Let's get drunk!!!


Staff member
so when i moved to this building i was promised quite neighbors, and they were , often the older lady downstairs would drink with one of the other lady who lived here and you could hear em laughing and chatting, no biggie i have no fucking issues there.

than the third tenant underneath me moved out, whoever the new fucking people are who moved in...are annoying as fuck
they have a dog, and i dont like to complain about animals but the fucking dog barks allf ucking day long.
and right now as im typing i guess one of them is extremely pissed off about something cause their fucking STOMPING around...

now see iw ouldnt find this an issue normally except i live in the fucking top goddamn apartment in the attic that was turned into an apartment.
their stomping around so hard they dropped two glasses of mine off the counter...

what the fucking fuck


Well-Known Member
Yo girl, wassup this evening?
Just got home a little bit ago...took my daughter to the carnival...

So I'm on this ride with my daughter, guy comes through to make sure we are "secure" and as he leans in behind me to fasten the strap around me properly (apparently I did it wrong) he practically moans in my ear "Mmmmmm AND you have pretty feet" :shock:


Well-Known Member
Just got home a little bit ago...took my daughter to the carnival...

So I'm on this ride with my daughter, guy comes through to make sure we are "secure" and as he leans in behind me to fasten the strap around me properly (apparently I did it wrong) he practically moans in my ear "Mmmmmm AND you have pretty feet" :shock:
OH boy...lmfao!!!!!!!!!

Do they ever stop??? omg girl..lol


Well-Known Member
I'm always creeped out by carnival workers (typical stereotype really...should be ashamed of myself)
But when I turned around and saw it was a FINE ass brother :shock::oops:

I was left without words!!

And you know I ALWAYS have something to say!! :lol:
hahaha yep you sure do!! :lol:

and I hear you girl!! had one try to get with me a couple weeks ago, had to turn him down..lol
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