Democrats Just Got Some Horrible News From New Polls


Well-Known Member
I wish the poll said incumbents are in trouble. It's fascinating to see polling of congress. We tend to like "our guy" and hate the rest. Confirmation bias I guess, it's everyone's fault but the ones I voted for..

We shouldn't need term limits, as voters we should be able to set those ourselves, but when you see the likes of Boehner, McConnel, Reid, Pelosi and Boxer types with decades of shit leadership, it underscores that bias we have for "known" names.

I want term limits because I don't trust my fellow man to be informed enough to make logical informed choices. We vote on looks, name recognition, party affiliation and talking points.


Well-Known Member

The pretending democrat politicians can't pretend any more. Their goose is cooked.
um, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah:sleep:

Romney 49%, Obama 48% in Gallup's Final Election Survey
Early voting so far breaks 49% for Obama and 48% for Romney
by the Gallup Editors
PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are within one percentage point of each other in Gallup's final pre-election survey of likely voters, with Romney holding 49% of the vote, and Obama 48%. After removing the 3% of undecided voters from the results and allocating their support proportionally to the two major candidates, Gallup's final allocated estimate of the race is 50% for Romney and 49% for Obama. :lol:



Well-Known Member
November 4th will either start to turn this country around or doom us ( mine not included, we are out of here in 5 years max ) to a total invasion of unclean types.


Well-Known Member
Goddamn dirty Africans!
Because not wanting travelers visiting from a country in the middle of an Ebola outbreak is racist because that country happens to have lots of black folk. You just can't make up this kind of suicidal liberal stupidity.

It's not fair that they have Ebola and we don't, cause, you know, slavery. And when the mass outbreak occurs in the USA, it will magically transform into the fault of Conservatives.

If we could limit the outbreak to liberal strongholds, we might be able to lift the combined IQ of this country enough to survive long enough to unwind all this progressive douchebaggery.