Death by a thousand cuts - Thomas Jefferson kicks Muslim asses

Is it really? Or is it just the power of the bully pulpit?

He was talking to the Sunni Nations. And I think his meaning has been quite real to them, and is Obama enforced to this day.
Nigerian 'witch-hunter' who claims any child who cries is a 'servant of Satan' could be banned from the UK over fears she is a risk to youngsters
By Emma Glanfield14:13 15 Apr 2014, updated 14:54 15 Apr 2014


  • Helen Ukpabio founded controversial Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries
  • The preacher claims to offer help to those who are under 'witchcraft attack'
  • Campaigners say her witchcraft beliefs are 'harmful to the public good'
  • They have written to the Home Secretary to request she is banned from UK
A Nigerian ‘witch-hunter’ who claims any child who cries is a ‘servant of Satan’ could be banned from the UK following calls to Home Secretary Theresa May that she is a risk to youngsters.

Campaigners are urging for Helen Ukpabio, known as ‘Lady Apostle’, to be deported and banned from returning to the UK on the grounds her preaches are harmful to the public.

The born-again Christian Pentecostal preacher, who founded the controversial African Evangelical franchise Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries in Nigeria, is thought to currently be in the UK.

Google will bring up atrocities id love to see you claim they're small potatoes
Crazy person who is also a christian says something crazy.

How many people has she or her followers actually harmed?

Also, being a witch doctor and being a christian are mutually exclusive. That's more akin to voodoo.

Still, she has harmed no one.

Meanwhile British muslim medical students bombed some buses a couple of years back.
I get what you guys are saying, christianity and islam both have the potential for harm. It has been realized at points in history by christianity and islam.

Insects also have potential for harm.

A sweat bee sting will make me wince a little from a tiny bit of pain.

Comparatively Islam is the africanized killer bees.
Describing Hitler and Stalin as you do in an ethnic sense you are correct. However, it's just as correct as calling you (assuming you're an American protestant) a Baptist because you grew up going to a Baptist church.

Could you tell me where the church is taking away kids from their families?

With christianity today you have a lot of people who are nominal christians. They don't believe the stuff but keep up the process and traditions just because it is expected.

But you can't focus on Kazakhstan. Islam causes trouble everywhere else.
I'm Irish and was born Catholic.
The Church with state authority were taking kids from parents here for generations, thankfully it doesn't happen anymore but it's not that long ago that the practice ended. Unmarried Mothers bore the brunt of this and were in a lot of cases locked away for varying lengths of time in church run industrial laundries and in some cases they became so institutionalized they never left, some of these women are still alive and it was happening into the 80's. In a lot of cases wealthy American Catholics were buying these babies from the church without the permission of the Mothers.
Even now the church refuses to release the adoption records of the stolen babies.
Just this year 796 bodies of babies and children were found in a septic tank at one of these Mother and baby homes, many of them dying from malnutrition and other preventable causes but they were illegitimate and deemed not worthy of proper care.
My dear Grandmother who passed earlier this year aged 91 had two of her sons removed from their home because they were skipping school, one boy escaped the home he was placed in, made his way to the UK and finally to Canada, he never seen his Mother again. The other boy when released left home immediately and didn't turn up again for 25 years, subsequently the boys home involved and many others were found to be havens for pedo's and abusers.
My Grandmother also on two occasions gave birth to stillborn babies who were taken from her immediately and buried unceremoniously in unmarked graves outside the walls of the cemetery because they were not Baptised, that itself doesn't sound overly traumatic but for a God fearing woman it was because her babies weren't in heaven according to the church.
She never ever spoke about any of this but it had a profound effect on her and my Grandfather for the rest of their lives.
My Mother often said that they feared the Church more than the state and if the Priest came knocking on your door you were right to be scared.
Stories like that are typical here.
So yeah I have a problem with Christianity , I also couldn't care less about Islam, Judaism or any other organised religious BS that claims to be the moral guardians of their followers, fuck them all to hell.
However I have no issue with anyone who chooses to have faith, I recognise that some find comfort through their God in troubled times and that there are some within the church who work hard on social issues etc even if they are in the minority.

Islam is without doubt the most violent and more so than any of the rest it's the one I distrust most but I know that if I ever have kids the church here will have no direct influence on their lives either.
Where I live now I would have to travel roughly 30 miles to find a non-denominational school as the majority of them are still steeped in the Catholic ethos but in reality the church has no authority here anymore and as far as I know a parent can decide if their kid sits through the religious education lesson or not.

Kazakhstan incidentally is a secular state and was just an example to show that some predominantly Muslim countries can live in peace with their non Muslim neighbours , doesn't mean it's a good holiday destination though and I still say that the Arab or Muslim countries where Europeans or America has interfered are the most troublesome of the lot.
I'll end by say that the sooner IS and it's followers are sent to the paradise they so crave the better but it is gonna take boots on the ground to achieve this and not just US boots, it's a global problem.
Then I suppose we wait and see what follows them, probably an even worse group of psycho madmen.
I'm Irish and was born Catholic.
The Church with state authority were taking kids from parents here for generations, thankfully it doesn't happen anymore but it's not that long ago that the practice ended. Unmarried Mothers bore the brunt of this and were in a lot of cases locked away for varying lengths of time in church run industrial laundries and in some cases they became so institutionalized they never left, some of these women are still alive and it was happening into the 80's. In a lot of cases wealthy American Catholics were buying these babies from the church without the permission of the Mothers.
Even now the church refuses to release the adoption records of the stolen babies.
Just this year 796 bodies of babies and children were found in a septic tank at one of these Mother and baby homes, many of them dying from malnutrition and other preventable causes but they were illegitimate and deemed not worthy of proper care.
My dear Grandmother who passed earlier this year aged 91 had two of her sons removed from their home because they were skipping school, one boy escaped the home he was placed in, made his way to the UK and finally to Canada, he never seen his Mother again. The other boy when released left home immediately and didn't turn up again for 25 years, subsequently the boys home involved and many others were found to be havens for pedo's and abusers.
My Grandmother also on two occasions gave birth to stillborn babies who were taken from her immediately and buried unceremoniously in unmarked graves outside the walls of the cemetery because they were not Baptised, that itself doesn't sound overly traumatic but for a God fearing woman it was because her babies weren't in heaven according to the church.
She never ever spoke about any of this but it had a profound effect on her and my Grandfather for the rest of their lives.
My Mother often said that they feared the Church more than the state and if the Priest came knocking on your door you were right to be scared.
Stories like that are typical here.
So yeah I have a problem with Christianity , I also couldn't care less about Islam, Judaism or any other organised religious BS that claims to be the moral guardians of their followers, fuck them all to hell.
However I have no issue with anyone who chooses to have faith, I recognise that some find comfort through their God in troubled times and that there are some within the church who work hard on social issues etc even if they are in the minority.

Islam is without doubt the most violent and more so than any of the rest it's the one I distrust most but I know that if I ever have kids the church here will have no direct influence on their lives either.
Where I live now I would have to travel roughly 30 miles to find a non-denominational school as the majority of them are still steeped in the Catholic ethos but in reality the church has no authority here anymore and as far as I know a parent can decide if their kid sits through the religious education lesson or not.

Kazakhstan incidentally is a secular state and was just an example to show that some predominantly Muslim countries can live in peace with their non Muslim neighbours , doesn't mean it's a good holiday destination though and I still say that the Arab or Muslim countries where Europeans or America has interfered are the most troublesome of the lot.
I'll end by say that the sooner IS and it's followers are sent to the paradise they so crave the better but it is gonna take boots on the ground to achieve this and not just US boots, it's a global problem.
Then I suppose we wait and see what follows them, probably an even worse group of psycho madmen.
I've honestly never heard that this went on in Ireland in modern times.

I'm not saying the story of your family is untrue, but I can't believe it happened to a great portion of people and remained much of a secret.

Obviously if it happened once it was once too many.

That being said, I'm sure the intent was good. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as the saying goes. This does not excuse it.

But theoretically, it sounds like at one time it was probably a good deed done by the church that grew out of hand as time wore on.

I can imagine the plight of the child of a prostitute 300 years ago.

The worst things done on mass scale in the name of Christ are the inquisition and the crusades.

Both are common and constant in the history of Islam, with different names.
It was written on the old testament, like the bible, so still smote, smite, eye for eye is there but that is it.
Also a bunch of "the place of women (none next to Allah)" etc.

No turn the cheek, walk away, forgiven and forget, or even the free will to do that. Lots of detail on how to conduct conquest, and then a lot of beautiful poetry to express the REAL LOVE, as told by the Clerics.

Insha'Allah means, as God wills it. It is a very fatalist view of, mankind is nothing. Allah calls the shots. And Allah is into Conquest.

Allah's Will is to prevail over all others. He Wills it so. Cannot we all see this? It is Allah's Will that Allah only is Praised.. This makes all other religions into merely Abominations before Allah, and there is no choice. To speak otherwise is blaspheme for which the punishment was set, long ago.

Ask the Hindu about all this. Hindu Kush Mountains? Death of Hindus. Where Hindus were pushed to die, by Muslims, just like they pushed Christian Sects up a mountain in Iraq, recently.
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I've honestly never heard that this went on in Ireland in modern times.

I'm not saying the story of your family is untrue, but I can't believe it happened to a great portion of people and remained much of a secret.

Obviously if it happened once it was once too many.

That being said, I'm sure the intent was good. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as the saying goes. This does not excuse it.

But theoretically, it sounds like at one time it was probably a good deed done by the church that grew out of hand as time wore on.

I can imagine the plight of the child of a prostitute 300 years ago.

The worst things done on mass scale in the name of Christ are the inquisition and the crusades.

Both are common and constant in the history of Islam, with different names.
Sure you're right to be sceptical but a simple google search will attest to the scale of abuse.
You're right, the homes started under British rule to house the poor etc but after independence were eventually taken over by the state who in turn handed over the day to day running to the church.
I don't know what numbers passed through the institutions but every report and inquiry published agree that abuse was endemic in the institutions for decades.
Back then and until recently(80's) no one dared question the church, it was an honour to have a priest or nun in the family and gave the family a higher social standing.
It is an extremely shameful and disgusting part of our history and if the state hadn't turned a blind eye to the church for so long much of it may not have happened. I only wish we had sentencing here like you guys, pedophiles are usually out in a couple of years and even in some cases they only get probation.
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan seem to be live peacefully with their neighbours, it's only in the countries where western Govts. especially the US has meddled in affairs that there is continuing bloodshed through the constant instability created
How about Sunni Mauritania and Tajikistan, who are they fighting with?
So in some respects Christianity has evolved at a faster pace than Islam and with the exception of a small number of Christian extremist groups has left the killing in the past it still doesn't put them on any kind of moral high ground.
Mother Teresa believed that the sick and disabled had to suffer so as to show God their love and withheld treatment and medications from them, she was just a sadist and did it all in the name of religion.
“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering,”
That's a quote from the Saint herself but yet when she needed end of life care herself she got it in the states.
She also refused to hand back stolen money donated to her by Charles Keating and even wrote to Judge Lance Ito on his behalf.

Christianity has done as much damage as Islam has, neither have made the world a better place to live in.
Mother Theresa is hopefully burning in hell. Fucking evil bitch
Didn't really happen, was much embellishment involved, most of those "refugees" actually lived there.

Uh, you don't watch TV. I saw it first hand when CNN had a camera crew jump aboard an IRAQ relief helicopter trying to bring up water. They were fired on by ISIL. They were almost swamped by panic filled, wild eyed people.

Or do you simply mean all those sand peasant, lies? All the lying that day to the CNN crew about families broken up, brutalized, and on the run? Those lies? And all those wailing people about loved ones left behind? Just made up? Staged? Kids dying of thirst? Couldn't find the water fountains by the park? What are you one about,. lived up there?

You don't even know what, live there, means, do you? You can over fly it with Google Earth. No gas stations or houses. It is high desert.

So, you are saying what? Nothing at all. Get a TV?
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Sure you're right to be sceptical but a simple google search will attest to the scale of abuse.
You're right, the homes started under British rule to house the poor etc but after independence were eventually taken over by the state who in turn handed over the day to day running to the church.
I don't know what numbers passed through the institutions but every report and inquiry published agree that abuse was endemic in the institutions for decades.
Back then and until recently(80's) no one dared question the church, it was an honour to have a priest or nun in the family and gave the family a higher social standing.
It is an extremely shameful and disgusting part of our history and if the state hadn't turned a blind eye to the church for so long much of it may not have happened. I only wish we had sentencing here like you guys, pedophiles are usually out in a couple of years and even in some cases they only get probation.
As bad as this is, it cannot be attributed to Christianity just because members of the church did it. There is nothing in christianity that preaches kidnapping and child rape.

Islam, on the other hand, does preach suppressing and slaughter of other people.

The problem with the church is when it lost its temporal power, the rule that priests not marry attracted the wrong sort to the priesthood.

It is a sad but unintended consequence of that rule.
Uh, you don't watch TV. I saw it first hand when CNN had a camera crew jump aboard an IRAQ relief helicopter trying to bring up water. They were fired on by ISIL. They were almost swamped by panic filled, wild eyed people.

Or do you simply mean all those sand peasant, lies? All the lying that day to the CNN crew about families broken up, brutalized, and on the run? Those lies? And all those wailing people about loved ones left behind? Just made up? Staged? Kids dying of thirst? Couldn't find the water fountains by the park? What are you one about,. lived up there?

You don't even know what, live there, means, do you? You can over fly it with Google Earth. No gas stations or houses. It is high desert.

So, you are saying what? Nothing at all. Get a TV?

Sorry doer, The "rescue" on Mt sinjar was already pretty much over before any US action took place. Its just politics and propaganda, someone trying to take credit.

The laughable thing is that you said you saw it on TV, holy shit, TV is nothing but lies.

I don't have to watch CNN to know what is going on with CNN

The only reason Obama sent troops was to Protect Erbil, he used the so called refugees on mt sinjar as cover, but there was no one to rescue. I mean why would you bomb a mountain that was full of Yazidi's? You wouldn't, you would bomb it because it was full of IS.

Read the transcript.
The Muslim answered that Islam could or could not accept other Religions?


lol, "the muslim". nice label. i just call him "zaycor". kinda telling about you, doer.

Therefore yes there is a place for all different peoples on earth & no-one has the right to force or coerce others into following a particular religion including Islam. Take it easy buddy
it's funny that when uncle benis says "the only good muslim is a dead muslim and the only good homo is a dead homo", he gets a pass from you.

when NLXSK or wilksey tries to justify woman beating, they get a pass from you.

but when zaycor denounces your silly ideas of what you think islam is, he gets labeled a jihadist by you anyway.

ugly shit, doer.

Ugly shit to lie. I never said anything about zaycor. I asked him a question. It is fun to see you make this up, though.

Ugly shit to lie. No one gets a pass from me except Lady Sky.