Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I would also say using it fresh is better from what ive heard, i wouldnt think the flower or the root should do any harm at all, think about it in nature everything will get used up, id just do they comfrey and dandelion together, i really doubt it should be anaerobic, probably good to keep it somewhere where it doesnt get too much sun & keep a lid where some air can enter/escape. id probably do 2 parts of water to 1 part of material & let it ferment but i might be estimating too much material, i guess you will have to dilute according to how potent you think it is, try 15/1 on some plants, best way is just to try it out but whenever you dont come across something online its because usually its not that complicated at all although i understand you trying to get the best out of it. I have been reading about permaculture etc so i have come across this, however mixing soil for pots & weed aint my strong point at the moment lol. Peace :peace:
does anybody know if dandelions or comfrey/ nettles etc, needs to be dried prior to soaking in a tea? or is it better fresh? My gut says fresh, after all veggies are more nutritious fresh, but i'm making it into a rotting slimey stinky tea anyways so im not sure, and I searched the entire internet and they all say to let it ferment for weeks, is this the only way to do this? and I also couldn't find out how MUCH to put in a in relation to the water, like a cup of minced dandelion per gallon or two cups, do I use the roots too, flowers? Hmm maybe I should start a thread about this, but i'm quoting you, pattahabi, since you have taught me the most regarding the subject of teas.
can I overdose? is it the same amounts for the comfrey as the dandelion and the nettles? whats the NPK? argh, I have so many questions!


Bluejay says he mulches with it, which is typically what I would do with fresh plant matter.

This is the response from Coot. I can definitely give you application rates if you want to add fulvic, aloe, silica, etc.


1/2 cup of dandelion and by that I mean you crush and stuff the leaves - add this to a food processor or an Osterizer and make a puree. Add this with enough water to make 1 gallon.

Stick an airstone in the raw tea and bubble it for 24 hours or close to that. Strain & drain and there's a tea for your soil. Dilute 1:1 with water if you want to use as a foliar spray.

Usual additives are helpful - potassium silicate, fulvic acid, aloe vera, blah, blah, blah

Dandelions are an amazing plant and if you decide you like what you see you might consider looking at the dandelion seeds offered by Horizon Herbs if for no other reason that to read the information that they provide about this plant.

Yarrow is a plant you can consider - the leaves are powerful and provide both fungicide and insecticide compounds.


Hope that helps!

Makes me want to go dandelion hunting ! Id definitely be keen to get the applications rates for aloe pattahabi, at the moment i have some lacto b made with some good raw milk, should be done on friday, ill be adding some of the lacto b, molasses, fish fert & chicken poop into a tea this weekend to give my organisms a boost while the pots wait for the transplants.
I'm going to pose your question to some people far more knowledgeable about this. I'll get back to you as soon as I find something out.

One thing I can tell you is both dandelions and comfrey are dynamic accumulators. Basically, their tap roots travel deep into the earth, pull nutrients and minerals up to the leaves, and stores them there. What this gives us is very nutrient dense plant material.

so following that logic, i'd say it's crucial to get the roots from these plants?

Bluejay says he mulches with it, which is typically what I would do with fresh plant matter.

This is the response from Coot. I can definitely give you application rates if you want to add fulvic, aloe, silica, etc.

Hope that helps!

this is GREAT, thank you, I was primarily interested in the silica that is in the dandelion, I would love to make a nice natural silica foliar spray for my ladies. I'd really like to see if I could wean off some of the other products I use, I already ditched the cloning gel for aloe a while ago (should have done that YEARS ago)
Grease monkey do you use those fruit mesh bags to hold your material ?
nah, I just throw it all in there, I have a really beefy new air pump that froths my bucket like crazy, if I need to strain it (I usually don't) I run it through a bucket with a crappy t-shirt over top for a filter.
Honestly I never use a bag, my pump agitates the water like crazy and I don't think it's needed. Course I could be overlooking something...
right now I just have a jar filled with comfrey and dandelion, when I get home i'm gonna throw it in my big tea bucket, and bubble away
man, you shouldn't have to look far, those things are EVERYWHERE! I just gotta find a nettle patch now, I got the comfrey and dandelion covered, I had a place where a patch of nettles were, but the drought killed em...
oops that was supposed to be quoting southern soil, in regards to him looking for dandelions...
so following that logic, i'd say it's crucial to get the roots from these plants?
Honestly, I would use the leaves, but I'm assuming there is benefit in all parts? I have dried kelp, alfalfa, comfrey on hand, so that is what I usually use in my teas. And again, with that said, I top dress it more then tea.

this is GREAT, thank you, I was primarily interested in the silica that is in the dandelion, I would love to make a nice natural silica foliar spray for my ladies. I'd really like to see if I could wean off some of the other products I use, I already ditched the cloning gel for aloe a while ago (should have done that YEARS ago)
You are most welcome! In the past I've looked into ditching the silica bottle and trying to use horsetail, etc. I've kind of given up on that for now. Foliars I go with pro-tekt, but I would love to hear what you find out.
Honestly, I would use the leaves, but I'm assuming there is benefit in all parts? I have dried kelp, alfalfa, comfrey on hand, so that is what I usually use in my teas. And again, with that said, I top dress it more then tea.

You are most welcome! In the past I've looked into ditching the silica bottle and trying to use horsetail, etc. I've kind of given up on that for now. Foliars I go with pro-tekt, but I would love to hear what you find out.
yeah, I haven't used ANY plants for a topdress, well minus mulch of course, but as a supplement? No. But on that note, i'll try it on my next flowering run and see if it does anything noticeable, maybe I won't feed the plant that I topdress with and see if any deficiencies arise .. I usually only feed once or twice anyways.
Makes me want to go dandelion hunting ! Id definitely be keen to get the applications rates for aloe pattahabi, at the moment i have some lacto b made with some good raw milk, should be done on friday, ill be adding some of the lacto b, molasses, fish fert & chicken poop into a tea this weekend to give my organisms a boost while the pots wait for the transplants.
Hey SS! Aloe - fresh juice add 1-2 oz per gallon, 200x powder use 1/4tsp per gallon. If you are using liquid be careful of anything else added - especially sodium benzoate.

I love the Lacto b idea! The only thing I would be careful about is what you are mixing the bacteria with. I might consider adding the fish fert and chicken poop at another time.

Also, if anyone has not tried either an SST I would highly advise this! Best thing that has happened to my garden in a long time!

yeah, I haven't used ANY plants for a topdress, well minus mulch of course, but as a supplement? No. But on that note, i'll try it on my next flowering run and see if it does anything noticeable, maybe I won't feed the plant that I topdress with and see if any deficiencies arise .. I usually only feed once or twice anyways.
Can I ask what you are currently using as a mulch? I have lots of stick, leaves, etc. So I just throw the plant material in with the mulch. It very quickly gets consumed by the soil. In fact last night I found the 3" of vermicompost I added is now a solid brick of roots. I added another top dress on a few plants; as much as I had material for anyway!

nah, I just throw it all in there, I have a really beefy new air pump that froths my bucket like crazy, if I need to strain it (I usually don't) I run it through a bucket with a crappy t-shirt over top for a filter.
Honestly I never use a bag, my pump agitates the water like crazy and I don't think it's needed. Course I could be overlooking something...
right now I just have a jar filled with comfrey and dandelion, when I get home i'm gonna throw it in my big tea bucket, and bubble away

Should be good with that pump then man, the tshirt trick sounds good, ill keep that in mind, i was even thinking if it would be beneficial to try strap the bag right in the middle in my case of having a smaller pump, id love to look around, there was a load of stuff in my neighbours yard although they cleaned that out, ill have to search a few places outside my place, living in a shitty concrete jungle at the moment. Peace : )
Hey SS! Aloe - fresh juice add 1-2 oz per gallon, 200x powder use 1/4tsp per gallon. If you are using liquid be careful of anything else added - especially sodium benzoate.

I love the Lacto b idea! The only thing I would be careful about is what you are mixing the bacteria with. I might consider adding the fish fert and chicken poop at another time.

Also, if anyone has not tried either an SST I would highly advise this! Best thing that has happened to my garden in a long time!


Thank you bro, will take a look around & keep an eye for any bullshit ingredients ! Adding the fish fert and the chicken poop at another time sounds better you right, i rate just lacto B & Molasses should do perfect ?

Will read up more on SST's, thanks for all the tips bro : ) Respect :peace:
Also, if anyone has not tried either an SST I would highly advise this! Best thing that has happened to my garden in a long time!


Huh. I wonder if I was sprouting wrong or something. I didn't notice a lick of difference with my plants using SST's or not.
Huh. I wonder if I was sprouting wrong or something. I didn't notice a lick of difference with my plants using SST's or not.
Stow, what seeds were you using, and what was your process, etc?

The SST's have made a huge difference in my garden. I'm definitely seeing better water uptake, more turgosity, increased resin production, etc.

Grape Stomper OG - day 30

Stow, what seeds were you using, and what was your process, etc?

The SST's have made a huge difference in my garden. I'm definitely seeing better water uptake, more turgosity, increased resin production, etc.

Grape Stomper OG - day 30
View attachment 3270077


Mainly alfalfa seeds. The chia seeds sprouted but they were a gooey mess.

I would soak them for 12 hours in a paint straing bag, discard that water, give the seeds a rinse and then bubble them for another 24 hours or until I had a 1/4" sprout and then purée and add to plain water as a soil drench.

There were no negative side effects that I observed, but nothing positive that I noticed either.
Mainly alfalfa seeds. The chia seeds sprouted but they were a gooey mess.

I would soak them for 12 hours in a paint straing bag, discard that water, give the seeds a rinse and then bubble them for another 24 hours or until I had a 1/4" sprout and then purée and add to plain water as a soil drench.

There were no negative side effects that I observed, but nothing positive that I noticed either.
Lmao Stow, I just read this on another site:

Chia seeds have what is called a mucilaginous coat and when water hits that it forms a 'glop' and if it dries? Good luck with that. Plant mucilage was used as glue (which it is) for 400 years before glue products arrived on the scene. It was used for postage stamps, book binding, etc. The man who brought comfrey to the forefront in 19th Century England, Henry Doubleday, had a business that removed mucilage from comfrey leaves and became quite wealthy from his glues.

I personally don't think it's possible because even the sprouted seeds for people websites have some pretty convoluted instructions that don't play well with the concept of malting a grain.

If you figure it out please share it with everyone because this seed in particular has generated more questions in my PM and email than any other.


I have tried 2 tbsp per 5 gallon on the alfalfa seeds with excellent results. Wheat seeds I go more like 1/2c per 5 gallons. How are you sprouting them? And are you pureeing and straining?
