Next spring I'm thinking of building a permanent greenhouse.
For this season I just need the plastic to last 3 weeks, tops.
I inspected the damage to the wooden crossmembers and they broke because of a knot in the 2x4 that I ignored when I ripped it in two.
Both halves of the 2x4 broke at the knot in the wood due to wind pressure.
Re-doing the same support, but with whole 2x4's and a 3rd 2x4 to act as a jack stud where the roof supports will be crossing.
And anywhere there will be direct contact with anything, I'll be adding strips of Gorilla tape to re-enforce to prevent rips & stretching.
But I'm definitely going to be designing a real structure to build for a greenhouse this coming Spring.
Will con-fab with the boss to see what size I'll be allowed, but she's already said I need a greenhouse next year, so it's just a matter of making plans & picking a spot to build it.