LSD: my trip.

Mom made me watch all that scared straight shit growing up. Hell I didn't try weed till I was 17, but it's been on like donkey kong ever since..I'll never stop smoking weed. Might as well stop breathing ;)

now I am looking for a spiritual experience and was told shrooms were the way to go.. :mrgreen:
yea,i felt the same way about girls..goid thing i got over that!!
dont be scared..thats why there are informative books to read,to reverse all the b.s. shoveled down your neck..youre still listening to the nancy reagan monster...and missing out on a lot because of it...
Shrooms can scare the shit out of me so bad that I hesitate eating a heroic dosage of those more than I hesitate drinking aya.
Haven't tried in awhile though.. Maybe it's different now.
...But it's not, as soon as over a quarter goes in, an aliens gonna slap me in my face and tell me to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

I think Terrance mckenna was right about the mushrooms being an alien race, but they are black gangsters who are assholes with torture devices
Weirdest experience on hallucinogens short of DMT was on a gram of shrooms. A fucking gram. This from someone who eats three grams and goes to a bar. Unpredictable motherfuckers. Typically when people get arrested for fighting naked in their front yard, it's shrooms.
Shrooms can scare the shit out of me so bad that I hesitate eating a heroic dosage of those more than I hesitate drinking aya.
Haven't tried in awhile though.. Maybe it's different now.
...But it's not, as soon as over a quarter goes in, an aliens gonna slap me in my face and tell me to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

I think Terrance mckenna was right about the mushrooms being an alien race, but they are black gangsters who are assholes with torture devices

nailed it.

i give you 75% chance that when you try shrooms,youll say,fuck it,lets safely try other substances...
i tried acid and said stupidly "its all lies,drugs are ok!"..but,i dont regret it,just the careless abandon i regret..luckily,ive been relativley safe due to the heads ive grown up around...
That's a good thing, that careless abandon is what scares me. I'd rather be with folks I know or else alone when I do whatever. My cuz did acid growing up, tried like hell to get me to do some but I said no. She loved it. May still for all I know..
Shrooms can scare the shit out of me so bad that I hesitate eating a heroic dosage of those more than I hesitate drinking aya.
Haven't tried in awhile though.. Maybe it's different now.
...But it's not, as soon as over a quarter goes in, an aliens gonna slap me in my face and tell me to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

I think Terrance mckenna was right about the mushrooms being an alien race, but they are black gangsters who are assholes with torture devices
Bro...that's crazy..
Oh a heroic dosage of mushrooms is spiritual alright..
Its not like I don't do it.

It IS a life changer and(to me) it IS frightening.
Maybe I cab progress to where that doesn't happen. I hear pure pscilocybin has a more clean aspect to it and read some extraction thing on how to make it pretty easily(probably not pure, but extracted and something about crystals.. Had good reviews, people saying they won't ever do them any other way..) I'll post a link when I get home.
But he'll if that works it'll be 'nicer' to voyage hopefully.
Oh a heroic dosage of mushrooms is spiritual alright..
Its not like I don't do it.

It IS a life changer and(to me) it IS frightening.
Maybe I cab progress to where that doesn't happen. I hear pure pscilocybin has a more clean aspect to it and read some extraction thing on how to make it pretty easily(probably not pure, but extracted and something about crystals.. Had good reviews, people saying they won't ever do them any other way..) I'll post a link when I get home.
But he'll if that works it'll be 'nicer' to voyage hopefully. know that's what I've always heard most, just recently a friend told me mushrooms weren't for tripping bad..guess he meant something different?
meh..its what you want out of it imo...if it takes drugs to change you,and you want change,take drugs!..ill not say drugs havent changed me in ways,but other ways theyve left a blank slab,in others views/ happy the way i am,and even happier tripping!:-) if i want it different,ill change it..
Word :)
Rory's got it right.
Majority of people though do say that get all weird on them while LSD doesn't.
Ironic. Mushrooms have made me feel that I have conveyed many
The one that I've thought of trying most is heroin..but I hear its highly addictive and well..I have an addictive personality so I have to be careful. Had to give up coke years ago bcuz I felt a hold coming on me. Not to mention the fact I'd be tooting the way a needle is going in my arm. I hate those
The one that I've thought of trying most is heroin..but I hear its highly addictive and well..I have an addictive personality so I have to be careful. Had to give up coke years ago bcuz I felt a hold coming on me. Not to mention the fact I'd be tooting the way a needle is going in my arm. I hate those
found a huge ass datura plant out back of a freinds place been smoking it for about a week feels like a have been in this dream state cloudyness for the whole time as of yesterday i have been seeing double 0.o
I wouldn't get into heroin. I do it occasionally due to some junkie friends but my biology doesn't mix well. If I pass my limit of one button throughout the night, I turn very itchy and agitated. If I get more than one, I forms and
I wouldn't get into heroin. I do it occasionally due to some junkie friends but my biology doesn't mix well. If I pass my limit of one button throughout the night, I turn very itchy and agitated. If I get more than one, I forms and
That's why I've stayed away from it..heard too many bad things...