Quantum Kush 38% THC?

From the article:

"A few weeks ago, CSIS director Michel Coulombe told a House of Commons committee that they know of at least 80 violent radicals who have returned here after being involved in terrorism overseas."

If they knew of these individuals "involved in terrorism overseas", then why let them back in to the country? Are the laws neutered to the point that they can't do anything about it?

Probably because they lacked evidence of any punishable crime, and under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the mobility section allows Canadians to travel freely. I'd also suspect some religious freedom comes into play as well.

Yet I do think its a good question. One of the same ones I ask myself why our gun laws are so incompetent and impotent in America.
From the article:

"A few weeks ago, CSIS director Michel Coulombe told a House of Commons committee that they know of at least 80 violent radicals who have returned here after being involved in terrorism overseas."

If they knew of these individuals "involved in terrorism overseas", then why let them back in to the country? Are the laws neutered to the point that they can't do anything about it?

It appears so.

Last week, also in Canada, and referenced in the article I posted, a "watched" jihadist ran over two Canadian military folks in his car. Canaidan authorities say thay could not arrest the 'perp' prior, because he hadn't actually committed a crime, even though his facebook page was dedicated to militant jihad.

So then, these other 80 being watched apparantly have to commit an act, or have a provable plot ongoing to be plucked from their protected freedom.

You can't kill an ideology, particularly one where death due to action for their twisted religious beliefs results in glory.

And that, is a fact. Imagine the kind of being that could convince humans that savage treatment to others are actually acts of glory to God. But that is what's happened.

In the U S, and now in Canada, the enemy has arrived. Good luck picking them out from the 'good Muslims' in your country before they commit their holy acts.
It appears so.

Last week, also in Canada, and referenced in the article I posted, a "watched" jihadist ran over two Canadian military folks in his car. Canaidan authorities say thay could not arrest the 'perp' prior, because he hadn't actually committed a crime, even though his facebook page was dedicated to militant jihad.

So then, these other 80 being watched apparantly have to commit an act, or have a provable plot ongoing to be plucked from their protected freedom.

And that, is a fact. Imagine the kind of being that could convince humans that savage treatment to others are actually acts of glory to God. But that is what's happened.

In the U S, and now in Canada, the enemy has arrived. Good luck picking them out from the 'good Muslims' in your country before they commit their holy acts.

Well let's just kick them all out or better yet lock them up in internment camps. That's a fabulous idea!
Well let's just kick them all out or better yet lock them up in internment camps. That's a fabulous idea!

That's not what I was suggesting at all.

I was pointing out, that the very freedoms we provide to all, are also protecting those that are planning to kill you.
you can't kill an ideology you can kill ISIS. These guys aren't hiding in hills (yet lets get them there) they are militarized and they have folks attacking on their behalf.

As someone said in the Can-med thread if they can change the pot laws every fucking week they can move some shit around and arrest obvious terrorists in this country.

They did this because we went into Syria and Iraq, so send more. Send a fucking message. Double up, drop twice the bombs and make it clear that this is why we are dropping twice the bombs.
Well let's just kick them all out or better yet lock them up in internment camps. That's a fabulous idea!

What we really need is some concrete proof from the scientific community that the imaginary man in the sky does not exist. Cut the head right off the snake. Short of that there will always be religious radicals who will kill in the name of the their god. As you rightly pointed out, you can't bomb an ideology out of existance where they believe that their martyrdom leads them to a flock of virgins in the sky.
That's not what I was suggesting at all.

I was pointing out, that the very freedoms we provide to all, are also protecting those that are planning to kill you.

I was being facetious. Freedom is a double edge sword. I'd always rather error on the side of freedom than slide towards totalitarianism. We already have started down this path after 9/11, now we have to play security theater, taking off my shoes at airports as if a $12 hour wage slave is actually going to stop a terrorist.
As you rightly pointed out, you can't bomb an ideology out of existance where they believe that their martyrdom leads them to a flock of virgins in the sky.

That's some kind of salesman that got away pitching murder and mayhem = eternal glory, you have to admit.

That's why today's gunman raised his rifle in celebration after ending the life of a stranger. He thought he punched his ticket to glory. He was mistaken.


Ok I'm sorry if I'm off topic, but how bout' that Qauntum Kush.

Couldn't resist. Haha. Didn't think TGA Qauntum Kush could go this deep.

I was being facetious. Freedom is a double edge sword. I'd always rather error on the side of freedom than slide towards totalitarianism. We already have started down this path after 9/11, now we have to play security theater, taking off my shoes at airports as if a $12 hour wage slave is actually going to stop a terrorist.

Yeah...terrorism is rather inconvenient. More for some than others.
It's beyond "inconvenience". It's the fact we spend as much as we do on security theater. That 1 in 3 adults is in an FBI database. That other countries with much more internal threats and violence are capable of respecting rights of its citizens while not indiscriminately targeting everyone within and beyond its borders. But yea, let's just keep down the path we've started down. Freedom and all that.
Yeah...terrorism is rather inconvenient. More for some than others.

RIU member "Adam@AC" posted this in the Canadian patients thread a moment ago. He is spot on IMO....

"It never fails to amaze me how many cowards will shriek about terrorists, have no issue sending armies to kill people in other countries (as long as they don't have to go fight themselves) and then have no issue with the fact that terrorists (aka criminals) kill a tiny fraction of people while cigarettes, shitty food, and lack of exercise kills orders of magnitudes more. But if you try and tell people that they can't smoke indoors, or advertising garbage as food should be illegal, or otherwise promote health you've basically got a big government "nanny state" trying to intrude on their lives.

War on (insert noun here) should immediately raise everyone's bullshit detector. It'll inevitably result in a tremendous waste of resources, a loss of civil liberties, and a bloated, corrupt, and secretive bureaucracy."
RIU member "Adam@AC" posted this in the Canadian patients thread a moment ago. He is spot on IMO....

"It never fails to amaze me how many cowards will shriek about terrorists, have no issue sending armies to kill people in other countries (as long as they don't have to go fight themselves) and then have no issue with the fact that terrorists (aka criminals) kill a tiny fraction of people while cigarettes, shitty food, and lack of exercise kills orders of magnitudes more. But if you try and tell people that they can't smoke indoors, or advertising garbage as food should be illegal, or otherwise promote health you've basically got a big government "nanny state" trying to intrude on their lives.

War on (insert noun here) should immediately raise everyone's bullshit detector. It'll inevitably result in a tremendous waste of resources, a loss of civil liberties, and a bloated, corrupt, and secretive bureaucracy."

That's very well put.
War on (insert noun here) should immediately raise everyone's bullshit detector. It'll inevitably result in a tremendous waste of resources, a loss of civil liberties, and a bloated, corrupt, and secretive bureaucracy."

LOL !! Right.

Just ignore those that declare war on us, and they'll just go away. That's a strategy that should save a ton of countrymen !


Wishing things weren't so, is hardly a strategy. Ask Obama's fleeing cabinet.
LOL !! Right.

Just ignore those that declare war on us, and they'll just go away. That's a strategy that should save a ton of countrymen !


Wishing things weren't so, is hardly a strategy. Ask Obama's fleeing cabinet.

Mock it all you want, but he's spot on.

What exactly do you think people that get bombs dropped on their heads on a daily basis feel towards the people dropping the bombs? I'd venture to say that for every American a group like ISIS, or Al Queada kills, we kill 10,000 of them.

Why don't you enlist Amos? You seem convinced that this threat is imminent, and that the casue is a noble one. What's holding you back?
Mock it all you want, but he's spot on.

What exactly do you think people that get bombs dropped on their heads on a daily basis feel towards the people dropping the bombs? I'd venture to say that for every American a group like ISIS, or Al Queada kills, we kill 10,000 of them.

Why don't you enlist Amos? You seem convinced that this threat is imminent, and that the casue is a noble one. What's holding you back?
I did... and I believe the cause was rational I still remember watching the tower's fall in school and am quite pleased with sticking some of uncle sam's power up there asses....They bring it upon themselve's