• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

plants got mowed over :(

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
You do realize this is the outdoor section?Not everyone can grow inside and if that wasn't an option for you would you grow outdoors on your property?

On the property I currently own... in the location I live? HELL NO! I would not grow until I moved to a location I could.


Well-Known Member
I completely disagree with that statement. Growing in your own home where you are causing no one else harm is one thing.

Growing on someone else's property where you put them at risk for your crime is downright deplorable.

I guess I just don't have that criminal mindset to understand the "guerilla game". Happily I'm just a woman with a couple of plants in a small room.... in a house I own.
You dont have the criminal mindset?So because we grow guerilla we are criminals,but because yours are in your house your not?


Well-Known Member
I completely disagree with that statement. Growing in your own home where you are causing no one else harm is one thing.

Growing on someone else's property where you put them at risk for your crime is downright deplorable.

I guess I just don't have that criminal mindset to understand the "guerilla game". Happily I'm just a woman with a couple of plants in a small room.... in a house I own.
WELL if you get caught and they take your house away and put you in jail.. then will you wish that you had just planted them on the corner of farmer johns field?
farmer john can easily get out of it.. if its in your house you may be screwed... get the point?


Well-Known Member
I dont want to come off like a dick but it is frustrating when some people act like theyre method of growing is better than others :hump:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
You dont have the criminal mindset?So because we grow guerilla we are criminals,but because yours are in your house your not?

No.... personally I think the MJ laws are bullshit. However... until they are revoked... it is a "crime" in the eyes of the law.

In my mind I don't see anything wrong with growing... hell grow to your hearts content.... on your own property. I just don't have the mindset that says "fuck it... I'm entitled to do as I please and put someone else at risk for my activity on someone else's property because I'm a guerilla grower and therefore it's ok!"

We obviously don't and never will see eye to eye on this. I'm perfectly ok with that.... I don't grow outside... and I don't grow anywhere I don't own. I'm not putting anyone but myself at risk for what I do. I like it like that.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
WELL if you get caught and they take your house away and put you in jail.. then will you wish that you had just planted them on the corner of farmer johns field?
farmer john can easily get out of it.. if its in your house you may be screwed... get the point?
Well... I don't see it that way. I'd rather not grow at all then put someone at jeopardy for my activity. I have no right to drag farmer john into the picture in the first place.... regardless if he can get out of it or not.

I dont want to come off like a dick but it is frustrating when some people act like theyre method of growing is better than others :hump:

You've been pretty cool in the other threads I've seen you post on. Honestly I'm surprised to see you advocating growing on someone else's private property without permission with no regard for them at all.

My "method" is not better..... however my choice of growing where I only put myself at risk is MUCH better!


Well-Known Member
Does no one else here get the concept of My Liberty Ends Where Your Liberty Begins?

THAT'S the point Florida is making. When you grow on public lands you can only harm a collective group. That means that no one person is taking your hit. If you grow on a private individual's land (and I'd better not catch any fucking gits on my land, either, and up here you WILL be shot at, and dont' expect Mr. Sheriff's-Deputy-Man to come and save your sorry ignorant ass, either) you're infringing on an individual. Up here in Gold Country those who've been here since '48-'49 (as in 18, not 19) know and understand the concept of others who WILL take advantage and being able to stand your own ground. They do it to this day.
Was this "hay field" public property or PRIVATE prorperty? Sorry to point this out.... but if it was private property then you got what you deserved.

I know it sucks to lose plants..... but you had no right to grow on someone else's private property.

Anyhow....call it a lesson learned and find a better spot next time :)
Yes, I happen to agree, but do you know how many write-ups, just on this site alone, and posts there are about guerilla growing using SOMEONE ELSE'S property? Honestly, to me it's ridiculous, all in the effort to be able to say, "Nuh uh, wasn't me!" Fuck that, I grow on my deck or my property, not someone else's.
I dont know if he got what he deserved?thats just the risk of guerilla growing.:hump:
It's a risk, but what about the other guy? The one whose hayfield was planted with pot. Doesn't he spend money on nutrients and fertilizer (and tractors) and all that, not to mention the taxes, so that he can get a bomb hay grow, rather like the way we spend money on nutrients and fertilizers and good soil so we can get a bomb weed grow?
no need for that florida girl you are preachin but growing is illegal anyway so what difference does it make where she grows?
Also, it's illegal so...? So what? Help make it legal so no one has to perform or be subjected to a guerilla grow. By that statement you're trying to mitigate the infringement point, and absolutely not helping the cause at all. Because then Mr. & Mrs. Normal Joe will look and say, "Those dirty potsmokers, they don't have any respect for anyone." And they'll be right.
Florida girl you have a point, but its just contradicting.
Growing is illegal period. Unless you have a med card etc..

So why put limits on where or how? public land or private?
If you are gonna break the law, then that is the risk you are taking,, there are no rules.
THIS right here is what's going to KEEP us from getting it even decriminalized. Do you not see the failure in your logic here?
You dont have the criminal mindset?So because we grow guerilla we are criminals,but because yours are in your house your not?
No. Because she does not extrapolate the same way you and others do. She doesn't say to herself, "Well, I'm doing this much that's illegal, I may as well shoot my whole wad and do EVERYTHING that's illegal!" That would be moronic, which is what a lot of people who can't grasp the concept of not infringing upon others must be, because I can't explain it any other way. :?

Also, she didn't get nasty with you, Chewwy, until you got nasty with her. If she's on the rag, what's your excuse? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well seamaiden maybe you should read the posts again,I was told to shut the fuck up, for expressing my opinion and the ''on the rag''comment I didnt know that was being nasty,in bad taste maybe :mrgreen: like I said its frustrating when people start saying you deserved it I dont think anybody growing guerilla deserves it when theyre plants are mowed down,confiscated or stolen its just part of the risk.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm the failure in my logic? Ok so let me understand, if i grow weed in my house, rather then a guerrila grow, then its not as bad? Ok? If we get all the guerilla growers to stop, and try to convice them to grow in there houses? this will help decriminalize marijuana in the long run? How?



Well-Known Member
Well seamaiden maybe you should read the posts again,I was told to shut the fuck up, for expressing my opinion and the ''on the rag''comment I didnt know that was being nasty,in bad taste maybe :mrgreen: like I said its frustrating when people start saying you deserved it I dont think anybody growing guerilla deserves it when theyre plants are mowed down,confiscated or stolen its just part of the risk.
Indeed, I must have missed that, because the way it read to me was that you told her to shut the fuck up first. My bad (and yeah, when you start using womanation as the reason to crack on a woman, yes, it's nasty-tempered).
Hmmm the failure in my logic? Ok so let me understand, if i grow weed in my house, rather then a guerrila grow, then its not as bad? Ok? If we get all the guerilla growers to stop, and try to convice them to grow in there houses? this will help decriminalize marijuana in the long run? How?

That's exactly right. Because by growing in your own home, you're not taking advantage of anyone else. It's not such a difficult concept to grasp, is it? :)

If we can't get pot growers and smokers to stop using the excuse, "Well, it's illegal" in order to infringe on others, it will never be decriminalized. That's right up there with saying that because you commit one crime (smoking/growing pot), you may as well commit other crimes. So, going along with that, where do you draw the line? Apparently you don't draw the line at infringing upon others, or taking advantage of them in regards to using their land to grow weed. So, if you can't draw the line at infringing upon others to the point of taking food out of their mouths, and that's a mighty broad line, would you draw the line at straight up robbing them of their goods? Going from one point to the other isn't such a small leap.


Well-Known Member
Florida Girl is right. Some of you need to show more respect for people on this forum. Just because her opinion differs from yours doesn't give you the right to make it personal and be so fucked up.

Grow on your own land or government land. Don't make your neighbor pay for your crime- that is about as fucked up as it gets.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden,, The thing that you are finding difficult to grasp is that guerilla growers are guerilla growers for a reason. They dont care about infringing etc.. Hence the name guerilla. There will always be guerilla growers as long as its illegal.

I am a medcard holder in CA and within my limits. I just dont get when people try and say if your gonna break the law you should do it like this or like that..it just doesnt make any sense.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden,, The thing that you are finding difficult to grasp is that guerilla growers are guerilla growers for a reason. They dont care about infringing etc.. Hence the name guerilla. There will always be guerilla growers as long as its illegal.

I am a medcard holder in CA and within my limits. I just dont get when people try and say if your gonna break the law you should do it like this or like that..it just doesnt make any sense.
The difference is, if YOU decide YOU want to do something illegal then fine- take your chances...roll the dice...but making someone ELSE roll the dice for YOU? that is immoral, it is wrong, it is fucked up, it is uncool...i could go on.

Some random family, with children perhaps, does NOT need you endangering them and their livelyhood so that you can grow YOUR weed while being too much of a pussy to do it on YOUR property.

Grow on your own property or the state/fed. government property.
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Well-Known Member
Seamaiden,, The thing that you are finding difficult to grasp is that guerilla growers are guerilla growers for a reason. They dont care about infringing etc.. Hence the name guerilla. There will always be guerilla growers as long as its illegal.

I am a medcard holder in CA and within my limits. I just dont get when people try and say if your gonna break the law you should do it like this or like that..it just doesnt make any sense.
I'm really sorry, I am completely failing to understand how one goes from, "Ok, I'm gonna take a risk and break the law" to "Ok, I'm gonna take a risk and break the law as well as do it on someone else's back." Because that is PRECISELY what guerilla grows on privately held land are. Honestly, tracking the news and all, I've come to the conclusion that guerilla growers and their tactics will be the death of the decriminalization/legalization movement.

If you're gonna break the law, do it on your own dime, not someone else's, or you become a common criminal and not just some "innocent" pot grower. Seriously, we, as a community, need to take this shit head on (rather how like some expect the Muslim community to take on their fanatics) and deal with it ourselves, within our community. If we let Joe Cop take care of it, he remains the Hero for those infringed upon.


Well-Known Member
Shamegame, I dont condone growing on somebody elses property, what im saying is, it is gonna happen wether you or i like it. My arguement is; guerilla growers, for the most part dont have a consious. Just like a burglar isnt going to say ' wait lets not rob this house, they might have hungry kids" lets rob the bank instead its federally insured"

anyway we can go on and on about this, its not gonna change a thing.


Well-Known Member
Shamegame, I dont condone growing on somebody elses property, what im saying is, it is gonna happen wether you or i like it. My arguement is; guerilla growers, for the most part dont have a consious. Just like a burglar isnt going to say ' wait lets not rob this house, they might have hungry kids" lets rob the bank instead its federally insured"

anyway we can go on and on about this, its not gonna change a thing.
Agreed. The only thing I can do is give them a hard time on RIU :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
You know what? I sort of view this thing kind of like private gun ownership and the role that played in the U of T massacre. Charles Whitman was stopped by private individuals who went and got their guns, and instead of waiting on law enforcement to nail Whitman's ass, they kept him pinned down, thus preventing him from killing more people AND helping law enforcement stop him. If I remember correctly, it was actually a civilian who killed the guy, with his own shotgun, blasted him right in the head.

We can, and really should, be policing ourselves. Because if we don't, someone else is gonna do it for us. Oh, wait, they already do! That doesn't mean that people such as myself, Florida, and shamegame can't have an influence on others who might be swinging one way or the other. One of the reasons that I do it is because I refuse to be painted with the same brush as someone who would take someone else's rights callously JUST BECAUSE we both grow and smoke pot. Unfortunately, to much of society, I am painted with that same God damned brush. I don't like it and I don't have to stand for it, either.


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate everyones views on this subject,but I get the feeling that by your comments about policing ourselves that you think that guerilla growers are the criminals of the cannabis community.


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate everyones views on this subject,but I get the feeling that by your comments about policing ourselves that you think that guerilla growers are the criminals of the cannabis community.
You've got that exactly right. If you're growing on a private individual's property, ESPECIALLY if that person is a farmer or someone else who makes their own living directly off the land, you're doing that person harm, doing them wrong by taking food out of their mouths.

If you're growing on land held in trust (national parks, forestlands, etcetera), then you're not harming any one individual, and as long as you're not destroying the land that was meant to be protected by being made into a park in the first place, have at it, I don't care.


Active Member
No.... personally I think the MJ laws are bullshit. However... until they are revoked... it is a "crime" in the eyes of the law.

In my mind I don't see anything wrong with growing... hell grow to your hearts content.... on your own property. I just don't have the mindset that says "fuck it... I'm entitled to do as I please and put someone else at risk for my activity on someone else's property because I'm a guerilla grower and therefore it's ok!"

We obviously don't and never will see eye to eye on this. I'm perfectly ok with that.... I don't grow outside... and I don't grow anywhere I don't own. I'm not putting anyone but myself at risk for what I do. I like it like that.

I hate to burst your fantasy bubble but there are murders killing people everyday, people dieing from starvation, children being molested by adults and other terrible shit. It has been going on like that since humans have evolved on this planet. So to say that growing on private property is deplorable give me a break. We live in a world that is not fair and we live in a world where people just don't care about other people its that simple. It is very sad but it will not change. None of us should be here to change opinions but we should try to remember to LIVE IN REALITY and not IN WHAT WE THINK THE WORLD SHOULD BE LIKE. :blsmoke: