Club 600

I had to remeasure Oldman, my visions wicked blurry, I just smoked some sour d concentrate budder, super intense lol, it's closer to 8mm, is it still worth getting appraisal? I was hoping to get a few hundred at least or so :?
I did a quick check a 2ct uncertified I grade stone sells for about $2000.00.
COF has a good idea taking it in for an upgrade.
As for vision, mine is sooooo bad, I hate it, I wear contacts at 20/30 or 40 corrected, before contacts, huge glasses, I can not see anything at all with out my contacts, I have been looking into laser surgery and hoping sometime I can afford it!
Another Cosmic moment in the 600:

I am currently squinting as hard as possible and contorting my face in all ways possible to try and focus my eyes to read the last 10 posts.
I just finished a nice jayski of Super Skunk, and forgot to put my glasses on before starting to read and get caught up.
Long distance mugging is for the taxman.
Its funny you said that my buddy was just telling me that income taxes are legal and he refuses to pay them ever. And my buddy ended giving me about 5 more seeds last night (: none of which I germed I just throw them into the fridge until im ready. Took some shots of the girls (hopefully) before I Headed out to work this morning. How do they look to you guys?

20141009_054622.jpg 20141009_054618.jpg 20141009_054615.jpg 20141009_054611.jpg 20141009_054606.jpg 20141009_054603.jpg 20141009_054557.jpg

And ubcase anyone is wandering yes those are Firehouse Sub's buckets they're cheaper and food grade plastic buckets that they sell for 2$ in the store so I had to buy a few plus they look better than the homer orange buckets IMHO
Sup guys! Damn Figgy that bike is mean looking ;)
Im a special kinda stoned today. Had a m8 visit with some jack herrer bubble. He had not been smoking for a few weeks and when i lid up a lemon joint he had to taste. 4 puffs and his eyes were mailbox red :) But then he got exited and wanted to smoke some of the bubble he brought. 2 joints later he was stuck looking all white and sick. lol it was so funny he was angry in his sleep like:"Fuck this im so fucking high shit fuck!" Slept for 6 hours before he could drive home. lol i made a big bong mix and just smoked until i crashed and im still felling it :)
Mutant is starting to look "normal" :)
Outside getting cold.
10 days left on lemon

Oh and a pusher at christiania fucked up! He let a danish news team in and video him selling and telling all kinds of things like Hells Angels is like the backman providing the hash for the dealers. He estimates a 400.000dollar a day buisness. Ill get the documentary up as soon as it hits youtube. The dealer is gone..
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looking good enwhysea, all the new growth appears to be green and healthy.

i would cut the top off that tall one if i where you, it'll end up a beanstalk compared to the other girls, will help it bush out too

Like top it or cut 4" off of it ?
up to you really bud, you are god where that garden is concerned.

personally i would top it by literally chopping it in half, if that sounds too extreme then maybe pinch the very top node off. it will allow your other girls to catch up
up to you really bud, you are god where that garden is concerned.

personally i would top it by literally chopping it in half, if that sounds too extreme then maybe pinch the very top node off. it will allow your other girls to catch up

I'm.going to try and take half off the top since I have extra beans now I guess if i fuck it up I can start another but I would like them to all be the same size
Alternatively before you get the shears out. Stick a cane or something in the pot, Take the top of the plant, bend it right over (phnaar phnaar) and tie the top off to the cane (half way down the plant). That way, all the nodes above where you have tied it will all start to grow as main shoots.