Any one part nutes that are good for DWC?

yes i thought about going the bleach route, but the chemical in it (cant recall the name off hand) is toxic to the plant. im sure if its diluted enough like anything else you can skate by with it.

i use bleach to clean equipment. i thought of trying it out of despiration when the brown slime still came after using a heavy dose of DM zone. i still think about running physan 20 all through cycle to keep my res clean. but the reason i choose to stick with beneficials is i know as long as i keep innoculating every 3 days, i will NEVER have a problem with rootzone. and everything else ive tried as far as sterile, running beneficials has my roots growing at least 4x as fast and they look healthier than any sterile ive tried. roots in sterile look a beautiful white and its appealing to the eye. when i run beneficials i get buildup on the sides, on my airstones, on tubes, and even on the roots. i can pull my roots up right now in veg and they will have dark material on them that almost looks like slime. but the difference between bad slime and beneficial slime is i can take my plants to the sink and spray water on beneficial slime and itll spray right off revealing extremely healthy white roots, super thick and fat and basically the textbook image of what a healthy rootsystem should look like. and the beneficial slime does not hinder root growth at all, its just the bacteria colonizing my rootzone. and thats fine by me because the results rock.

on the otherhand, pathogen slime sticks to the roots and smothers them. turning them brown and brittle. i cant spray it off, i cant rub it off, i cant do a damn thing to get it off the roots. and not only that, the roots get so weak the slightest tug and they will break off.

i stick with the bennies because it works hands down thru every situation, and you can even run res temps higher than 'ideal' with no problems (although i still keep my res at 66-68). plus its cheap as hell. i can buy a huge bag of EWC and alaska humus for less than 20 dollars. and a bottle of molasses for 5 dollars and have enough ingredients to brew tea for months. plus i keep my mother plants in soil and they like to get hit with the left over tea :)

also chemist have you ran without koolbloom at the end, like just running maxibloom until the end before flush? and if so was there a difference?
YES,IVE run both ways, w koolbloom big dif, buds get fatter and the thc glands swell to amber,,also the smell seems to get better, buds almost feel oily as compared to sticky without it.all in the last 2 weeks... off topic i grew with water from my fishtank years ago, no nutes or anything just when i changed the fishtank water i ran it through a coffee filter or a nylon and used it on my plants,,,best tasting, biggest buds i ever,ever grew
here check out these pics vouching for 'beneficial bacteria' in the res. vs sterile.
my plants are basically on day 21 of veg starting today. under 4 bulb t5 fixture. i couldnt use the flash on my phone cuz the battery was low, but you can still see whats going on.
one pic of the plants, healthy as can be. one pic as soon as i pull the roots up, covered in benefical slime or buildup whatever you want to call it. i believe its colonies of beneficial bacteria taking home in my roots.
and the third pic is after a quick spray from the sink sprayer to show it slides right off revealing healthy white roots.
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2 more weeks before they get moved into flower. i think they'll double in size visually and the roots will be insane by then. assuming all goes well i expect a great yield from these 3 GDP's
YES,IVE run both ways, w koolbloom big dif, buds get fatter and the thc glands swell to amber,,also the smell seems to get better, buds almost feel oily as compared to sticky without it.all in the last 2 weeks... off topic i grew with water from my fishtank years ago, no nutes or anything just when i changed the fishtank water i ran it through a coffee filter or a nylon and used it on my plants,,,best tasting, biggest buds i ever,ever grew
do you just add koolbloom on top of a regular dose of maxibloom, or do you lower your maxibloom and add koolboom keeping the EC the same in your res as it was prior with just maxibloom?
here check out these pics vouching for 'beneficial bacteria' in the res. vs sterile.
my plants are basically on day 21 of veg starting today. under 4 bulb t5 fixture. i couldnt use the flash on my phone cuz the battery was low, but you can still see whats going on.
one pic of the plants, healthy as can be. one pic as soon as i pull the roots up, covered in benefical slime or buildup whatever you want to call it. i believe its colonies of beneficial bacteria taking home in my roots.
and the third pic is after a quick spray from the sink sprayer to show it slides right off revealing healthy white roots.
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Now those some healthy roots!! lookin good bro! i rarely look at my roots but they are never really brown, more of an off white color but i think its because all the nutrients i use keep the water clear nothing staining the water, maxi grow and bloom both are either lightly green or lightly pink water. however i have used sea kelp in veg before and that turned the roots slightly brown but its only cause the sea kelp turns the nutrient water brown....anyways your lookin good
do you just add koolbloom on top of a regular dose of maxibloom, or do you lower your maxibloom and add koolboom keeping the EC the same in your res as it was prior with just maxibloom?
i add it to the regular dose of maxi so my ppm goes from around 900-1000 up to about 1200ppm and the last week ill sometimes go up to 1300 but never higher than that,,,then 3 days of straight 2tsp per gal of kleen to water to flush out all nutrients or salt buildups,,,pluss i love that it kleens my res
Now those some healthy roots!! lookin good bro! i rarely look at my roots but they are never really brown, more of an off white color but i think its because all the nutrients i use keep the water clear nothing staining the water, maxi grow and bloom both are either lightly green or lightly pink water. however i have used sea kelp in veg before and that turned the roots slightly brown but its only cause the sea kelp turns the nutrient water brown....anyways your lookin good
yeah it takes some time to get used to lol. id say a good couple of months before i was actually comfortable seeing my roots covered in that stuff. but ive accepted with beneficials (at least for me the way i do it) thats just how they look and it does not affect the plant negatively in any way. sometimes ill add some liquid karma, humic acid powder to the mix in my tea when i start brewing it, but bare minimum what ive been doing lately is 4gallons ro, a dash of molasses (no measurement, just tip it till a dash goes in the water, not an exact science), 2 teaspoons of sucanat, a handful of alaska humus, handful of EWC, and a teaspoon of mycogrow soluble powder (extremely diverse powder form of bacteria/fungii/mycorrhizae, plus it has a dash of humic acid and kelp in there.. BEST ADDITIVE if you are going to brew a microbe tea). so my tea probably has over several thousand different types of beneficial bacteria and fungus. a lot of diversity going on. look into it man, it helps the plant uptake over a wider PH range, and people have reported running their res temps in the 90's at times with no problems. i truly believe using it during a final flush will help give your plants a more 'soil' like flavor profile as well.

i have a batch brewing scheduled to be ready tomorrow when i drain/refill all the dwc buckets out. smells so sweet i want to drink it lol. most of me knows its not a good idea but a small part of me wonders if those 'beneficial bacteria' would be beneficial to me as well lol. but yea the molasses and sucanat make it smell super sweet while brewing.
yeah it takes some time to get used to lol. id say a good couple of months before i was actually comfortable seeing my roots covered in that stuff. but ive accepted with beneficials (at least for me the way i do it) thats just how they look and it does not affect the plant negatively in any way. sometimes ill add some liquid karma, humic acid powder to the mix in my tea when i start brewing it, but bare minimum what ive been doing lately is 4gallons ro, a dash of molasses (no measurement, just tip it till a dash goes in the water, not an exact science), 2 teaspoons of sucanat, a handful of alaska humus, handful of EWC, and a teaspoon of mycogrow soluble powder (extremely diverse powder form of bacteria/fungii/mycorrhizae, plus it has a dash of humic acid and kelp in there.. BEST ADDITIVE if you are going to brew a microbe tea). so my tea probably has over several thousand different types of beneficial bacteria and fungus. a lot of diversity going on. look into it man, it helps the plant uptake over a wider PH range, and people have reported running their res temps in the 90's at times with no problems. i truly believe using it during a final flush will help give your plants a more 'soil' like flavor profile as well.
thats a whole lots of bacteria but nothing beets that organic taste. my mix is easy, 1tsp per gal of maxi, 1 tsp per gal of mad farmers N.U.T.S.[humis and fulvic acids] then koolbloom last 2 weeks,,simple and easy. lately ive been tring that carbo blast but havnt used it long enough to know if its worth it...
thats a whole lots of bacteria but nothing beets that organic taste. my mix is easy, 1tsp per gal of maxi, 1 tsp per gal of mad farmers N.U.T.S.[humis and fulvic acids] then koolbloom last 2 weeks,,simple and easy. lately ive been tring that carbo blast but havnt used it long enough to know if its worth it...
in my honest opinion, coming from years of experience in soil. carbs are good in a soil setting because you are feeding microbes/bacteria in your soil. and growing in soil if you're doing it right (not using synthetics), microbes do all the work, everything you give is for the microbes, and the microbes break everything down into a usable form for the plant to feed.

in hydro we are using synthetic nutrients that do not need to be broken down, so adding a carb to a sterile res especially is just a waste of money and time. plus you're adding the potential for disaster should you have even 1 single bad bacteria in there, giving it a food source with no competition (good bacteria being the competition).. it'll multiply at an extremely fast rate and destroy a crop within 24-48 hours. just my opinion on carbs in hydro. seems like a snake oil to 'enhance sweetness of your bud'.
Seems like a lot of us are useing gh maxi series, that alone to me makes a statement that it works! i also wanted to say i did use the nova series foe a long time and loved it, the only problem i had was every time i had to change my res i had to scrub the brown tint off everything..also as far as bacteria ive never done it but a friend of mine swears by adding a drop or 2 of bleach to his res to kill any bacteria,,anybody ever heard of that?? i think hes adding a killer chemical to his water,,but i may be wrong as its extremely deluted

Its ok.. its sodium hypochlorite.. I would keep the concentration low if you are using tap water, it already contains chloramines, I would keep a bottle of dechlor, sodium thiosulfate around. And chlorines can cause problems with flavor or aroma in the end. Use as little as possible. I would start low 1 drop per gallon.

Yeah, I pretty much run Flora Nova these days, mainly for flavor. I think maxi yields a bit better, and is cleaner but I like running maxibloom when I can. Not to mention you literally have to shake flora nova until your arm cramps up to get it mixed properly when adding it. Pretty forgiving stuff, its a bit hard to burn a plant on this stuff.

I dont know why they dont make a open top container like a paint can for Nova, it settles so much you really need to agitate it with a stick or I was thinking of throwing a few rocks of hydroton in the bottle so it will mix better.. or mebby some marbles..

I like maxi more.. nova is a pain in the butt.. but I like it too.. but maxi works great and I have no problems suggesting it, better yield but its a bit harsher.
in hydro we are using synthetic nutrients that do not need to be broken down, so adding a carb to a sterile res especially is just a waste of money and time. plus you're adding the potential for disaster should you have even 1 single bad bacteria in there, giving it a food source with no competition (good bacteria being the competition).. it'll multiply at an extremely fast rate and destroy a crop within 24-48 hours. just my opinion on carbs in hydro. seems like a snake oil to 'enhance sweetness of your bud'.

Yeah, I learned the hard way... Oddly enough it smelled like there was fermentation starting in the res when adding a carb. The flavor transfered, but I'm not a huge fan of it, I think it did transfer a perfume like quality to the bud. I've kinda rethought how to enhance flavor and carbs were not part of the solution.

I'm looking at compunds that contain sulfur, they seem to play a big part of terpene production. Ive been trying 0-0-50 RAW potassium sulfate, I think its pretty good stuff, I'm just working with a dosing schedule. Nice frost and good aroma. If you look at Kool Bloom Ripen, theres quite a bit of sulfur in it... but I think you could add a bit more for a positive effect.
Yep. Sulfur, magnesium, potassium I think contribute the most. Any carb product I've ever used in the past each had it's own unique flavor that it tarnished over the natural strain flavor. Even molasses. The only thing that I've ever used that intensified the natural flavor was sucanat. But I find it's all about genetics. I have some of that potassium sulfate. A 50lb bag that I used to add it to my soil mix. Never thought of trying it in dwc though. Interesting. Might be a good find. The bud finisher I'm using by cultured solutions actually has more sulfur than kb. The guy at the shop recommended it over kb. It seems like good stuff.
i have a batch brewing scheduled to be ready tomorrow when i drain/refill all the dwc buckets out. smells so sweet i want to drink it lol. most of me knows its not a good idea but a small part of me wonders if those 'beneficial bacteria' would be beneficial to me as well lol. but yea the molasses and sucanat make it smell super sweet while brewing.

Bit off topic but..

I dont go out of my way to dump teas into my res, I mainly save that for the organic soil grow but if I have extra I dump it into the hydro system.

But in reality _all_ my clones are inoculated at the base of the rockwool cube no matter what system they go into, I keep it simple, I just use a myco/benny granular form of it, works great, I simply sprinkle a bit on the top of the medium, organic seedling mix or pearlite/verm and push and twist the cube into the medium. So when its finished vegging it should be fully colonized, and since I have a common soil bed or common tank, it will get the bennies without me brewing tea.. And since i'm running a perpetual sog, it gets new critters introduced every week.
I don't have a choice if I don't inoculate bennies regularly the Brown slime makes it's way back. I wish I didn't have to. Even with ro it is still there (I've read it's small enough to pass through membrane). I need to get a uv sterilizer to kill it. It's like a hundred dollar add-on to my ro unit. Can't afford it right now
The only thing that I've ever used that intensified the natural flavor was sucanat. But I find it's all about genetics. I have some of that potassium sulfate. A 50lb bag that I used to add it to my soil mix. Never thought of trying it in dwc though. Interesting. Might be a good find. The bud finisher I'm using by cultured solutions actually has more sulfur than kb. The guy at the shop recommended it over kb. It seems like good stuff.

Cool.. I'm gonna try that sucanat, I have a bunch of girl scout cookies, I want that flavor to just pop. I will be using that in organic soil tho.

I've been experimenting with terpinator, it has potassium sulfate, I got some postive results with it.. I just dont know what else is in it. Anyways I started trying pure potassium sulfate in a hydro system.. either way is giving me improved aromas especially in the skunk/diesel department.
I don't have a choice if I don't inoculate bennies regularly the Brown slime makes it's way back. I wish I didn't have to. Even with ro it is still there (I've read it's small enough to pass through membrane). I need to get a uv sterilizer to kill it. It's like a hundred dollar add-on to my ro unit. Can't afford it right now

Ahh... I see why you do it..
IMO from the GSC ive had and grown. flavor is sort of mellow, its mostly an og/sour type of flavor, but depending on which cut you have, it can have a little sweetness in there. it has good expansion and is usually an uppity racy type of smoke. i dont like it cuz its very potent but triggers anxiety in me. cherry pie is my choice from the cookie an indica man though. most ill go is like 60% sativa and its case by case. If you are in cali you can get 'candyland' which is bay platinum cookies crossed with GDP. its really good, not the best yielder though but super quality. if i had to pick a cookie cut to go with that'd be my choice. ive had it before but had to get rid of it because of low yield. might be worth a shot in DWC though since DWC tends to yield higher. my runs with her were in soil.
i would say the only up side of using the flora series over maxi is that its more of an organic nute so its almost like growing in soil,,the only reason i switched to maxi was cost but once i switched i stuck with it and i do think it yields a lttle more but you do lose that organic taste..i dont like that it now comes in a ziplock bag, liked it better when it came in the tub,,
i would say the only up side of using the flora series over maxi is that its more of an organic nute so its almost like growing in soil,,the only reason i switched to maxi was cost but once i switched i stuck with it and i do think it yields a lttle more but you do lose that organic taste..i dont like that it now comes in a ziplock bag, liked it better when it came in the tub,,
lol i just started so ive only had ziplock so i guess lucky for me i dont have the better to compare to. i do like tubs a lot more though, my bud finisher is in a tub. i would think with a 2 week flush in beneficial tea (basically full of microbes just like soil, but without the actual dirt) without any chemical nutrients would achieve the same flavor as a soil grow. time will tell. i need yield these days so if maxi yields better even more reason for me to stick with it. plus i add sucanat and molasses when i brew the tea. most people in soil flush with those additives, so maybe it'll help with the flavor profile as well on that aspect.i run lower EC's (1.4 which is 700ppm @ .5 conversion) so i dont think i have the high build up levels that one might have running at 1000+ppm aka 2.0ec+. im fine running an extra 2 weeks if it means my flavor and smoothness is there. i used to run 63 days in soil, now running 70 days is not much different. it is different in the fact that im set to harvest every 5 weeks now instead of once every 9 weeks. and i think i'll be pulling the same every 5 weeks as i was on a 9 week soil grow. once again time will tell.
IMO from the GSC ive had and grown. flavor is sort of mellow, its mostly an og/sour type of flavor, but depending on which cut you have, it can have a little sweetness in there. it has good expansion and is usually an uppity racy type of smoke. i dont like it cuz its very potent but triggers anxiety in me. cherry pie is my choice from the cookie an indica man though. most ill go is like 60% sativa and its case by case. If you are in cali you can get 'candyland' which is bay platinum cookies crossed with GDP. its really good, not the best yielder though but super quality. if i had to pick a cookie cut to go with that'd be my choice. ive had it before but had to get rid of it because of low yield. might be worth a shot in DWC though since DWC tends to yield higher. my runs with her were in soil.

Dude... _awesome_ strain info. I was talking to a grower from cali the other day, and he was totally talking up cherry pie too.

I wish I was in cali, (for the cuts anyways I know a medical grower in Washington, thats how I got my GSC cut. Anyways, I wish I had something to compare the GSC cut with.

I'll have to check out the candyland cut, I kinda lean more towards quality..
i would think with a 2 week flush in beneficial tea (basically full of microbes just like soil, but without the actual dirt) without any chemical nutrients would achieve the same flavor as a soil grow. time will tell.

Sounds like a good idea, benny tea flush at the end.

I like this for a few reasons, little or no added cost at the end. And I like the idea of using microbes at the end to help clean up things at the end. I"m trying to understand root exudates and the relationship they have have with pathogenic and beneficial microbes.. its possible that a tea treatment at the end could cause the plant to react in a positive way.

Just a guess here but I bet it will be more interesting than a plain water flush. I'm not big on the word flush, plants dont work like that, they simply deplete their stores, the microbes should assist in eating up anything left over in the rootball, as long as theres no more carbohydrates in the solution. But whats more significant is the possiblity of triggering a reaction in the plant.