First Grow in 10 years...Do I remember.......Lets see...


Well-Known Member
Need help if anyone GOOD in SOIL is watching. My 30 years growing has all been in water, know NOTHING about soil.
DO KNOW when it is not right however, lol, and I have 6 in soil in trouble!

Young uns, from seed, maybe 3 weeks. I burned 'em pretty bad. Must have been combo of hot soil and hot nutes........
I NEVER fry plants in 'dro, NEVER! The soil I'm still learning. the setup with troubled plants:

1.5 gallon pots. Rocks in bottom, good drainage. Bottom half of soil is Subcools mix, top 1/2 is Ocean Forest.
Water is always 6.2 for my soil, and filtered. Not R.O, but filtered well, down to 100 PPM(my base is 350!!!!)
Using Fox Farms nutes, reco dosage.

Realized I burned them 3 days after transplant. Lower leaves hit hard and quick. Tops appeared ok, DID NOTHING!!
Next day, getting a quart or so of PH water into each pot. Next day, new growth is TWISTED....they
are still HOT......

Should I run a gallon of PH water through each pot and clean her soil, or just let them go. The roots are probably into Sub's soil,
have had issues before with this soil and young plants.........all recovered and were fine within a week.........

Advise welcomed...............


Well-Known Member
I'd say let them be for now - wait for the results; the soil should be returning its normal PH after a flush; just takes time.


Well-Known Member
I'd say let them be for now - wait for the results; the soil should be returning its normal PH after a flush; just takes time.

Was thinking the same, why I asked before doing anything..........thanks .......I know they are in no danger of dying, just
wondering what did it. Must have been the big roots(solid Dixie cup full) down into the subcool, then me hitting then with nutes right
upon transplant............soil is different than water........still learning that!


Well-Known Member
On to something I do know something

Been worried since DAY 1 when I got the Widow cut. Was told just how AMAZING this plant is, and based an entire grow around
this one cut!!! Never done that before. She has NEVER been a good grower, never really got into what I would call a VEG state,
and yet I continued to grow the Mom, take a zillion cuts, and start to run them. Just having some faith in the way of things I guess.........

The cut I have flowering in Cab 1 is tiny, frail, and will yield it was not the cuts late, turned at 6 inches,
crowded out by her neighbors. I have a full Cab of this cut running now. They started the same, small, slow growing, bushy ground clingers.
I let them go 2 weeks in a real good environment, they FINALLY appear to be coming into their own.........DAMN, lol.........

They are 12 inches, I am gonna turn them tonight. Figure at this height I will have enough room in the Cab to check her out,
play with nutes, air, light and heat, and learn what she likes. Leave the MH in the fixture for first week, then switch to HPS.
They just started their veg, great time to flip them and still finish at a manageable height. Goal is 40 inches or so.

This is Cab 2 the night they flip to 12's...........




Well-Known Member

The Northern Lights Cab. They are doing just fine. From fem seed, a couple are larger n growing taller. Very cool,
2 distinct Pheno's visible at this early age!!!

Above is NL...and so is rest of the Cab except the next pic, it is a test of Power Kush by Dinafem


That is Power Kush. Fem seed. She looks nice too!

Had to slow up the two taller pheno's in the cab,




Well-Known Member
Cab 3 split today, 2nd light added. Moved W.W.'s front and center for better light. Lowered system level 5 gallons, 2 inches in buckets.

Cab 1 girls going insane as expected. Leaves pointing straight, straight up, stretch done, sucking huge nutes, dry days sure work on them......
Exhaust air set on

Nl's are growing REAL fast, lol, too damn fast. They grow very hardy from seed in good 'dro, too quick to
deal with at the moment for me.

Cab 5 is stable, the SSH n 47's are settled in now, should see big growth in next week................

Burned 47's still burned, lol. Left em be, gave them a bit more clear water. Should go one way or the other over this weekend.





Well-Known Member
Never dealt with NL before. Never seen her grow either, nor even a real good example of her before!
One of the reasons I'm trying it. Been so busy with regular work and setting this grow up, I have paid no attention to the NL
seedlings. Now I'm caught up, setup is done(well, is it ever really?????) and tonight I got to take a good long (20 minutes, lol) look at them.

They are from fem seed, forgot exactly when they came up, same time as the SSH and 47's did.

Speaking of the 47' 11 seeds, from long time trusted supplier, got 11 up. Now, as of today, ALL 11 Female!!!
No way that way..........has to be fem seeds........called him and asked......"I have NO fem seeds I sell"
So not sure what is up with that, but instead of placing 4 or 5 47's, now I have to make room for 11!!! Shit, lol..........mean GOOD shit!!,lol.

Back to Northern Lights. Open the Cab tonight, Im impressed with the little things!!! I have ignored them pretty much(yes, correct light, nutes, air...all that)
and was pleasantly surprised to find the little suckers grow very well!!!


My cell phone contract expired the other day, went and got a new phone, was checking out the camera tonight. It appears to do a nice job,
I will not need a camera anymore................damn phones are pretty good these shot with cell phone.


2 VERY distinct Phenos in the bunch. I knew it in the Dixie cups, and placed them accordingly. I was correct, lol......rarely
The 4 corners are the narrower leaved, taller Pheno, the centers the fatter greasy


Well-Known Member
Dealt with the taller Pheno, they are staying in the same Cab so they have to play nice!

I almost never cut my plants, only when I HAVE to. I prefer to train them, my weapon of choice has always been the green wire
used 250 foot of it so far in this grow (1 full roll)


Phone does well.................need to try it's zoom and see if it has a Macro feature on it..............



Well-Known Member

My guess is the little one, directly behind the plant in the fore front, or the one just to the right of the front plant, will be the "keepers" The taller versions
gonna be to lanky and difficult I bet....................just a guess....................

Plant directly in front is a beautiful plant, but it is the ONLY one in the Cab NOt NL.....
it is Dinafem's Power Kush............


Well-Known Member
The Ak's were fried by me in the soil................I grow at VERY high ppm in water and always have, NEVER burn a plant.
I Scorched 5 AK47's in probably weren't laughing ................... NOT a dirt farmer, so posted up here
and asked for a suggestion.......I suggested leaching with clean water and doing nothing but letting them recover.......I was told
that was a good that's what I did. Checked on them tonight, and other than them ALL being girls, and a few BURNT leaves, they
have 80 % recovered in 2 days!!! Remarkable plants huh!!!

DAMN........gotta make room for these somewhere..........




Well-Known Member

That is embarrassing to really is.........I would make fun of someone who posted pics of plants like'm ashamed of
Sorry girls, just TOO much going on at once.........Your fine now.........if I remember to water y'all Sunday night, you should be good to



Well-Known Member
For the soil, I'm only experiencedwith ppromix, I've heard of tthe subcools soil tthough, someone told me they use regular promix for the top 1/3 or 1/4 of the soil so it doesn't burn the new roots. Not sure if that helps at all, but I know ocean forest has nutes in it too, maybe next time use a medium with no added nutes for the top layer


Well-Known Member
Hydro plants Look good, nice nl

Truth of the matter is that FOR ME, the keeper of the whole deal WAS going to come out of the crappy looking AK's presently in the soil.
Or the 6 other Ak,s presently in Hydro. Have not shown them in a bit, but basically my whole intention was to find the one Pheno of 47 I grew
15 years ago that was amazing......MY favorite smoke of all time. From what has happened, although most would think its a windfall, getting 11 of 11 Female
from seed, I know somethings up.............just sense it, but cannot figure out what it is. Seeds not Fem..........HHHMMMM....
ALL the damn 11 AK's(3 do not, but ONLY because of planting) look EXACTLY the same. Look at the 5 in the soil in the pic above. They ARE
the same PHENO for sure. Other 6, JUST like those 5. Something just odd about that to me coming from seed.

Maybe times, breeding, genetics, and handling have changed A LOT in 10-12 years, but something is strange about 11 girls, all the same.
So, either a huge windfall, or God knows prediction.....somewhere between. I went up to fool with them tonight,
touched em all, got them STINKING........forgot JUST HOW BAD AK smells when it grows...........DAMN..........they are AK line alright!!



Well-Known Member
For the soil, I'm only experiencedwith ppromix, I've heard of tthe subcools soil tthough, someone told me they use regular promix for the top 1/3 or 1/4 of the soil so it doesn't burn the new roots. Not sure if that helps at all, but I know ocean forest has nutes in it too, maybe next time use a medium with no added nutes for the top layer


I know what I did..............just didnt really pay attention. LOL
My mistake was feeding them at transplant. Should have been straight water with the nutes in both my top and bottom layers. LIVE N LEARN

They are fine now............other than looking at eviction real


Well-Known Member
Lol, good deal man, glad you got them under control, that super soil can be a hot mix for sure, I know some people that don't need to add any nutes until the last few weeks of flower, if at all . Great soil mix though for sure, one of the best


Well-Known Member
Yes, the soil is HOT for sure. Using plain filtered PH water for next few weeks. Two days of leaching and off the
liquid fert, they are just fine, and will be fine.

Some good news about the 47.........must have been REALLY STONED when I checked them the other night.
I SWORE I SAW 11 females............I was I missed the ONE male is beyond me, but I found him 10 minutes ago.
Since I already have a cut of him, he went into the trash:cuss:


Well-Known Member
VERY VERY good news seeing the, DID NOT have fem seeds after all, and my buddy's integrity
is intact!! COOL!

Also looked real close tonight as I trained them.........they are not all the same, I have 2 Pheno's!! Very cool again.
My hopes of a GOOD AK are on the rise again, lol............20141012_202754.jpg

This Pheno REEKS something just awful.....................she is more Sativa appearing also..........

This one stinks too, but NOT the same as the other. They are different.
