F*ck banks


Well-Known Member
I don't use banks, and I never will. People tell me you have to use banks. No you don't! Im been without a bank for about 10 years now. Everytime I used a bank I ended up owing a bunch of money in the end. I dont understand why people think they need somebody to hold on to their money. Isnt that how we got into this Financial problem to begin with? Everybody lending money that we didnt have, everybody asking for money they cant afford to pay back. Here is the argument. People say you need a bank so you can get loans for a car or a house. I owe three vehicles and guess what? All paid in cash, I would rathet not talk about my houses for safety concerns, but all owner financed without banks. I work off my truck and house payments in labor. I do not recieve a pay check, my gardening takes care of everything else. And yes I do pay taxes because I buy a ton of shit. But im not being taxed 5 times before I get a chance to spend it. One big misconception is people think banks are free, really people? Free, lol. Now I'm not very bank sauvy, but that is what I choose. I once was told by a wise man "if you don't have the money, don't buy it". I dont ask for fronts and I dont do fronts. The reason is because eventually your going to lose. It make work the first couple of times but sooner or later your going to get fucked.
I see your point and agree that banks are criminal

but there are many jobs out there, including mine, that require me to use direct deposit
For me, my money is more secure inside the bank then it would be under my bed. You can also make money off of investments in the bank. Sure they are out for your money. Everyone is. If you allow them or make agreements with someone to do so then that is your fault. As for the 5$ they charge me a month for keeping my money safe I think its well worth it. Your advice about not financing is completely right if one could afford to do so. However back when a bank helped me buy my first truck we both made a lot of money in the process.
also, i'm not charged for owning a checking account at my bank. there's no minimum balance or minimum number of transactions required to avoid fees. I can go to any ATM in the country and withdrawal money and if I bring the receipt to my bank within 60 days, they'll refund the transaction fee

of course, this particular bank is in North Dakota in the most booming oil field town in the USA
I don't use banks, and I never will. People tell me you have to use banks. No you don't! Im been without a bank for about 10 years now. Everytime I used a bank I ended up owing a bunch of money in the end.

There is your problem..

Yeah, money sitting in a bank is just the weakest investment you could possibly make.. Pretty safe though.
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Yep.. My bank cancelled 2 of my cards I used at Home Depot.. they sent me new cards within the week and I went on with life.

But yeah, I hear you. Banks can fuck up but so can people. If you lose your money, get robbed, or leave you card statements in the trash and they get used.. you're fucked.
With a bank the money is at least insured.

Go with a small local credit union.. they are MUCH better than banks in about all ways.
Or hang on to that cash..
I too stay away from using banks for cash,there are just too many ways honest people get fuked over by banks & banking laws,just last month my bank of 15 yrs sold my branch location to another bank & apparently sold all the members at that branch as well,i got a letter telling me my safe deposit box would be emptied if i didnt pay a new fee within 72hrs,i at no time agreed to switch banks or close my 15 yr old checking account but they did it anyway.

Had i not went & emptied my safe deposit box my cash would have been siezed & turned over to homeland security , you see its 100% illegal to keep any currency in any bank safe deposit box & once siezed you'll never see thecash again even if you prove you earned the money & paid all tax owed.

Another reason i keep very little in banks is bill collectors,i pay all my bills on time but 3 times in my life ive had medical billing companies sieze funds from my bank account due to their in house billing errors,once they take the money you never see it again.

Credit.cards are.shit unless your.card allows you to pay the full amount borrowed within 30 days with zero interest,we own 2 homes we live in & over & dozen rental homes & paid cash for all,my harley collection & Mcintosh hifi collection all paid for in cash.

Ive saved several hundred thousand dollars by not paying interest on loans & credit cards & by avoiding any bank fees from using the banks own rules to make my membership free of monthly fee's.

Ive got a great safe in both our homes thats just as safe as a bank vault so the bulk of everything liquid we have is in our safe & not the bank,fuk em,your on the right road bro,if you cant pay cash then you dont need it .
I cant stand banks either and I understand that they are crooks but I also know this, don't hate the player hate the game.

These days most people need leverage in order to get things in life. Using other peoples money is the secret of the rich. The rich don't use their money, if they did they would be broke!

Credit cards, loans, and bank accounts are as good as the person handling them.
drop 10k somewear ligit and watch how fast your ass gets a visit from the IRS and audited at the end of the year, With no accounts you dont have a chance of fighting the charges
my buddy here in williston ND works as a safety manager and recently applied for an LLC permit to do independent safety training and write-ups for start-up companies that don't have their own in-house safety manager

At the beginning of next month, he'll know for sure whether he gained a new contract from a new small company whose owner agreed to pay him $20k in cash to safety train his employees

He said he'd "hide the money" by making small deposits of a few hundred dollars over a long period of time. He was audited last year for earning $7k under the table

Think he'll get stiffed again?
Today being paid in 'cash' can mean many different things, sadly rarely it means actual cash , and when it does it does not mean that their no records of transactions (safety manager... thats got to be a write off )

Structuring your deposits to avoid the limits is a fellony by its self ,Granted its usually hard to prove many have still ben charged and convicted

do I think he will get stiffed ? ? , Not enouth info to make a edcuated decision but it does not sound good...
drop 10k somewear ligit and watch how fast your ass gets a visit from the IRS and audited at the end of the year, With no accounts you dont have a chance of fighting the charges

Not true , not true at all my friend , i deal in cash amounts well over $10k routinely & have done so for 40 years , i just bought a $100k home 2 months ago for $55k & showed up to the closing with $60,000 in a fukin candy box & flapped it out on the table , the closing agent tried pulling some shit & acting like i was doing something illegal because i didnt bring a $25 cashiers check , he tried saying he couldnt take my cash & we couldnt close unless i used a cashiers check , i put my cash back in the box & said " Fuk It , Im Out ! ", the bank agent selling the foreclosed home stopped me & said he'd take cash , the closing agent had no choice but to start counting the cash , no problems with the IRS,

The whole $10k cash thing is a common misconception where all purchases over $10k in cash are reported , then red flagged by the IRS for investigation , that only applies to banks & other credit & lending corporations , not private transactions , banks report to homeland security as well as the IRS ,

You dont need any bank account balance history for the IRS & there are no ( Charges ) for dealing in cash over $10k , and who cares if the IRS does an audit , it's their time to waste , if your allready doing a bunch of shady shit then you'd be foolish to fudge your tax returns & leave something for the IRS to find , to my knowledge ive never been audited & ive spent $10k plus dozens of times at car lots , motorcycle dealerships , high end hifi shops & real estate ventures & many times well over $10k cash on Audiogon.com for used hifi from big dealers , never once been fuked with over using cash .
^true that. I can't tell you how many times I've flown with anywhere with a banded-up $3k to over $10k in my pocket and held it in my hand during a pat down

they never dare confiscate or even say anything about it
Not true , not true at all my friend , i deal in cash amounts well over $10k routinely & have done so for 40 years , i just bought a $100k home 2 months ago for $55k & showed up to the closing with $60,000 in a fukin candy box & flapped it out on the table , the closing agent tried pulling some shit & acting like i was doing something illegal because i didnt bring a $25 cashiers check , he tried saying he couldnt take my cash & we couldnt close unless i used a cashiers check , i put my cash back in the box & said " Fuk It , Im Out ! ", the bank agent selling the foreclosed home stopped me & said he'd take cash , the closing agent had no choice but to start counting the cash , no problems with the IRS,

The whole $10k cash thing is a common misconception where all purchases over $10k in cash are reported , then red flagged by the IRS for investigation , that only applies to banks & other credit & lending corporations , not private transactions , banks report to homeland security as well as the IRS ,

You dont need any bank account balance history for the IRS & there are no ( Charges ) for dealing in cash over $10k , and who cares if the IRS does an audit , it's their time to waste , if your allready doing a bunch of shady shit then you'd be foolish to fudge your tax returns & leave something for the IRS to find , to my knowledge ive never been audited & ive spent $10k plus dozens of times at car lots , motorcycle dealerships , high end hifi shops & real estate ventures & many times well over $10k cash on Audiogon.com for used hifi from big dealers , never once been fuked with over using cash .

I can only
Not true , not true at all my friend , i deal in cash amounts well over $10k routinely & have done so for 40 years , i just bought a $100k home 2 months ago for $55k & showed up to the closing with $60,000 in a fukin candy box & flapped it out on the table , the closing agent tried pulling some shit & acting like i was doing something illegal because i didnt bring a $25 cashiers check , he tried saying he couldnt take my cash & we couldnt close unless i used a cashiers check , i put my cash back in the box & said " Fuk It , Im Out ! ", the bank agent selling the foreclosed home stopped me & said he'd take cash , the closing agent had no choice but to start counting the cash , no problems with the IRS,

The whole $10k cash thing is a common misconception where all purchases over $10k in cash are reported , then red flagged by the IRS for investigation , that only applies to banks & other credit & lending corporations , not private transactions , banks report to homeland security as well as the IRS ,

You dont need any bank account balance history for the IRS & there are no ( Charges ) for dealing in cash over $10k , and who cares if the IRS does an audit , it's their time to waste , if your allready doing a bunch of shady shit then you'd be foolish to fudge your tax returns & leave something for the IRS to find , to my knowledge ive never been audited & ive spent $10k plus dozens of times at car lots , motorcycle dealerships , high end hifi shops & real estate ventures & many times well over $10k cash on Audiogon.com for used hifi from big dealers , never once been fuked with over using cash .

I can only speak from my personal experiances , as far as the 10,000 $ thing I know it's federal law the bank must report every transaction (they frequently report much lesser amounts on suspicion). What happens after reported I dont realy know , but I can tell you I have ben questioned.

Audits are nightmares , I have ben audited 2x in my about 20 years filling , each cost me 5k for the lawyer +fines +alot of lost time (the time is the worst part), and then what they said I owed . I have never cheated on my taxes bolth times audited I had them professionally done. it does not matter they will find something wrong as the code is so complex

Not having a bank account , but 'large' sums of cash looks very very bad to the irs, you would have very little ground to fight charges . And this is just the type of thing they look for so they can hit you with civil forfeiture

The whole point is to edcuate your self to try and avoid as much BS as possible
theyre forcing me to spend it on fines and feeds pigs are mad cus they hate to see me with all kinds of cheese
For me, my money is more secure inside the bank then it would be under my bed. You can also make money off of investments in the bank. Sure they are out for your money. Everyone is. If you allow them or make agreements with someone to do so then that is your fault. As for the 5$ they charge me a month for keeping my money safe I think its well worth it. Your advice about not financing is completely right if one could afford to do so. However back when a bank helped me buy my first truck we both made a lot of money in the process.
It might appear that way but you are wrong. The minute you deposit money into a bank, it is no longer yours. You have just lent your money to that bank. Go read up on bail-ins. Cyprus. And most importantly, The Creature from Jekyll Island...you will learn all about fiat money...I mean currency.
have you ever closed an account.....i've had the cops called on me because they wouldn't give me my money and i wouldn't leave...the cop sided with me and i got my coin!