Super hot chili- Carolina Reaper-Ghost Chili-Trinidad Scorpion


Well-Known Member
hey, anyone else into superhot chili growing? I have grown regular mild plants before but not super hots. I have 10 Ghost, 10 Scorpion and 6 Carolina Reaper seeds in soil. How long do they take to sprout, I heard up to 3 weeks. The climate here where I am is Mediterranean with hot dry summers and mild wet winters. Any tips or pics of your superhots? thanks
hey, anyone else into superhot chili growing? I have grown regular mild plants before but not super hots. I have 10 Ghost, 10 Scorpion and 6 Carolina Reaper seeds in soil. How long do they take to sprout, I heard up to 3 weeks. The climate here where I am is Mediterranean with hot dry summers and mild wet winters. Any tips or pics of your superhots? thanks

I am...I have numerous hot peppers growing right now but they have not started to flower yet. I did not have much luck with my seeds so I don't have the variety I had wanted. Got my seeds from PepperJoe's and I started the following:


None of the Ghost or Carolina's made it which sucks but I have the others running.
I will update when and if they germinate :) There is a place that sells actual seedlings here but they sell out really fast, if I don't get them sprouting I might buy some seedlings but that seems like cheating a bit I hope they germ
I had decent success with the seeds germinating except for the Ghosts...only 1 of the 10 ghost seeds germinated. My biggest problem was that they all were just sickly looking from the onset. I ended just taking the best plant from each breed and that's all I have left.
how long did they take? what medium? :)
Germinated in 1 inch rockwool cubes and transplanted into Promix with a little extra perlite added...not much.

Oh...forgot. I soaked the seeds in RO water for a while...forgot how long but I followed the directions. Soaked for a few days before moving into rockwool.

Quickest ones were 8 days I think and the longest were almost 20 days to germinate.
I've been treating the peppers as if they are weed and so far I have to say, I'm not doing very well with them. Honestly I just havent put in the effort to the peppers as I have the weed when it comes to research.
I have a few carolina reapers flowering at the moment, started flowering a few weeks ago, planted them in some generic potting soil around march. Took a while for them to get going since they were still small when winter started but they've started to shoot up now. I pretty much just left them in my backyard and they've grown fine by themselves, barely ever water them, haven't fed them anything and they're fine, pretty resilient plants.
What feeding are you doing? How about PH?
just start them in seed starter or jiffy plugs and let them get a bit rootbound then clip the bottom 1/2" of the root plug off and plant it in some miracle grow soil and water them ........ after a few months top dress with lime and give a epsom salt feed and top dress a bit of 8-8-8 and thats it ....... you are over thinking it :p
Superhots take along time to pod up and ripen. Also, the drier and hotter the environment, the hotter the peppers usually.

Have tried ghosts that were hotter than Scorpions and Reapers. Depends on how they were grown.

That white ghost pepper is killer looking.
Superhots take along time to pod up and ripen. Also, the drier and hotter the environment, the hotter the peppers usually.

Have tried ghosts that were hotter than Scorpions and Reapers. Depends on how they were grown.

That white ghost pepper is killer looking.
it gets up to 46c/114f here and dry where I live (in Australia)I agree , the white ghosts do look awesome. Still nothing germed yet
hey, anyone else into superhot chili growing? I have grown regular mild plants before but not super hots. I have 10 Ghost, 10 Scorpion and 6 Carolina Reaper seeds in soil. How long do they take to sprout, I heard up to 3 weeks. The climate here where I am is Mediterranean with hot dry summers and mild wet winters. Any tips or pics of your superhots? thanks
im right into superhots...reapers,orange habeneros,7 pots etc..might throw some pics up later....jiffy pellets were hard for me to get them growing in the end I soaked in a paper towel method and planted into small pots of seed starter medium....patience is the key I started earl but man some can take 4-5 weeks before they sprout up