The end of Recreational

Doesn't matter. Most of us were growing and smoking long before it was legal and will continue to do so regardless if it's legal or not. At least I will, I pay very little attention to what the government does or tells me. For the most part I live my life exactly how I want.

If murder and rape were legalized tomorrow, I'm not going to kill or rape anyone, because that's not what I do. The same thinking can be applied to marijuana laws and every other law. With the exception of the IRS, I pay no mind to government laws.

I wouldn't let a stranger on the streets come up to me and tell me how to live my life. Politicians are strangers, I don't know them and have never met them in my life. They don't pay my bills or do anything for me, thus I don't pay their demands on how to life my life any mind anymore than I would a crazy homeless person giving me orders of living life.

Furthermore, both parties are scum. Republicans want to tell people who they can fuck, marry, what kind of drugs they can do. Democrats want to dictate what kind of firearms, if any, we are allowed to have and constantly trying to extort more money from people under the guise of helping the poor. Politicians in general are pieces of shit, the lot of them.
I'm thinking differently. Should the lesser of two evils sweep into victory, my guess would be that they will have learned a lesson about alienating certain portions of the voting populace. Republicans get high too ya know.
Doesn't matter. Most of us were growing and smoking long before it was legal and will continue to do so regardless if it's legal or not. At least I will, I pay very little attention to what the government does or tells me. For the most part I live my life exactly how I want.

If murder and rape were legalized tomorrow, I'm not going to kill or rape anyone, because that's not what I do. The same thinking can be applied to marijuana laws and every other law. With the exception of the IRS, I pay no mind to government laws.

I wouldn't let a stranger on the streets come up to me and tell me how to live my life. Politicians are strangers, I don't know them and have never met them in my life. They don't pay my bills or do anything for me, thus I don't pay their demands on how to life my life any mind anymore than I would a crazy homeless person giving me orders of living life.

Furthermore, both parties are scum. Republicans want to tell people who they can fuck, marry, what kind of drugs they can do. Democrats want to dictate what kind of firearms, if any, we are allowed to have and constantly trying to extort more money from people under the guise of helping the poor. Politicians in general are pieces of shit, the lot of them.

Dude I hear ya, but when the DEA comes a callin', it ain't going to matter what you or anyone else thought of the laws or the politicians. Prosecuters will have a field day with the vast amount of evidence everyone has been willingly providing to the State. Anyone owning a rec dispensary is probably looking at a de facto life sentence when all is said and done. So, while a sympathize with your sentiments, I think this will matter to a lot of people in Colorado.

Not gonna' happen.

Just scare tactics used by the "other" party of fucking morons to try and convince the retarded undecided masses to vote for them instead.
I'm thinking differently. Should the lesser of two evils sweep into victory, my guess would be that they will have learned a lesson about alienating certain portions of the voting populace. Republicans get high too ya know.

See this is what I though initially, until I read the linked article. I was not really concerned. I mean, it plays right into the states rights narrative, and it is fairly popular, so I thought the Rs would just lay low on it, will of the people, etc. Instead it appears they cannot refrain from paternalistic moralizing about it. I also think Baeuprez has national ambitions, and appearing to be "father knows best" to those colorado stoners will play nationally.

Not gonna' happen.

Just scare tactics used by the "other" party of fucking morons to try and convince the retarded undecided masses to vote for them instead.

Why is it "not gonna happen?" The man himself says he thinks it was a mistake and should be repealed.
Also it is profoundly disappointing that when discussing the one issue everyone on here should agree on, people just bring out the same tired partisan BS.
Did you vote for A64? While I understand hating on the major parties, I think voting for issues like this is important. since it directly effects you. Also, I got $10 sez you're under 30. :-P

No, like I said I don't vote because it's a waste of time. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do, so what's the point in wasting my time voting? Furthermore, when is the last time an election was decided by one vote? Finally, voting means I get signed up for a bunch of fucking bullshit like telephone polls and jury duty. I have more important shit to do with my time.

And no, I'm almost 35.
No, like I said I don't vote because it's a waste of time. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do, so what's the point in wasting my time voting? Furthermore, when is the last time an election was decided by one vote? Finally, voting means I get signed up for a bunch of fucking bullshit like telephone polls and jury duty. I have more important shit to do with my time.

And no, I'm almost 35.

Wow, well I guess I just profoundly disagree with your overall mindset and worldview. But by now I'm sure you have had experiences with other perspectives and viewpoints and have been unpersuaded. Certainly some stranger on the internet isn't going to persuade you either. And I don't know how I reason with someone who can't see the obvious merit in voting to end the criminalization of the activities they participate in. Hey at least we're on the same page about the non-killing/raping!

Anyway, for those who think that decades of grassroots work, the imprisonment of innocent people, the seizure of their property without indictment, and the freedom to be left the fuck alone does matter, I am wondering if you think Beauprez (I will never spell his name right) is for real on repealing A64. I just don't see the point in him saying this unless he were for real. The only possible people to appease with this are the COS springs crowd, and they aren't voting on this issue anyway.
I'm thinking differently. Should the lesser of two evils sweep into victory, my guess would be that they will have learned a lesson about alienating certain portions of the voting populace. Republicans get high too ya know.

that's grossly naive and borderline retarded based on the actions of republicans not only in colorado, but nationwide.

did 95% popular support for comprehensive background checks stop republicans from railroading that effort?

did the overwhelming popularity of ground zero first responders stop republicans from blocking health care for them for years?

does the majority (and growing) approval for marriage equality or recreational cannabis stop republicans from ardently opposing equality or freedom?

nope, nope, nope.

republicans (like you) are too stupid to learn from the past, hence why they want to revise it and forget it.

by the way, hickenlooper is still up in the polls.
I am also voting for Dunafon. I prefer to vote for who I actually want to win. Voting for someone anti cannabis to make sure someone more anti doesn't win is just plain silly.
that's grossly naive and borderline retarded based on the actions of republicans not only in colorado, but nationwide.

did 95% popular support for comprehensive background checks stop republicans from railroading that effort?

did the overwhelming popularity of ground zero first responders stop republicans from blocking health care for them for years?

does the majority (and growing) approval for marriage equality or recreational cannabis stop republicans from ardently opposing equality or freedom?

nope, nope, nope.

republicans (like you) are too stupid to learn from the past, hence why they want to revise it and forget it.

by the way, hickenlooper is still up in the polls.

Like anything you have to say means shit to me. Go have another blackout douchebag.
The Dems are just trying to get the stoners off of the couch. Scare tactics IMO. Anyway, fuck all of them and the horses they rode in on. If it goes illegal again it'll just mean higher prices for growers... but it won't happen.
Smartest thing the right could do would be support it. They would sweep all three branches federally and many conservative gonvahs would reap the benefit. It would take voting block down substantially from the left. I'm writing in Ron Paul.

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic