2 White widows, week 3,5 in flowering. Leaves doesn't look too good


Hello friends,

Does anyone know, what this problem might be? Is it nute defeciensi? if it is, do i have to flush it with ph'ed water? they are in week 3,5 of flowering. White widows, 250w HPS. using canna tera flores and canna tera vega + hesi ph correctors. I'm of course only using Canna tera flores atm.
any help will be greatly appreciated! thanks! sorry for the bad photo quality.

- Zantel


Well-Known Member
Its probably normal yellowing. Your in flower, it happens to some plants more than others. Check leaf charts and you may see something worth spending money on to throw at it, but unless its all over the place which it doesnt seem to be, then it may be normal.
Your buds look good for threeish weeks. You in coco? You useing calmag? Flushing regularly?


i guess it is some sort of deficiency. Do you also think, that that brown spots on the second pic, are normel during 3,5 week flowering? It is not all over the plant, but it seems to be getting worse. Lot of lower growth are dead, and it is starting to affect the middle fan leaves, as showed on the picture. i guess flushing them, wouldn't hurt them? if i do it, should i do it with plain tap water(ph=7,3) or should i use hesi PH down growth, and put it down to 6,2?
Thanks man! I am just using regular gardening soil, with 25% leca stone. i have never flushed these plants yet. i am not using calmag, and i feed every waterting(3rd day) with 1/3 nutrients solution. keeping temps at 28 celcius and humidity at around 45%


Well-Known Member
i guess it is some sort of deficiency. Do you also think, that that brown spots on the second pic, are normel during 3,5 week flowering? It is not all over the plant, but it seems to be getting worse. Lot of lower growth are dead, and it is starting to affect the middle fan leaves, as showed on the picture. i guess flushing them, wouldn't hurt them? if i do it, should i do it with plain tap water(ph=7,3) or should i use hesi PH down growth, and put it down to 6,2?
Thanks man! I am just using regular gardening soil, with 25% leca stone. i have never flushed these plants yet. i am not using calmag, and i feed every waterting(3rd day) with 1/3 nutrients solution. keeping temps at 28 celcius and humidity at around 45%
Take the ppm of the runoff once. See if your too high, like 2000. Then youll need to flush. Sorry, i figured you were in coco cause of the canna nutes.
Lower leaves die normally, then the fan leaves start to fall here and there. It happens. If more start showing then panic, for now it doesnt look drastic. Imo.