12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

Day 56 Update - Day 31 Flower - Continued

Strain #19: Delicious Seeds Critical Sensi Star

This was one of the several freebies so I only had 1 seed. It was originally planted in a 4" pot and was later downgraded to a 3" pot during the pre-flower stretch.
This is the 1st time I have pulled this plant out of the tent for a close look.

Height: 28" - About the average.
Flowering Progress: Average to slightly below average
Resin: Average to slightly above average.

The leaf to bud ratio is great!
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shit bro that is going to be huge your coming to the time where they start to pack on all there weight :) make sure you got some strings or a net to go over them so you don't lose any

the smell must be awesome my jack is getting sticky and stinky :) it didn't smell much till two days ago :)

anyway my brother keep up the great work
shit bro that is going to be huge your coming to the time where they start to pack on all there weight :) make sure you got some strings or a net to go over them so you don't lose any

the smell must be awesome my jack is getting sticky and stinky :) it didn't smell much till two days ago :)

anyway my brother keep up the great work
Yeah...this is gunna be a problem soon...lol
I gotta figure out something. Cant have them toppling over like dominos :)

The smell is AWESOME. It's just a mix and you can't really put your finger on what you're smelling you just know it's NICE :)
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I'm so relieved at their progress. At the end of the pre-flower stretch I was bummin so hard I almost just threw in the towel on this experiment.

Here are two pictures from October 5th. The stretch was so severe I thought the top colas were only going to be 1 inch tall. I did not realize that the top colas would continue to grow.
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Day 57 Update - Day 32 Flower
Morning update

Strain #4: Barneys Farm Seeds Chronic Thunder
Height: 32" - Above average
Resin: Average
Flowering Progress: Below average

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This is a really neat plant. It has considerably more side branching than the average but the branches have grown right a long the main stem.
She has a really pleasant smell to her. It will be neat to see if some of these shoots beneath the top cola coalesce into the main cola. Could be a good yielder, this one.
Very nice looking grow. Surprised I still see a lot of hate around the net on the 12/12 from seed method. Del proved that it works, grows about a gram a watt and you don't put in a ton of effort. Been creeping a ton of 12/12 from seed grows as I am doing one myself. Will be watching your grow for sure!
Very nice looking grow. Surprised I still see a lot of hate around the net on the 12/12 from seed method. Del proved that it works, grows about a gram a watt and you don't put in a ton of effort. Been creeping a ton of 12/12 from seed grows as I am doing one myself. Will be watching your grow for sure!
Welcome aboard...glad to have you :)
Day 57 Update - Day 32 Flower
Evening update - New camera for these pictures

Strain #20: Dinafem Seeds Critical Cheese
Height: 23" - Average to below average
Resin: Above Average
Flowering Progress: Above Average

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How about some sexy close up's now :)
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Mucho props goes out to Sativied for helping with this camera :)
Great stuff whats your new camera i got my self a new DSLR and i love it just ordered a macro so i can get some nice close up when my girls finishing off :)
I got the Nikon D3200. It was a little intimidating at first but once I realized that the pictures it takes are like 6000 pixels wide it all made sense. It's really just point and click and if I want the closeup I just crop a small part of the picture and save it. At 24 Mega Pixels, the pic resize wonderfully. At first, I tried to upload the full size pics before I realized the size and the site choked on them...haha.
When I first went down into the tent i got all frustrated. My first couple of pics sucked. I was trying to cram the camera all up close on buds and I could not get it to focus (it won't take a picture if it thinks it's not in focus). It wasn't until after my 2nd trip down where I took a bunch of pics that it dawned on me about the resolution this thing is. I don't have to get all close.

I don't know shit about camera's but after my couple of tries with this thing, it is bad ass!
Yeah that's the great thing about getting a good camera reseizing is easy with all them megapixels :) get some macro filters and will get some great photos

also there is a attachment reverse lens and it makes it great for some super close ups with out needing to spend a shit load on a $$$ macro lens
