political myths

connected to a dispensary growing 1700 plants. try again.


Daubert, the subject of the new documentary Code of the West, is co-founder of Montana Cannabis


Federal agents with guns drawn raided a medicinal marijuana greenhouse on Highway 12 and one of the co-owners of Montana Cannabis says he was not given a reason why about 1,700 plants were taken Monday.
I'm trying to resist the urge to call you names and insult you.

We are losing multiyear arctic ice, known as pack ice. The ice that melts and comes back every year is becoming a bigger part of the arctic every year. It is just a meter thick surface layer. Loss of multiyear ice is loss of ice cap volume. Try to keep up.

Ok, the ice was melting really fast and you had a problem with that. Now the ice is still melting but in the winter the ice is returning more and more. I guess you do not see a cycle here.

Look at any graph of temperature, PPM, and other atmospheric factors over the span of the earth and point to the average of these temperatures and keep trying to convince me that over the span of aeons that the earth is supposed to be exactly this temperature and not one degree hotter. Your arrogance at what is *normal* is stunning.

You can call me names if you want, it wont change reality.
You have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. You have no idea what I'm talking about and the entire debate is just pointless because of your inability to grasp an argument.

Try harder to keep up.

The ice at one pole is growing and one is receding except it is not really...

Try harder to spin.
Antarctica has very little multiyear sea ice. You don't know what multiyear ice is because you're trying so hard not to know.

We already agreed that multi-year ice is composed of layers of single year ice over a long period of time at some point in the past.

You are trying to make it sound like some super special thing.

The earth heats up. When that happens, ice melts. Single year ice, multi year ice, all the ice. When the earth cools down the ice builds up. In fact, the normal state of the earth is an ice age of which we are in a wonderful warming period.

What will happen when the warming period ends is that the earth will cool down. The areas of the north that are now fertile will stop and become covered with snow and ice all year round. Food supplies will be greatly diminished. Mass migration from the northern areas into the southern climes will cause starvation, overcrowding, disease and death not to mention war and destruction.

Eventually glaciers will cover 1/3 to 1/2 of the earth and these areas will be unlivable. At that point any mention of multi-year ice melting will be met with great appreciation.

You are a tiny little organism living in a microsecond of time on a planet and you are trying to elevate yourself to the level of a god. Go ahead, I dont mind until you demand my money, time and comfort to do it. At that point I have to claim my rights to live as I choose and not as a slave to the environmental lobby.
You have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. You have no idea what I'm talking about and the entire debate is just pointless because of your inability to grasp an argument.

Try harder to keep up. You are talking to the wall. Quit posting on climate and this part of the thread will dry up and these idiots will blow away,
pawl doesn't want to punish people less, his "no mandatory minimums" bill doesn't even get rid of mandatory minimums.
He seeks to reduce mandatory minimums.

For instance, to reduce the minimum for crack to the same as the ttypical cocaine sentence, thereby eliminating the disparity of impact on races.
the winter the ice is returning more and more.

no it's not you fucking stooge.


lie some more.
He seeks to reduce mandatory minimums.

For instance, to reduce the minimum for crack to the same as the ttypical cocaine sentence, thereby eliminating the disparity of impact on races.

no he doesn't.

the entire extent of his bill, which failed miserably, was to give judges the option of lowering them.

since we all know that the criminal justice system is biased against blacks and lenient towards whites, this would have only increased the disparity in sentencing.
connected to a dispensary growing 1700 plants. try again.


Daubert, the subject of the new documentary Code of the West, is co-founder of Montana Cannabis


Federal agents with guns drawn raided a medicinal marijuana greenhouse on Highway 12 and one of the co-owners of Montana Cannabis says he was not given a reason why about 1,700 plants were taken Monday.

What about this one?

We already agreed that multi-year ice is composed of layers of single year ice over a long period of time at some point in the past.

We already agreed that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. The fucking ice cap is not supposed to completely fucking melt every year.

i admire your ability to accept facts. the righties would have just said NUH UH! BULLSHIT!

bayside collective was targeted by the city of olympia prior for selling pounds out the backdoor and running a delivery service.


Yeah, it sucks. I'm here in Olympia and I hope the owners are alright. I'm fairly positive Bayside collective was hit because they are running a delivery service, which kind of defeats the purpose of an access point and makes it difficult to remain in legal boundaries. The raids were only a matter of time, and like above posters have said it's just because of the recent legalization and the preparation to make all cannabis taxed in Washington state.


STACIA GLENN; Staff writer
Published: 10/19/1012:05 am | Updated: 10/19/10 6:46 am
.The city has ordered eight medical marijuana dispensaries in Tacoma to shut their doors by Saturday, sparking outrage among patients and providers and plans for an impromptu rally to show they won’t go quietly.*

In a three-paragraph letter dated Oct. 14, Tax and License Manager Jodie Trueblood tells the businesses that dispensing medical marijuana to more than one patient is illegal in Washington state and outlines possible penalties if dispensaries don’t comply.*

Their business licenses will be revoked, fines and penalties might be forthcoming, and criminal prosecution isn’t out of the question, according to the letter.*
no it's not you fucking stooge.


lie some more.

Ooooh... A 7 year map of ice mass..... IN COLOR OOOOOHHHHHHHHH.... This one has pluses and minuses with no correlation or reference to what -1000 is in respect to the whole ice cap. Very scary and convincing. It must be science!!