is this nute burn? or a deficiency? or something else? :)

Hi All,

I'm curious if anyone can look at these photos and tell me what they think - is this nute burn, or some sort of deficiency?

I'm using distilled water (will be switching to RO water this week) but with Cal-Mag added, and Canna Terra Vega nutrients, currently feeding at 1/2 strength. I'm seeing this type of thing on a few leaves here and there and wonder what might be causing it...



Well-Known Member
i would say it is likely more an environmental issue than nutrient related. the new growth looks healthy so my reckoning is if you had a nute problem the new stuff would be looking worse. have the temps been ok?

soil is a funny thing though, sometimes it can be hard to know what the plant is getting as it contains some elements that are depleted fast and others that hang around and build up.
The temps have been pretty steady in the grow room at 72F although it did get as high as 75F in there, humidity around 60-65%. I am using Pro Mix soilless (peat/perlite/vermiculite mix) if that makes any difference. This is my first grow so I am terribly paranoid... :)

Could it be wind burn? For awhile at first I had an oscillating fan blowing on the plants directly, and pretty close to them.


Well-Known Member
sounds very possible, like i said it does look environmental over internal but i am only guessing really.
i grow in coco which is a soilless mix like promix, if you mess up the ph or don't feed strong enough things like this can happen, usually nute burn is when the new growth coming through gets fried, quite easy to spot normally.
I'm fairly certain the grow area is pest-free and I haven't seen any on or near the plants at all. I'll keep a close eye on it for sure, that was actually my first thought, but the area I'm growing in is fairly isolated and clean, and I've never seen a bug in there even before I started using it for growing. We have a lot of spiders in my house/yard and I almost never see any other kind of insect, I like to tell myself the spiders are keeping them under control for me :D
now that I think of it - for a week or so I had a space heater in the grow room to keep the temps up a little bit - it was just an oil-filled radiator, no blower - but I wonder now if the air from that was being forced through the fan (they were right next to each other) creating a "hot wind"..


Well-Known Member
Not a pest.
Yeah agreed. Crazy how some people just spew out advice on the boards without having the slightest clue what they're talking about.Blind leading the blind around here dude..
The original pics are classic mild nute burn. Looks nothing like pest damage. New growth is healthy. Wouldn't even worry about it.


Well-Known Member
First pics are absolutely 100% nute burn. The curled leaves are due to over watering and possibly because your ppm is still higher than optimal (even though its not burning new growth)

Disregard all other suggestions.
Make sure the top 3" of soil feels dry before you water


Well-Known Member
Just wish i could help OP:wall:
Agree, it's like a bit of everything rolled up into one major pain in the ass..... burnt tips from over-nutes, spots like a bug infestation, cal-mag def, high nitrogen......damn if I know