Quantum Kush 38% THC?

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
K I was confusing your thinking to be along the line of it aint broke dont fix it. so hope is lost at this point in time? Would that feeling change if obama got impeached or sone other tweak to the current system. Just trying to feel out if you think there is anything to be done or if we should just stick pur heads in the sand and wait for the political shit storm to settle?
It's been my theme throughout these conversations, amigo, that we've reached a point where seeking blame and/or wishing for utopia that will never comes, is pointless. I'd love to be among the susie sunshines thinking all will be well, because....gosh darn it...it just has to be !

My opinion, is that the glory days of the country as the symbol for all that is good in the world is long, long gone...never to return. The bad guys might not outnumber the good guys yet, but they don't have to, because they have enablers and apologists that ensure them the freedom to live unhindered among us. The gov't is transparantly corrupt, and even if it wasn't, does Obama really inspire you - or the people lined up - on the left OR the right - to follow him?

If your answer is no, then.....what's your plan to get you [perhaps your family] safely thru the future? Dreaming of changes that will never be? That's not much of a defense, amigo.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of trans fat, thought our nanny state was fixing to ban trans fat? Honestly feel the same way about trans fat that I do cigs, or most things really. Take the money you would have spent controlling the thing in question and simply educate people to its harm. C. Everett Koop for example knew with the amount of tobacco money flooding washington it would never be made illegal but they couldn't stop him from starting a info campaign to educate people about the dangers of smoking.
Let's not forget that orange asshole passing out checks on the floor of the House for big tobacco.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do. Look at that addy again...or EVEN BETTER....lol...click the link. It's TIME magazine, genius.....:eyesmoke:
Time magazine is a shit source too, genius.

Eta, I prefer my news to be above a 4th grade reading level, not dumbed down to the point of being useless

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
I don't have a positive outlook for the future of this country..... for very different reasons than you I suspect.
One grows weed for meds, one to get stoned, a third to get stoned and medicated. All three grow weed.

We have different reasons...I know this to be true, amigo......but yet we agree on the bleak future. There's something to be gleaned there, I would guess.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Time magazine is a shit source too, genius.

Eta, I prefer my news to be above a 4th grade reading level, not dumbed down to the point of being useless
LOL - go figure. Self-hating black guys, dumb jocks, black activists, 4 'random' polls......none of which are 'right wing'.....and you dismiss them all.


I must admit, that's an impenetrable defense...LOL.


Well-Known Member
LOL - go figure. Self-hating black guys, dumb jocks, black activists, 4 'random' polls......none of which are 'right wing'.....and you dismiss them all.


I must admit, that's an impenetrable defense...LOL.
I dismissed the polls because of framing, and that economic indicators and behaviors are far more accurate.

We've gone over your black spokes person.

Try not to conflate issues


Well-Known Member
Well I am one of those optimists who thinks it is darkest before the dawn, thats why I think of my utopian gov't is because I do not think we are far away from having to decide on a future gov't.
Even some of the 1% acknowledge that things can not continue as they are with the wealth gap growing because the poor will rise up n them since being 1% they are obviously outnumbered lol.
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Well-Known Member
Well I am one of those optimists who thinks it is darkest before the dawn, thats why I think of my utopian gov't is because I do not think we are far away from having to decide on a future gov't.
Even some of the 1% acknowledge that things can not continue as they are with the wealth gap growing because the poor will rise up n them since being 1% they are obviously outnumbered lol.
If you haven't read Thomas Picketty's new book Capital, you may want to consider doing so. I am about three quarters through and he does an amazing job with historical data and analyzing the levels of income and wealth inequality as well as its effects on markets.

About to start his section on solutions, I already have an idea of what his proposals are, not sure if I completely agree with him, but his research is top fucking notch. A bit dense of a read, but hours fly by when you only anticipated reading a chapter. It's very well cited too, something I really enjoy an author carrying out.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
I dismissed the polls because of framing.......
Oh. please !

You didn't even know that 'swampland' was TIME magazine; but you know how 4 different organizations - none of which are known to be 'conservative' - somehow 'framed' questions to reflect a negative opinion of a liberal administration. Why not share that specific inside info?


Why would known lefty rags Time and Huffington Post sabotage an opinion poll that makes Barry 'bama look.....unpopular?

[ Is that darn tea party infiltrating them, like they took over McCain's brain? :bigjoint: ]


Well-Known Member
Oh. please !

You didn't even know that 'swampland' was TIME magazine; but you know how 4 different organizations - none of which are known to be 'conservative' - somehow 'framed' questions to reflect a negative opinion of a liberal administration. Why not share that specific inside info?


Why would known lefty rags Time and Huffington Post sabotage an opinion poll that makes Barry 'bama look.....unpopular?

[ Is that darn tea party infiltrating them, like they took over McCain's brain? :bigjoint: ]
You are missing the point. I said these polls mean nothing to me. These questions, regardless of reporting source, are not accurate. They suffer from questioning bias when framed and generally are junk. It's not an issue of "liberal/conservative", it's the fact they don't accurately take into account actual behaviors.

As I stated, if doom and gloom is really on people's minds, economic activity will reflect it. Hence why I don't give two fucks what swamp land, time or Huffington post has to say. If you don't understand this concept, fine I can explain it. But these polls are useless

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
You are missing the point. I said these polls mean nothing to me.
I haven't missed that at all. In fact, I comment often on it, especially recently.

In fact, no source that strays from your views gets anything but automatic dismissal.

6 different blacks speaking about blacks, yet you know better. [ got soul, bro? ]
Liberal opinion polls surveying random Americans about their opinions, but the results don't refect your opinion, so they're all flawed, and of no consequence.

Because 'economic indicators' show people are still going to work and buying groceries?? You're expecting a mass panic by the population who struggles to hold onto their 'norm' at all costs?? [ be patient...lol]

ETA - 'doom and gloom' is somewhat on my mind, you could say, yet my spending habits are unchanged. Are you saying I'm not good at being a doom and gloomer because I'm still a somewhat extravagant spender? bongsmilie
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Well-Known Member
Amos, I'm telling you that self reporting is a terrible way to gauge actual feelings. There are many different ways to look at actual opinions and behaviors to gauge that as a metric. Like I said, fuck all questionnaires. I want to see what people actually do v. What they say.

And again conflating multiple topics. I've already gone over the whole black issue.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
So, if you were to see 6 different YouTube videos of Muslims saying that they have no interest in beheading Americans your mind will be changed?

[ Remember, E T [ the Doctor ] was posted mostly for humor - that he's often right was an enexpected bonus :eyesmoke:. Barkley was in response to 'self-hating black man', and the 3 activists in response to the 'stupid Barkley' comment. ]

To answer your unrelated question: no.

But I wouldn't dismiss them and their opinions as not being genuine. Or a product of self-loathing, ignorance, and all the other labels that in effect say 'they don't know what they're talking about because I say they don't'.

I disagree w/ you at times, and others even more at times, but I rebutt statements rather than first try to hang a label on the poster. Or label cats in videos w/ valid povs. See the difference?
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Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
There are many different ways to look at actual opinions and behaviors to gauge that as a metric. Like I said, fuck all questionnaires. I want to see what people actually do v. What they say.
Straight up - you're saying that the respondents in 4 unassociated polls have no idea what they're saying when they say 'yes' or 'no' to a direct question: 'Do you think the country is heading in the right diretion?'

That's what you're saying? If they say no, they should be abandoning normalcy to prove it? Dude ! :roll:

stOw said he doesn't have a positive attitude, or good feeling [?] about the future of the country - are you saying he's supposed to abandon his job and quit spending money because of his pessimistic view??

Maybe he could, but I'd wager the avg citizen can't do that, and will still go to work, and buy products, until they can't.

I'm honestly trying to follow your points, but....dude ! :roll: