political myths


Well-Known Member
In this thread, we will attempt to categorize political myths through discussion.

Let's start with science. Science is clearly a political myth where a bunch of liberals conspire to push off a bunch of THEORIES as fact. One of the best known of these theories is anthropogenic climate change. It's clearly empty rhetoric.

Then there's aggregate demand. This is just a big myth which doesn't exist. Why the hell would you want to sell your wares in a market full of prospective buyers? Sounds like a communist plot to me, this idea that a market can only flourish where people are willing or able to buy what is available.
scientific polling: obama is in the lead against romney

conservitards: liberal fake polling conspiracy! they're skewed! oversampling!

scientific polling: romney is in the lead against obama

conservitards: get ready for a loss at the polls, libtards!
-Trickle down economics

Not sure it's a myth so much as it's complete bullshit

-"We're winning the war on drugs"

By no measurement are we winning the "war on drugs"

-"Evolution is a lie straight from the pit of Hell!"

Fuck you Paul Broun
-Trickle down economics

Not sure it's a myth so much as it's complete bullshit

-"We're winning the war on drugs"

By no measurement are we winning the "war on drugs"

-"Evolution is a lie straight from the pit of Hell!"

Fuck you Paul Broun

Kind of depends on how you look at the war on drugs. Like, what are the objectives and what is victory? I mean, Merica used to rely on smuggled black market supplies from cartels and other criminal organizations. But lately, Merica has been ground zero for the production of some of the best ganj in the world and Hydro from California is readily available all over the Caribbean. If you look at that you might say Merica is "winning the drug war", at least as far as weed goes. I know I know, that's not what the phrase has ever described, but imagine if cannabis were privatized in a way that only mega corporations had market share. Just another rabbit hole to imagine I guess.
Kind of depends on how you look at the war on drugs. Like, what are the objectives and what is victory? I mean, Merica used to rely on smuggled black market supplies from cartels and other criminal organizations. But lately, Merica has been ground zero for the production of some of the best ganj in the world and Hydro from California is readily available all over the Caribbean. If you look at that you might say Merica is "winning the drug war", at least as far as weed goes. I know I know, that's not what the phrase has ever described, but imagine if cannabis were privatized in a way that only mega corporations had market share. Just another rabbit hole to imagine I guess.

Well, the objective of the war on drugs is to eradicate them, which is impossible in a "free society"

To that point I'd agree it has absolutely and utterly failed. We've spent tens of billions if not hundreds of billions since Nixon's declaration in '71. Incarceration rates have gone up exponentially ever since and we've all heard the statistic that gets passed around.. 5% of the population, 25% of the inmates.. in the "land of the free".. It's an international joke..

Though the dominoes are falling and Colorado and Washington are the spearhead that will topple it all in due time. Paraguay & Portugal should also be recognized as pioneers during this crucial time. History will look back on those countries as heroes in this context.

Drugs cannot be eradicated so long as the demand exists. Prohibition doesn't work, and we've had substantial evidence since 1933 that proves it. The only obstacle is business interests, which automatically devalues any weed smoking die hard capitalist conservatives opinion in regards to the subject. It's because of the crony capitalism in the means of production to keep the status quo alive that marijuana is illegal, coupled with racist undertones and public manipulation early on in the 20's.. Fear tactics were used then as propaganda just as they're used today (ebola)..

If you like your doctor...

95% true.

You didn't build that...

you didn't build the infrastructure that makes the USA one of the best nations in the world for business.

Ebola will not come to the US...

he never even said that, you dumb shit.

We have no boots on the ground...

haven't put boots on the ground except for small special forces units.

This will be the most transparent administration in history...

name one that has been more transparent.
95% true.

you didn't build the infrastructure that makes the USA one of the best nations in the world for business.

he never even said that, you dumb shit.

haven't put boots on the ground except for small special forces units.

name one that has been more transparent.
He who doth protest too much...
"you didn't build the infrastructure that makes the USA one of the best nations in the world for business."

Neither did the poor...

What is your lack of point?
"you didn't build the infrastructure that makes the USA one of the best nations in the world for business."

Neither did the poor...

What is your lack of point?

i think the point is about yet another republican myth, that of the self made republican who did it all by himself.

you didn't build that pool skimmer.