Can cannabis cause hallucinations?


On Friday night, 3 of my friends and I were smoking indica. We ended up smoking a ton and got realllly fucked up. So my friend David was standing in the grass about 10 feet away from the lake. All of a sudden he said, "Guys I'm drowning! Help me out!" He was still standing in the grass with his fishing rod in his hand. He was reeling the rod for some reason. We looked at him and laughed so hard. After this happened we went inside and watched a movie. During the movie, He asked us over 10 times why we were lying when we said he wasn't in the water... He said that he clearly looked up in the water and saw us staring at him as he was drowning.
Do you have a lake at your house bro? just the way you said 'then we went inside' instead of 'then we went home' ?
Yea so I was at my friends house and there is a lake in the back. And about half a mile away there's a sick spot in the woods which takes you to a tunnel underneath a highway. We smoke there, it's pretty chill. We're about to try to grow somewhere in those woods.
First couple times I got real stoned off gravity bongs, I had CEV's and actually some slight OEV's.
Also sound was distorted, walking down my stairs sound liked I was walking across a piano.
It would get lower pitch the further I walked down stairs lol
First couple times I got real stoned off gravity bongs, I had CEV's and actually some slight OEV's.
Also sound was distorted, walking down my stairs sound liked I was walking across a piano.
It would get lower pitch the further I walked down stairs lol
That's crazy man, sometimes when I'm high background sounds are louder but they never distort. I remember having CEV's the last time I smoked. I closed my eyes and I remembered seeing random patterns and objects. It was weird because I knew I've seen those objects before but I couldn't recall where I saw them. The CEV's really seems similar to lucid dreaming because when I start to fall asleep I start seeing patterns and strange colors.
If you can stay awake passed the geometric patterns and colors and fight the vibrations and heart racing you'll end up out of body, or astral projecting.