. God is all things, he can use FIRE to refine or consume his creation (the choice is yours(?).

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
See, right here, shows how narrow your view is.Until you get over your brainwashing at the hands of organized monotheistic religion,there is no use in arguing with you.
My God is the God of gods, so even if everyone don't have th same god, they really should, anything less would be uncivilized; but hay, freewill right(?).

I appreciate everyone's responses some were more interesting then others though. If the shoe fits. However, I would appreciate that those who do judge do so in knowledge and not ignorance. God is all things, he can use FIRE to refine or consume his creation (the choice is yours(?).


New Member
For the sake of argument this essay was a theory that is based on sincere human observations, as well as designed to help break the mode of religion. I come to you not as a religion but as a person of FAITH. Religion has too many sometime limiting and unfulfilling boundaries as oneof you somewhat hinted at. Faith allows me to evolve and persevere into a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God/Truth/Virtue. My God is the God of gods, so even if everyone don't have th same god, they really should, anything less would be uncivilized; but hay, freewill right(?).

I appreciate everyone's responses some were more interesting then others though. If the shoe fits. However, I would appreciate that those who do judge do so in knowledge and not ignorance. God is all things, he can use FIRE to refine or consume his creation (the choice is yours(?).
You come as a person of faith, huh? Yeah, faith in a big daddy in the sky... showing me absolutely no proof of his existence, and you expect me to agree with you. Where is your knowledgeable judgment exactly? That's right.. It's not KNOWLEDGE.. It's a BELIEF. Nothing more.



New Member
You come as a person of faith, huh? Yeah, faith in a big daddy in the sky... showing me absolutely no proof of his existence, and you expect me to agree with you. Where is your knowledgeable judgment exactly? That's right.. It's not KNOWLEDGE.. It's a BELIEF. Nothing more.

Where do you start? Where do you end?

"The Truth shall set you free"

You are a child of God; because of you position of doubt and yet willingness to learn. The thing is purging the lies and illusion(delusions) from our minds; the way to fundamentally do this is withthe Truth/Virtue.

Original Reality/Truth vs. preverted reality truth that are the result of lies and falsehoods.

You must in all things find and learn to trust your heart, where the God of heaven lives also.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's arrogance...thinking that if another person does some soul searching, they're going to come up with the same answer as you.

Where do you start? Where do you end?

"The Truth shall set you free"

You are a child of God; because of you position of doubt and yet willingness to learn. The thing is purging the lies and illusion(delusions) from our minds; the way to fundamentally do this is withthe Truth/Virtue.

Original Reality/Truth vs. preverted reality truth that are the result of lies and falsehoods.

You must in all things find and learn to trust your heart, where the God of heaven lives also.


New Member
That's arrogance...thinking that if another person does some soul searching, they're going to come up with the same answer as you.

I am not arrogant. What it si to me is that you are being irrational and hysterical. I never said you would come to the same answer, thee is no garrantee that you will take the same path; but, if you do take the TRUTH than you will see some of the same scenary, how you respond to it is (to each there own"; if you do it faithfully we when end in the same place. Its like knowing that eeveryone has a heart but different minds.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
How the hell do you know if I'm being irrational and hysterical?I haven't even raised my heartbeat here.Your truth isn't necessarily THE truth.

I am not arrogant. What it si to me is that you are being irrational and hysterical. I never said you would come to the same answer, thee is no garrantee that you will take the same path; but, if you do take the TRUTH than you will see some of the same scenary, how you respond to it is (to each there own"; if you do it faithfully we when end in the same place. Its like knowing that eeveryone has a heart but different minds.


New Member
How the hell do you know if I'm being irrational and hysterical?I haven't even raised my heartbeat here.Your truth isn't necessarily THE truth.

I can hear/discern and read word order at times. You have to learn how to calm down and observe a more specific picture or outlook. You are emotion.

I would like to give you a gift; will you take it?


Well-Known Member
My current view about Homosexuality.

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God thru your loved ones,

wtfs this a speech about gays then a bit of bible pumping at the end ,, Your in denial man come out and tell all us your real feelings an your will feel happier ,you think gay are over pamperd ,
by the looks of it your head is over pamperd with the bible who cares if they bpth are up 4 it theres plenty of other things your could of rambled on about like this credit crunch or somthing haha
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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, you're wrong.You almost sound like poseidon, but your join date is earlier.I don't need a gift from you.And, no, my emotions are dulled by prozac.

I can hear/discern and read word order at times. You have to learn how to calm down and observe a more specific picture or outlook. You are emotion.

I would like to give you a gift; will you take it?


New Member

wtfs this a speech about gays then a bit of bible pumping at the end ,, Your in denial man come out and tell all us your real feelings an your will feel happier ,you think gay are over pamperd ,
by the looks of it your head is over pamperd with the bible who cares if they bpth are up 4 it theres plenty of other things your could of rambled on about like this credit crunch or somthing haha

Psychologist call what you are doing "Projection"; I am straight; I love my God and particularly beautiful women.


New Member

I can hear/discern and read word order at times. You have to learn how to calm down and observe a more specific picture or outlook. You are emotion.

I would like to give you a gift; will you take it?

You DO know that you can be spiritual without praising a deity, right?


New Member
You are just too mindfucked for me to even argue with you. Seriously.. it would just be a waste of finger strength to type everything I would like to say to you.

I empathize with you; I have nothing personal against you. God bless you(?).


New Member

I rather praise the Deity than an idol.

Where does spirituality come from if not a/the deity?
A deity is a conscious being. You don't have to believe that 'God' is an aware consciousness, a supreme being. There are pantheists who believe that reality and the universe itself is God. Spirituality is a versatile term that can mean something as simple as being in touch with yourself and having love.