Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

Some would say that aliens are proof of Satan and that he exists in any form he chooses. Some also say that aliens are merely demons in disguise. That said, I find all of this very fascinating :)

I will say, that is a bunch of religious clap-trap.

There is as much proof of Aliens as there is of Satan, i.e. None.
google it dude,

Before even wheels were invented, prehistoric people moved giant rocks to Stonehenge from dozens to hundreds of miles away. Now, British archaeologists may have finally figured out how they did it. University of Exeter archaeologist Andrew Young believes they dragged the slabs along wooden tracks lined with carved wooden roller balls. He and a few students tested the technique on the smaller, four-ton stones.
they did it on myth busters with wood,rope and pulleys with 5 people....humans can be extremely enginuitive
the human brain is an absolute miracle!it can hold more info than the national library of congress,it has over 29000000 books...think about it.

He said: "The photo shows a structure colloquially called ‘the dragon particle’ which scientific analysis shows is made of carbon and oxygen and is therefore not a piece of cosmic or volcanic dust.

Uhhhh...What are we supposed to make of an analysis for a 10micron piece that consists of "it's made of Carbon and Oxygen"? Is it time to bring back the Strategic Defense Initiative? Jelly-beans?
but all life is made of carbon and oxygen, plant matter, animals, humans, even most soil has life in and of itself. I am having difficulty seeing the point that proves humans are elsewhere. That is only evidence to say that other humans could be out there somewhere, just not definitively.
It doesn't even say that.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear they conclude that piece of matter is a remnant of a chicken's beak originating from a McNuggets factory in South America.
10 microns? It could be a flea's turd, perhaps? How big is a flea's asshole, anyway?


And what is Segment X ?
Is it a secret government plot to design Super-fleas ? Is the sensilium really an inter-stellar ion drive?
Hey Heckler, bring it in a bit dude.
To what extent?
It's a 10micron piece of "carbon and oxygen".
The article is from "the express".
It is not proof of alien lifeforms. It is suggestively implying the possibility for panspermia, however. But it could equally be suggesting that flea poop is the source of this "dragon".

It all comes down to the size of the flea's rectal passage. It has to be tiny.
Probably too small for a colonoscopy...

..unless you have alien technology...dun dun dunnnnnn
To what extent?
It's a 10micron piece of "carbon and oxygen".
The article is from "the express".
It is not proof of alien lifeforms. It is suggestively implying the possibility for panspermia, however. But it could equally be suggesting that flea poop is the source of this "dragon".

It all comes down to the size of the flea's rectal passage. It has to be tiny.
Probably too small for a colonoscopy...

..unless you have alien technology...dun dun dunnnnnn
No, I agree about the 10 micron piece of nothing. I mean you're getting way out there with the secret government plots.
No, I agree about the 10 micron piece of nothing. I mean you're getting way out there with the secret government plots.
I didn't even begin to let my imagination "run wild" there.
But seriously, the flea's sensilium does look like something out of a sci-fi studio used for propulsion purposes.


Caption: Flea (Siphonaptera) sensilium at posterior. A sensilium is a sensory organ used for air movement. Magnification 118X when printed at 10 cm.

EDIT: I guess a flea's ass-hairs are used for navigation in the air? Or perhaps to detect evil doers coming from behind? :lol:
google it dude,

Before even wheels were invented, prehistoric people moved giant rocks to Stonehenge from dozens to hundreds of miles away. Now, British archaeologists may have finally figured out how they did it. University of Exeter archaeologist Andrew Young believes they dragged the slabs along wooden tracks lined with carved wooden roller balls. He and a few students tested the technique on the smaller, four-ton stones.
they did it on myth busters with wood,rope and pulleys with 5 people....humans can be extremely enginuitive

Im not talking about stone henge, that was probably built by humans. But there is a lot more stuff out there that is simply unexplained. Stonehenge is chump change compared to the pyramids of giza. And explain why there are pyramids all over the world. Obviously south america did not know Egypt.
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I just made some measurements of a flea's anus based on that photo.
After some rigorous computation, it was determined a flea's poop has an approximate diameter of 33microns.
All religion is spiritual so I guess that's a good argument. I believe in a higher power myself but I totally respect others outlooks. Just crazy bcuz someone was telling me the other day they believed aliens were demons here to deceive and do the devil's work. Just had to share ;)
I think it's more likely to be the reverse: "demons" are actually Aliens in disguise!
google it dude,

Before even wheels were invented, prehistoric people moved giant rocks to Stonehenge from dozens to hundreds of miles away. Now, British archaeologists may have finally figured out how they did it. University of Exeter archaeologist Andrew Young believes they dragged the slabs along wooden tracks lined with carved wooden roller balls. He and a few students tested the technique on the smaller, four-ton stones.
they did it on myth busters with wood,rope and pulleys with 5 people....humans can be extremely enginuitive
I always figured it was us. Damn conspiracy theories. Makes me hate myself sometimes for being susceptible to them..other times it fascinates the hell out of me. I'd love to see them just come on down and announce themselves. I mean, what's the hold up already? Saw a thing on a news station here in USA earlier this year, they were showing this silvery glob flying across the sky through the clouds. Newscaster said it was being confirmed as an official UFO and that we were watching it live..then nothing else was mentioned. I

I think it's more likely to be the reverse: "demons" are actually Aliens in disguise!



seriously though, you are just as likely to be right as they were.