8 weeks flower update


Well-Known Member
20141005_070156.jpg 20141005_070140.jpg 20141005_070113.jpg 20141005_070156.jpg 20141005_070140.jpg 20141005_070113.jpg Just a few pics of the girls. They are getting really close now, I think another week to 10 days and they will be ready. Still a fair amount of.white pistils on them but the trichs are starting to turn cloudy. They are on straight water now and should by ready for the chop soon enough. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Def almost done. Looks good my dude. Is that nuye burn or he's stress or naturally dying leaves?

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic


Well-Known Member
Naturally dying for the most part. They have been weird, same strain, same soil, same nutes, everything is the same but all are reacting differently. I'm still inexperienced, made some mistakes on this one, but happy with the results so far.

I've been pulling cold air in when the lights are out to bring out some colour with limited success for the most part except one plant.


Well-Known Member
These were bag seed my buddy gave me, he told me it was a WW cross. Whether that is true, your guess is as good as mine. I germinated 4 hash plant seeds last night so that will be my next run.

This is only my second indoor gross and the one before this was a few years ago. I was working on the road so I couldn't have a garden.

I use to live in south Africa and helped my roommate with his plants outdoors. So still inexperienced but I've Leared a lot about it this go around and reading as much as I can.

I said when I started if I got around 3 Oz from this grow I'd be happy and they look like they are on track for thatnext round 5 Oz! !


Well-Known Member
nice man imma bout to germ some purple urcal tonight! My current run is almost finished.
well for this only being grow 2 it looms mighty fine. Do you got a whole shot of the plant? looks like from bud apperence. Shell be done in a matter of days

ya better have a harvest update to homie

ain't it crazy how much those harvest guesses change with experence? I've got a few under my belt in just now starting to get desired weight haha


Well-Known Member
nice man imma bout to germ some purple urcal tonight! My current run is almost finished.
well for this only being grow 2 it looms mighty fine. Do you got a whole shot of the plant? looks like from bud apperence. Shell be done in a matter of days

ya better have a harvest update to homie

ain't it crazy how much those harvest guesses change with experence? I've got a few under my belt in just now starting to get desired weight haha
These are the only ones I have on me that kind of show the whole plant. I definitely be posting harvest updates. Without the help from people on this site, I wouldn't have gotten to this point. Look forward to learning more!

20141008_065551.jpg 20141008_070122.jpg


Well-Known Member
gotta love this site! So much to learn. I usually read more than I post ha. If it wasn't for this place is be trying to grow under halogen lights using miracle grow hahaha.
looms like there comming along deffenitly pretty frosty

I think those brown spots is a lack of potassium
but its probably to far along to try and correct it