Newbie has 500 cash and need your advice.


Active Member
So new to everything here. My first post was introducing my self and a grow box I had put together, but from the advise given to me hear i am gonna need a taller box.
I have nothing rite now so I am starting from scratch.
I would like a package deal just to make things easier, but I am open to anything.
I would like to start of with 1 or 2 plants,but as my skills increase i wanna be able to still use what i bought so i would like to be able to use this set up for years to come.
Budget is 500 could do a lil more but thats around the price I wanna be at.
Thanks ahead fellow enthusiest.... ooooh i do have a space i could work in but would prefer a cabinet or tent.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
What are you wanting to achieve and what are your needs?

For example, do you need odor control?
How many plants would you like to run?


Active Member
Hot Diggity......
I am new to this game. As of now I would like to concentrate on 1 or 2 plants. I would like to be as stealth as possible, odor noise and light control is important. I would like something that's probably to big for 2 plants but something that will work for me if i do lets say 5 to 7 plants.
I am interested in hydroponics, but not married to the idea.
I have looked at a few complete grow kits but their are so many and not sure what is best for me.
Thank you for you responces....
Basically if you guys where starting out and had 500 after all youve learned what would you get.


Well-Known Member
Hot Diggity......
I am new to this game. As of now I would like to concentrate on 1 or 2 plants. I would like to be as stealth as possible, odor noise and light control is important. I would like something that's probably to big for 2 plants but something that will work for me if i do lets say 5 to 7 plants.
I am interested in hydroponics, but not married to the idea.
I have looked at a few complete grow kits but their are so many and not sure what is best for me.
Thank you for you responces....
Basically if you guys where starting out and had 500 after all youve learned what would you get.
I would spend all my money on a light or lights, and build everything else yourself, I don't know of a package deal for 500 bucks, did you look on ebay or anything?
soil is cheaper.


Well-Known Member
You definitely can invest in a quality lighting system for multiple plants with that kind of money, I wouldn't even think about using CFLs if that was my budget. Hydroponics also seems worth it but I like the simplicity of soil and would rather save some money by doing that and putting it towards quality lights instead.
If you break down your $500
$150-250 for lights
$50-$100 Nutrients
$20 Bag of Soil
That leaves over $100/200 for what I like to call secondary necessities(stuff like fans, carbon filter, mylar, pH meter, etc) All of that is important but your plants will still grow without them.


Well-Known Member
Get 5x5 grow tent on eBay for $120. Get a carbon filter and exhaust fan on eBay for $100. Get 1000w hps with air cool hood on Craigslist for $130. Then if you wanna do hydro or soil, use the rest of the money for soil or hydroton and pots or hydro buckets. Then grow some dank 8-)


Well-Known Member
You could get a Amare technologies Solar Spec 150 (I have 2 waiting on a new tent)@$395

Tents are cheap enough

Amare has a cool policy that as you buy more (even staggering your purchases), you get discount. They also have an excellent warranty

With my DIY you can started really well for ~ $500

Amare website is under development

See my thread A Tale of 2 Tents for a super simple DIY Mini-Me Flood & Drain

Keep in mind with F & D you need > 6ft of height
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Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
$500 is going to be tough. The only advice I can offer is not to buy shit stuff. Is your financial situation such that you can save and invest $100 or $200 a month for the next few months?

If so, start with a good digital ballast and a good air cooled sealed reflector. For tents, I have a Gorilla and I have a cheapo and I will never buy a cheapo again.
Don't skimp on carbon filters either...I suggest Phresh brand but there are other good ones out there too.

If you can invest your $500 now and save a little as you go, you won't need odor control for at least a month. Depending on your situation, you might not need a tent yet or any ventilation other than a common fan for a month too.

Inexpensive Tents:

I have a 4'x8' and while I would not buy another, it is a good value. I don't have anything negative to say about it other than it is not nearly the quality as Gorilla.

Digital 600 Watt Ballast
There are many to choose from. I personally found this one to be a good balance between cost and quality.

You could consider a Ballast, reflector, MH bulb and HPS bulb like this but the reflector is shit and the bulbs are probably sub-par as well but it is a good value and if you upgraded the bulbs and reflector in the future you're only throwing away like $50. The bulbs would probably be fine for a while.

Tent Ventilation
I've tried all kinds of different fans and these are my favorite based on performance and price:

I posted two fan/speed controllers. The 720 CFM one is definitely overkill *BUT* I've found a powerful fan running at 50-60% is much quieter than a lower rated fan running at 100%. Also, by having larger than what you need always allows you to scale up without having to upgrade.

Note that these are 6" and 8" so there are implications and considerations with your ventilation design including duct size and reflector duct size.

Hope this helps some.
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Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I am having good luck with hempy bucket, I had a bad time with the dreaded brown slime algae in my DWC

If it were me I would buy 1 of the Area 51 RW-75 and use that for one good plant and then buy another down the road. Quality light, cool, cheap to run

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
I am having good luck with hempy bucket, I had a bad time with the dreaded brown slime algae in my DWC
If it were me I would buy 1 of the Area 51 RW-75 and use that for one good plant and then buy another down the road. Quality light, cool, cheap to run
Do you find their description to be accurate regarding coverage and height?

Coverage: Minimum 18" x 18" ; Maximum 24" x 24" ; Recommended 20" x 20"
Recommended operating heights: 16" in veg mode for vegging plants. 12"-16" in flowering mode for flowering plants.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Do you find their description to be accurate regarding coverage and height?

Coverage: Minimum 18" x 18" ; Maximum 24" x 24" ; Recommended 20" x 20"
Recommended operating heights: 16" in veg mode for vegging plants. 12"-16" in flowering mode for flowering plants.
I have two of them in a 18"x24" space and they seem to be doing a good job


Well-Known Member
So new to everything here. My first post was introducing my self and a grow box I had put together, but from the advise given to me hear i am gonna need a taller box.
I have nothing rite now so I am starting from scratch.
I would like a package deal just to make things easier, but I am open to anything.
I would like to start of with 1 or 2 plants,but as my skills increase i wanna be able to still use what i bought so i would like to be able to use this set up for years to come.
Budget is 500 could do a lil more but thats around the price I wanna be at.
Thanks ahead fellow enthusiest.... ooooh i do have a space i could work in but would prefer a cabinet or tent.
First time growing. Stick to soil get basics down. Then check out hydro.

400 or 600 hps/ mh. 240inline fan with carbon filter. Oscillating fan. Misc pots ( well draining ). Good soil(well draining). Decent nutrient for veg/flower


Well-Known Member
agree with green machine, ive found the important things in the begining are good soils, temps and air flow, get them down and youve got a good base to grow from and then expand as you need to, i reckon a 600 gives you the most bang for buck and will allow you to get a couple more on the go next time, depending on space and ambient temp that will decide for you if you need air cooled hood, (i like them) though some people get good temps with parabolics, id try and get a cfl to start them of with, they will flourish under a good cfl to a certain point, this also keeps the leccy bill down, aswell as low heat, that can allow you 4 weeks or so from planting to source a good deal on a reflector, filter wont be needed straight away, but good air exchange is important, so decide on your space and get a fan slightly larger then you need so your not maxing it out!!, so really you can start straight away and let your kit grow as your plant does!! you dont need to spend loads on gear at first but if the bug gets ya you will in the end lol
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