Ha Ha!


Well-Known Member
First, the Wild end Patrick Roy's career as a player, in a playoff game 7. Then the Wild end Roy's first year as a head coach, in a playoff game 7. The Wild then started Roy's second year as coach, by beating his team in their first two games by a combined total of 8-0.

Lick my wiener Patrick, ya whiny bitch!
Girls in the Pen play Shower hockey....I'm sure this is common and what I personally imagine in every girls community shower..

Have I told you?

It's where two Gal pals lay on the slippery shower floor with their legs spread open, and their beavers faced down, and try to slide a bar of soap across the ground into each other's twat...
Sporty right?

Insert pic of Sporty Spice showing off her biceps below...
Girls in the Pen play Shower hockey....I'm sure this is common and what I personally imagine in every girls community shower..

Have I told you?

It's where two Gal pals lay on the slippery shower floor with their legs spread open, and their beavers faced down, and try to slide a bar of soap across the ground into each other's twat...
Sporty right?

Insert pic of Sporty Spice showing off her biceps below...

Actually what comes to mind is how you know of these things? LOL Women's prison much?
I know because I would be in county waiting for trial, or finishing some light time, and Sometimes on that old blacked out windowed County bus, you would cross some gals paths and shoot your booking number to them for writer companionship, or sometimes in county Classes you might sneak a few words and looks... Very unsavory apparal, would have to leave much to the imagination, for the attire was rather loose and baggy, but those prison shoes, oh those slip on shoes seem to fit so nice, I might be able to jerk one into my sock or a sandwich baggy under my thin and worn out blanket after lights out...the surranos would say a prayer, the woods, and Imagination Imagination, sometimes I turn you into reality...