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My boy b sanders! Would love to see his name on the presidential ticket. Like elizabeth warren more than hillary but idk if she is actually gonna run though.

I agree, I vote republican if it makes sense but most other times its democrat. lesser oftwo evils kinda thing. Bernie sanders is about the only politician I have been able to listen to for more than 5 mins. and agree on about everything he said
My boy b sanders! Would love to see his name on the presidential ticket. Like elizabeth warren more than hillary but idk if she is actually gonna run though.

I agree, I vote republican if it makes sense but most other times its democrat. lesser oftwo evils kinda thing. Bernie sanders is about the only politician I have been able to listen to for more than 5 mins. and agree on about everything he said

He is an actual liberal as is Warren. Hillary is simply a moderate, just like Obama. I'm really tired of moderates to be honest, we need another FDR.

If the Democrat isn't worth voting for, I abstain from casting a ballot. I won't do anything to promote a Republican at this point because while today its only a lower position, but politicians work upwards and I'm not going to aid in that process when they will simply be against my interests later on.

It's sad, I miss John McCain of 2000, there was a decent Republican. Now he went off the rails into crazy land.
He is an actual liberal as is Warren. Hillary is simply a moderate, just like Obama. I'm really tired of moderates to be honest, we need another FDR.

If the Democrat isn't worth voting for, I abstain from casting a ballot. I won't do anything to promote a Republican at this point because while today its only a lower position, but politicians work upwards and I'm not going to aid in that process when they will simply be against my interests later on.

It's sad, I miss John McCain of 2000, there was a decent Republican. Now he went off the rails into crazy land.
Dat Palin, thank god for her.

I don't think McCain's changed I think he's done hiding it, he can't run again he's too old now.
Dat Palin, thank god for her.

I don't think McCain's changed I think he's done hiding it, he can't run again he's too old now.

My friend and I still go back and forth on her as a Veep. I stand by my assertion that the McCain people did not do their due diligence. She was a moron, and had no business on any political office ticket. He stands by there wasn't a better choice... an empty jar would have been a better choice. That woman is a fucking moron.

McCain use to be a very reasonable politician, he wasn't a huge war hawk and worked with the other side of the aisle. As soon as the teabagers hit the scene he just veered off the road down to crazy town. Disappointed as I really think he would have made a good president over Bush.
You guys watch alpha house? Just curious cus what you are talking about now they touched in that show. John goodmans characters line was about how sometimes you have to apologize and someone said mccain never apologized for palin as his running mate. John goodman just goes ya but thats cus no one would have forgiven him. I bout died lauging

Its sad that if you dont have a party behind you you essentially stand no chance.
You guys watch alpha house? Just curious cus what you are talking about now they touched in that show. John goodmans characters line was about how sometimes you have to apologize and someone said mccain never apologized for palin as his running mate. John goodman just goes ya but thats cus no one would have forgiven him. I bout died lauging

Its sad that if you dont have a party behind you you essentially stand no chance.

Ah I love Alpha House! You know the second season started right? Good shit right there. I love Goodmans character, but the cast and cameos are great.

I think those Las Vegas brothers are a mocking of Sheldon Addelson... fuck that guy. He donated 5 million against medical cannabis in Flordia. That's what Republicans will do, ya don't see democratic donors pulling that shit.

I presume you also have watched House of Cards?
Well your game is to prop up a black man as if he is some spokesperson for black people.

Look, TY, I'm not that invested in the conversation to spend time creating strategies and whatnot - I'm just talking. I'm enjoying it. I honestly see this as like some friends gathered 'round at an Applebees [or equivalent] in spirited discussion, not a 'game' where there's an eventual winner and losers.

As to 'propping up a black man'...c'mon!. I went to YouTube and typed in 'blacks criticizing blacks', and these were the first to appear. I'd never heard of E T [ the Doctor ! ] or those last 3 cats. Barkley, sure. But other than their opinions, and skin color, those cats couldn't be more diverse. Oh, wait...they do all share one other thing in common - 'you people' just dismiss them as irrelevant because they don't share your povs.

As Paul Simon sang, "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest...da da da...".
I can at least agree with you on Sharpton. That opportunist drives me crazy, and I still can't figure out why anyone gave him a TV show.

Liberal 'propaganda' ? :p

They are making to much about one political party and drawing lines so to me yes it looks like they keep saying democrats throughout the video seemingly trying to make it about dems.

Yes, they could have. They didn't make it 90% aimed at Dems for any other reason than that is their shared opinion. Hence, the point.

But can you say you are happy with the current state of things under our broken 2 party system? What would your dream gov't look like amos? No gov't?

Of course I'm not happy with the current state of things.....lol. I think that is the constant theme throughout all my posts, is it not? :eyesmoke:

I don't spend time daydreaming about realities that are impossible to attain. I see what is, and draw my own conclusions on what likely lies ahead. If it looks like the worse, that's what I plan for. If it doesn't happen, so what? We'll toke up, have some laughs at my expense, and move on. On the other hand.........ya know?
Amos seems to have an issue with anything grey.

but really the only candidates that represent my views are Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Barney Frank.

Oh, man....:spew:


Per grey.....you again, probably, are thinking that I care about blame. Remember? I don't. I care about what is, and what is to be. Period.
It's sad, I miss John McCain of 2000, there was a decent Republican. Now he went off the rails into crazy land.

I don't agree about 'crazy land [surprisingly], but in your opinion, what is the cause - senility? ....or, something else?

ETA - nevermind...I see later you say it was the 'tea baggers'. And I guessed senility ! :shock: :P
Please not Applebee's! Let's say it's a pub :) as I enjoy it as well.

There are criticisms that I think hold weight, but it's not my community and I am aware of systemic problems with opportunities, education and career oriented, in the black community. I'm also aware of how little household wealth they have. I'm just not interested in listening to someone who is obviously disconnected from those circumstances sounding like a clan member being an Uncle Tom/Ruckus.

I really have no idea why they gave him a TV show. I recall asking my friend what the fuck is this shit, and is MSNBC this desperate? I gave up Cable/TV almost 3 years ago, and I don't miss it. Really for profit news is in it for one thing, to sell ad space, not reporting news. Fox is still the worst offender, it is Murdock's/Ailes wet dream dating back to the 70's when he wanted to make a TV station for republican propaganda. He certainly achieved that.

I don't day dream either, I work towards the future I want to see.
I don't agree about 'crazy land [surprisingly], but in your opinion, what is the cause - senility? ....or, something else?

I don't think he is senile. I think he needed to move to the right in fear of being a RINO. I've always respected a lot of the positions he's taken, even when I disagree with him.
I actually don't watch house of cards, but it is a show I have been meaningto watch. I know the second season is up, stayed up a little to late lsst night to finish it. Now Iam regretting that though because I am draggin ass at work.
Amos I asked this because I was genuinely curious, hope you get a chance to respond
But can you say you are happy with the current state of things under our broken 2 party system? What would your dream gov't look like amos? No gov't?
I actually don't watch house of cards, but it is a show I have been meaningto watch. I know the second season is up, stayed up a little to late lsst night to finish it. Now Iam regretting that though because I am draggin ass at work.
Amos I asked this because I was genuinely curious, hope you get a chance to respond

I caught it on Friday/Saturday. Took a nap at like 8 pm Friday night, turned into sleeping until 3 am. Started watching it while cleaning the garden.
He donated 5 million against medical cannabis in Flordia. That's what Republicans will do, ya don't see democratic donors pulling that shit.

When do they have time to squash cannabis causes? If they can do that while still throwing granny over the cliff and keeping the black man down, then they are a party of achievers, doncha think? :eyesmoke:
You deal in reality, yet you constantly focus on the *imminent* threat from Muslims, while ignoring the much more real threat of guns, a shitty diet, a herd of buffalo, etc.

You deal in YOUR reality, which IMO is slightly detatched from actual reality.

Don't forget ebola, surely we can find a way to blame, I mean express concern to Obama somehow
When do they have time to squash cannabis causes? If they can do that while still throwing granny over the cliff and keeping the black man down, then they are a party of achievers, doncha think? :eyesmoke:

Feel free to read, but they are usually busy taking grandma'a social security checks as she pulls the level like a trained monkey.

You honestly wanna stand up for the scum bags? They have no redeeming qualities

See but thats the thing about ideals, they are strived fpr but rarely eber attained. Doesn't mean you shouldn't shoot for the moon just dont be surprised when you aren't seeing the crater fom your hit. Basically just saying be the change you want to see, call me a dreamer but dreamer/political idealist make shit happen.
You deal in reality, yet you constantly focus on the *imminent* threat from Muslims, while ignoring the much more real threat of guns, a shitty diet, a herd of buffalo, etc.

You deal in YOUR reality, which IMO is slightly detatched from actual reality.

That's because it's detached from yours, is my guest.

If you perceive that I have disregard for any and all threats, you could not be more wrong. Whether it's jihadists, economic collapse, plague, anarchy, or even herds of buffalo, it's my belief that the U S is racing towards collapse.

Check current public opinion polls - the majority of citizens feel that way. 'Going to hell in a handbasket' was how tha ABC poll asked the question. Now, I never have a need to be in a majority regarding my opinions, as my continued participation here demonstrates. But that poll is noted in response to your attempt to marginalize my pov. ;)