Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Grease, can I ask why you don't like neem oil on your plants? If it is the smell, have you tried karanja?

yeah, the smell, the slight residue, I just don't like it, I've used neem oil probably ten times or so in my life, and I wasn't impressed. I've never tried karanja.
My preferred sprays are ssts, aact, vegie sprays (comfrey,dandelion) aloe, and coconut water. And I've only done the SSts recently so i'm not sure if the foliar spray is better than a standard root watering
oh, and dr. bronners eucalyptus soap, a drop or two in a spray bottle and it sorta kinda (ok not really) helps with my constant redwood-mite infestation (thank god summer is about over)
also yeah,and one time, years ago I followed the directions perfectly and sprayed some newly flowering ladies with neem oil and it fried the pistils, that pissed me off a lil too. It's one of those things where I fully acknowledge that it's a valuable thing, but I just don't like it
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So, I raised my eye brows at adding powdered agsil to neem. I could be totally wrong about this, but I assumed it needed to be two liquids?

From Wiki
An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally immiscible (nonmixable or unblendable).

Has anyone tried mixing the agsil powder straight into neem?


hmmmm I too have read this somewhere,

and honestly mixing agsil to neem does work (at least to my eyes), ill take pics by tomorrow for proof.

and neem, I love the smell!
yeah, the smell, the slight residue, I just don't like it, I've used neem oil probably ten times or so in my life, and I wasn't impressed. I've never tried karanja.
My preferred sprays are ssts, aact, vegie sprays (comfrey,dandelion) aloe, and coconut water. And I've only done the SSts recently so i'm not sure if the foliar spray is better than a standard root watering
oh, and dr. bronners eucalyptus soap, a drop or two in a spray bottle and it sorta kinda (ok not really) helps with my constant redwood-mite infestation (thank god summer is about over)
also yeah,and one time, years ago I followed the directions perfectly and sprayed some newly flowering ladies with neem oil and it fried the pistils, that pissed me off a lil too. It's one of those things where I fully acknowledge that it's a valuable thing, but I just don't like it

LOL! The smell is kinda blah. In contrast the neem seed cake smells pretty good. Almost like soy sauce or something. At least the stuff from neem resource smells that way
yeah, the smell, the slight residue, I just don't like it, I've used neem oil probably ten times or so in my life, and I wasn't impressed. I've never tried karanja.
My preferred sprays are ssts, aact, vegie sprays (comfrey,dandelion) aloe, and coconut water. And I've only done the SSts recently so i'm not sure if the foliar spray is better than a standard root watering
oh, and dr. bronners eucalyptus soap, a drop or two in a spray bottle and it sorta kinda (ok not really) helps with my constant redwood-mite infestation (thank god summer is about over)
also yeah,and one time, years ago I followed the directions perfectly and sprayed some newly flowering ladies with neem oil and it fried the pistils, that pissed me off a lil too. It's one of those things where I fully acknowledge that it's a valuable thing, but I just don't like it
GMM, couple of things quick, try the karanja if the neem smell is the issue. Make sure you emulsify correctly, or you will have problems. SST's, Compost Teas and coconut water really should go in the soil. I've heard the deal CT's can supress disease etc, but I'm not buying it till I see more research. I don't spray plants showing pistils with neem, although I'm not going to rule out that it can not be done without burning pistils.

hmmmm I too have read this somewhere,

and honestly mixing agsil to neem does work (at least to my eyes), ill take pics by tomorrow for proof.

and neem, I love the smell!
Hey FFH! Like I said, I raised my eyebrows, but I'm certainly not a chemist. I have only seen to add water to the agsil first, and then emulsify the neem. I'm interested if this can be done with a powder though!

LOL! The smell is kinda blah. In contrast the neem seed cake smells pretty good. Almost like soy sauce or something. At least the stuff from neem resource smells that way

the neem meal I use smells like that organic peanut butter from trader joes.

does anyone mix a kelp alfalfa tea with seeds sprouts? I decided to try it. I will water tonight, flower and veg room with that tea.
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Do organic amendments ever go stale or bad? I am almost out of my 5 pound bags of amendments and decided if I buy them I might as well buy in bulk. Would it be wise to buy amendments in 50 lbs bags? Would I be able to use them for the rest of my life without worrying if it will still be effective in say 5 years? I do know the amendments are excellent quality because I purchased them in smaller bags first.

GMM, couple of things quick, try the karanja if the neem smell is the issue. Make sure you emulsify correctly, or you will have problems. SST's, Compost Teas and coconut water really should go in the soil. I've heard the deal CT's can supress disease etc, but I'm not buying it till I see more research. I don't spray plants showing pistils with neem, although I'm not going to rule out that it can not be done without burning pistils.

Hey FFH! Like I said, I raised my eyebrows, but I'm certainly not a chemist. I have only seen to add water to the agsil first, and then emulsify the neem. I'm interested if this can be done with a powder though!

Yeah, I typically I don't spray my flowering ladies, but at the time (years ago) I was told it worked wonders on mites, and it didn't, it fried the pistils and the mites didn't even slow down, so that was kind of a bad first impression, and since then i'm probably just holding a grudge, contrary to cliché's tied to being a pothead, I have a good memory...
I do like to spray my vegging plants... with anything and everything, and it seems to have only positive effects, and since I started spraying AACTs on my girls the mites have slowed down, course its getting cooler and that could be simply from them not liking humid conditions, but damnit, looks to be working, could very well likely be all in my head. I just wish I had the time, energy, space, and money to setup three different growing conditions, maybe four, and then I could truly tell what does and does NOT work, I could do veganics, pure organics, no-till, so on, and so on, but until then it's almost impossible to decipher what is working and isn't, I can only tell yu that as a whole, its working, but hell, it could be the plants thriving in spite of what i'm doing. I doun't think that's the case, but who knows, especially since the plants look pretty happy, so who's to say what that is from...
plus I coulda swore I read in a couple horticulture books that plants liked tea-foliar feeds..
Yeah, I typically I don't spray my flowering ladies, but at the time (years ago) I was told it worked wonders on mites, and it didn't, it fried the pistils and the mites didn't even slow down, so that was kind of a bad first impression, and since then i'm probably just holding a grudge, contrary to cliché's tied to being a pothead, I have a good memory...
I do like to spray my vegging plants... with anything and everything, and it seems to have only positive effects, and since I started spraying AACTs on my girls the mites have slowed down, course its getting cooler and that could be simply from them not liking humid conditions, but damnit, looks to be working, could very well likely be all in my head. I just wish I had the time, energy, space, and money to setup three different growing conditions, maybe four, and then I could truly tell what does and does NOT work, I could do veganics, pure organics, no-till, so on, and so on, but until then it's almost impossible to decipher what is working and isn't, I can only tell yu that as a whole, its working, but hell, it could be the plants thriving in spite of what i'm doing. I doun't think that's the case, but who knows, especially since the plants look pretty happy, so who's to say what that is from...
plus I coulda swore I read in a couple horticulture books that plants liked tea-foliar feeds..
Imo the real key to using neem oil is to emulsify it correctly. If you were ever wanting to try it again, I can give you detailed instructions how to do it. I wouldn't spray on flowering ladies like you said, unless it was dire situation. And I'm totally with you, I wish I had a little more space so I could run a few experiments. This is my thought process on spraying CT's, what are soil microbes going to do on the philosphere? I know the tea people are really pushing the variety of ways it can be used, but I have my doubts about the efficacy of some methods.

Yes, I use it and love it! The meal smells like soy sauce to me. Does it give you that same smell or is my sniffer off?
Lol Stow! I don't know about soy sauce (have to go smell it again), but something along those lines. At first I wasn't sure if I liked the smell or not, now I love it! I even buy neem toothpaste!

Check this out as a neem overview. $1.20 on Kindle - the price is right lol!

Quick question on the neem...... I have Natural Guard Neem and Bonide neem. I bought them both at a nursery that was going out of business and they were dirt cheap. The Natural Guard Neem is 30% pyrethrum and 70% clarified hydrophobic neem extract. (The Bonide is for tomatoes and roses out front, seems to work when it's not tropical humidity out. I also used that Natural Guard on my Okra when I saw Aphids and some mealy bugs. It got rid of them but it may have been the pyrethrum) I couldn't find anywhere if it was cold pressed like the DynaGro. Does the jibber jabber after 70% tell me that.......I was assuming it was stating that it had the veil lifted bringing about clarity and letting me know it had phobias towards the Greek mythological hydra, but I may be wrong in that assumption.

Would I be better off water composting and making a botanical out of my high quality neem cake?? From notable sources.
Whats your recipe? I use 1/4 cup kelp + 1/2 cup alfalfa and 1 tsp diastatic malt powder. About the same? Looks beautiful!

yeah but no powder. Just mung bean sprouts. I used up the mung beans. So next I will be using raw sunflower seeds.. They're cheaper. $1.29 a lb.
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