Florida 2014 Vote YES on 2!!!

"(1) “Debilitating Medical Condition” means cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple
sclerosis or other conditions for which a physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health
risks for a patient
" = wide open.

83% last i heard. Even seniors are in favor
Yes, best portion of the bill. "Doc, I have trouble sleeping at night. This is safer than the Ambien you been prescribing"
"(1) “Debilitating Medical Condition” means cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple
sclerosis or other conditions for which a physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health
risks for a patient
" = wide open.

83% last i heard. Even seniors are in favor

Yeah, that is a very good piece of news. I kinda missed that last sentence there.


I am going for a visit over Christmas. Having been busted and disgusted in FL, any lightening up will be fine by me.
So, basically, you want someone to tell you who to vote for? Easy enough, just mail me your ballot, and I'll take care of it for you.

I would still like to vote and make up my own mind, but I would like to make an informed decision before doing so. I don't want to have a brain like your avatar before I enter the polls and vote.
I would still like to vote and make up my own mind, but I would like to make an informed decision before doing so. I don't want to have a brain like your avatar before I enter the polls and vote.
Actually, it helps " to have a brain like your avatar before I enter the polls and vote". You might try "The League of Women Voters" for an unbiased, factual breakdown of the candidates in both local and national elections. In some locals, they mail out local candidates stances on issues to registered voters in the area. I find the candidate's or party's websites to contain little or no honest information,
I cant find information on the bill on if we are going to be able to grow our own or not bc the reason I grow my own is bc I cant afford buy it on the black market so even less in a dispensery which prices are always super higher than average.
Yea but the whole point for legalization is to be able to grow without having to worry about persacution.
I know, but it is baby steps. The entire world is just waiting for it to fail in the few States that allow it.
Just saw a propaganda campaign on the news saying to vote against 2. It was painful, basically saying dispensaries will be like pill mills (something they are supporting LOL) and they'll be completely unregulated while mentioning the FDA. Honestly it's not looking good. There's way too many retards in Florida. Not to mention people are dumping tons of money AGAINST it. Meanwhile I haven't seen any financial backed opposition to counter the vote no on 2 crowd. Not looking too good. I'd honestly be shocked if it passes. Didn't the most liberal, pot friendly state in the country (cali) fail at legalizing for medical use the first couple of times?

That said, even if it does somehow manage to pass I heard the laws against it are going to be batshit insane, as in no cannabis with a higher THC content than 1% :S dunno though. Regardless it'll probably be much harder to obtain than pretty much all of the other med states.
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Michigan past it the first vote in 2008 ....but I swear I never thought I be qualify for it....we were told that it was going to be very hard to get....U gotta be on your death bed or something...today I hear of 20 something easily getting a MM card

there is a;ways upsets and surprises, don't give up hope. Sometimes polls are flat wrong, its like they tell the people something, hoping they will not vote cause they think its got no chance of passing.
I feel you amnesiahaze I will move too if this amendment does not pass. I manage a business and way to many people tell me they are voting no on 2. I try to explain to people that it will help those most in need, but they are cruel people.
I know, but it is baby steps. The entire world is just waiting for it to fail in the few States that allow it.
Medical in Florida is a Trojan horse(or meat for the liberal base if you prefer), slated to fail from the very beginning.What, they need 60 or is it 66% for it to pass? In a midterm election, no less, that Democrats generally do not bother to show up for anyway.This whole thing was designed by Morgan to get MORE Dems. to the polls for his boy Crist, who only needs a 1 vote edge to win, Crist may win a close election but medical will go down, perhaps getting a majority but nothing like 60%
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Really, you need 60% plus for this? Strange. Do all initiatives in FL need super-majority or just this one?
I would like to know what John Morgan plans to do after medical is passed. Will he fight for full legalization? Home grows? Decriminalization?
Really, you need 60% plus for this? Strange. Do all initiatives in FL need super-majority or just this one?
At least 60% for this one and I believe the others also. It is called AMENDMENT 2. I guess that means constitutional amendment needing a larger margin. Fl government has a record of overriding passed referendums, i.e. the bullet train or the class size votes. That may have something to do with it.
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