Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Not much happening on the rooftop at the moment. Paprikas still finishing off. Seem to be happy. All the toms are basically finished. Had to take down the last of the Beef Steaks due to mold, also the BBs had some mold (they were the culprits for molding my Blue Pit up) of the lower branches started it all. So now it's time to clean up, start conditioning soil for next year....among other things. Have a good winter everyone:)
Peace, DST
Did yours get SM last year in the window, or was it dst. I will have to watch them because they had leave miners when i took them. Had o give them a spray.
aaah, got ya. bit slow over here on the get go, lol. Luckily no SM this year for me, that I can remember anyway:)
thanks dST, it was a wonderful summer on the roof top . I enjoyed watching the show...U grew some amazing fruits and plants this year. Lookin forward to the next round. Have a wonderful winter, . How did those avocado plants inside mrs. was working on turn out. ?