Phantom CLOUD V


Well-Known Member
Hey guys

So im moving to Michigan Saturday morning. Pretty excited. I was supposed to move the first but had to take care of a few things.

Anyway, im buying a portable vaporizer to celebrate the move. Have i mentioned i haven't smoked in 4 months now? Took a little break. Anyway again, i'm looking to get the best portable vape for my buck. I've been watching alot of reviews on youtube and reading alot of shit online and im not quite sure which vape to purchase yet. I have stumbled upon a new product by CLOUD V. The phantom. It seems to be awesome and is priced 100 dollars cheaper than the other higher end models. Was wondering if anyone here had any feedback on it. There is a review on youtube about it but the guy doing the review seems to be paid for advertising it. I do not want a vape that combusts the herb whatsoever. I'm looking for a small, nifty, portable vape that is the shit.

Whaddaya think?
check out the Power Pen. been using this for about a year and freaking LOVE it!!! 50.00, comes with the juice cart (e-cig or thc juice), gold funnel for concentrates, and a silver funnel for oils. replacement atomizers are 12.00 and come with a new gold funnel. ive put probably 5g of awesome shatter thru it and still works great. I bought mine at BDT's. but can be bought at the power pen website for a bit cheaper.

I used to own the original G-Pen. utter F'n GARBAGE!!!!! even the 35.00 ti nail is shit. I dropped 160.00 for that kit, and never worked half as good as the 50.00 power pen.
trich im looking for a portable vape for flowers. I also tried the G pen and it sucks it doesnt give off true vapor it combusts it. I don't think i'm looking for anything marketed as a pen
the power pen comes with 3 smoking pieces, the globe for juice, gold funnel for shatter/ect, and a silver funnel for oils. the now make a funnel for dry flowers as well. the globe for juices works excellent for home made thc juice. works the same for qwiso oil based peg400 as well as bho based peg400 with out any clogging. my mixture was made at a 50:50 (weight not volume) mixture.

I use my pen daily for vaping shatter (strawberry cream and gorilla glue). I do have to charge the base about every 2 days. I can put about 1-1.5g in it before recharging.

heres the link to the company
Welcome to the Mitten!

I like the PAX for portable flowers. I've been through i-olites, Magic Flites, but PAX is my current fave.

I consider stealth / discretion important, so my portable has to be small. Otherwise I use a whip vape for my daily driver (Silver Surfer)
I feel like the buzz is not as good from vape, so I don't care for it. That being said, I think the pax is the best portable vape out there. 10 year warrantee!
I vape for two reasons:

I can inhale a lower temp and vaporize off just a lighter buzz- good for when I'm working and doing math all day. I can also jack up the heat for a heavier body buzz. So I like that in a vape

I also avoid the carcinogenic compounds released when organic matter is combusted.
I'm hitting the road in an hour. Going to be a long drive. Usually i listen to some joe rogan experience for the drives but my phones jacked up
So im in traverse city. Man this place is fucking awesome. Way more populated and developed then i imagined. I've also smelled weed almost everywhere i went today.
just wait till winter and the 8' snowdrifts and 4' of lake effect snow. lol

im not complaining, as I love the snow (15yr snowboarder/heliboarder/back country--out west mountains, not this mi crap)
Seems like I'm the only one here who likes the G Pen lol. I actually love my G Pen, best money I have even spent! I don't think you can beat it for the money, it came with a box, two complete pens, two glass jars, a charger and a dabbing tool all for $24 shipped to my door.

I actually prefer my G Pen over dabbing from my bong with a Ti nail.
the wicked cart is useless, the thin/cheap-ass/china made junk glass covering the ti nail is utter garbage. I broke 4 of them in about 5 months. so I gave up on the unit.
Seems like I'm the only one here who likes the G Pen lol. I actually love my G Pen, best money I have even spent! I don't think you can beat it for the money, it came with a box, two complete pens, two glass jars, a charger and a dabbing tool all for $24 shipped to my door.

I actually prefer my G Pen over dabbing from my bong with a Ti nail.

That seems like an unbelievably good deal! Could you post a link?