Club 600


Well-Known Member
I've never usedcoco but I hear iit's a lot better than Rockwool and you can feed more because it dries out faster, so I'd say coco
I did the 5.5 inch square coco. water about every 48 hours once established. about half ounce per plant 12/12 from seed. With the flood and drain you might as well water it like 5x per day and just empty the reservoir daily. Small containers are a lot of work. I guess its worth the extra flavor. I personally decided that I am too lazy to be moving so many small plants and watering so frequent. I've got it to where I only need to spend about 10 minutes a day with the plants.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon folks, I woke to a 56 degree house this morn so I went back to sleep.
Just came up from the grow, things are progressing beautify the NL5's are developing
nice long cola's on the lowers and the tops are fat as the oldman himself.
4 weeks down and 5 to go.:weed:


Well-Known Member
If I may ask, why do you flip so early your plants are so small?
My lemons were all monsters by the time they were ready to flip.
I don't think you'd want them any bigger than that under a 600....

I begged these stretchy bitches a week too long, I can't raise the lights any higher. Chopping them down and starting over tonight.



Well-Known Member
I am back, but disappointed. Dozer got 4 and looks like a dry spell half why threw flower got all the rest but 1:(


Well-Known Member
Very nice pics jig, that's crazy having a bear on the back porch! Nice slh Gary! That sucks Dr d, guerilla growing can either be the best free grow ever o4 completely shitty, my last guerilla grow years back was a huge disappointment for me, 40 plants, and it all molded :(


Well-Known Member
Pistils are finally starting to turn brown on what I have left in the flower room. Hopefully things will finally come to a close with this grow soon. I won't be around to trim them up next weekend as I'm doing another race with my brother.

I'll be taking cuts from the plants in veg sometime this coming week. Crossing fingers for a good success rate so I can have as many as possible to put in the flower room. It looks like I should be able to get five to six cuts from each plant so, 25-30 total. If I end up with only like 15 or something that root well I'll have to veg longer than I'm looking for. I want to do a higher plant count run with a shorter veg now as a comparison to see which suits me and my grow space the best.