So what's your favorite/least favorite accent?

East coast and Midwest. My family is from the midwest too LOL

Why do east coasters (and sometimes British) add an "r" to words that end in "a"?

For example: Paula Abdul is pronounce Pauler Abdul

Similar thing with the Aussies

I just heard an Australian guy call Obama "Omaber"
faves, brit speak, french
least, american south, boston, maine, long island, some russian, finnish, alirght, take the marbles out of your mouth already mr kimmi raikkonen, please and thank you..
i guess i dont have a least favorite

favorite : sudan or like new Zealand i played wow with some folks from new Zealand was pretty cool...i felt like the outsider haha
sunni, if you met as many newfies as I them to death...just can not make heads or fucking tails of what they're talking about sometimes...and I normally don't have any problems with accents!