im just running house and garden aqua flakes a&b and cal plants are dieing

You edit my comment that you're "quoting"? Nice move, wtf. Way to steer your argument, you should be in politics. I'll check out your links tomorrow, if they prove me wrong I'll admit it, but I hope you aren't just linking to charts... I have a feeling that's what it is, just a nutrient antagonism chart. But I have things to do tonight.
I'm just editing out the fluff because we're not talking about pH ranges here. We're talking about how you think too much N locks out mg, which it doesn't. Did you just pull that out of thin air or do you have a link to support your statement?
I'm just editing out the fluff because we're not talking about pH ranges here. We're talking about how you think too much N locks out mg, which it doesn't. Did you just pull that out of thin air or do you have a link to support your statement?

No, you weren't "editing out the fluff". You totally changed my statement, which is bullshit. What I said I wasn't looking up was the pH range at which Mg is locked out, NOT the fact that too much Ammonium will lock out Mg. Again, nice move, I've seen you do that a lot when you argue with people and it's bullshit. And like I said last night, I didn't have time to go find a link, I have a busy life. Just hang tight, I'll be back after I check out your links and come back with my own.

Ahh yes, charts... That's what I suspected, and they don't (and can't) express the whole picture, only give a rough guide. You do not know everything HB, though you seem to really want to believe that you do. It gets old. Here's one link for you, I'll find more.

Is that enough? Or do you want more? Like I said, a simple chart can not express the whole picture homebrewer. What say you?
No, you weren't "editing out the fluff". You totally changed my statement, which is bullshit. What I said I wasn't looking up was the pH range at which Mg is locked out, NOT the fact that too much Ammonium will lock out Mg. Again, nice move, I've seen you do that a lot when you argue with people and it's bullshit. And like I said last night, I didn't have time to go find a link, I have a busy life. Just hang tight, I'll be back after I check out your links and come back with my own.

How's this for you, your 'unedited' posts below where you have incorrectly stated that N locks out Mg :lol:. Are you now clear on what you've stated or do I need to post those again?

What many people mistake for a nitrogen def is actually a magnesium def, and maybe a little calcium. To make matters worse, the ammonium form of nitrogen that a lot of people add to correct the issue further locks out the Mg.

Um, ammonium nitrate most certainly will in large enough quantity. As will a low pH (under 5.4 I believe), but I'm not looking it up.

Ahh yes, charts... That's what I suspected, and they don't (and can't) express the whole picture, only give a rough guide. You do not know everything HB, though you seem to really want to believe that you do. It gets old. Here's one link for you, I'll find more.

Is that enough? Or do you want more? Like I said, a simple chart can not express the whole picture homebrewer. What say you?

Your links are garbage, laughable at best. I gave you two solid links, one being from North Carolina State University. Your response was links to cannabis forums and a Maximum Yield article? I'm kinda surprised you didn't link your own posts here at RIU :lol: .

You posted this yesterday and I think you need to follow your own advice:

You really should know for certain what you're saying before you go arguing with people. It just makes you look bad.

I really don't feel like continuing this 'discussion'. I cited references and you cannot admit when you're wrong. I have nothing to prove to you or learn from you so with the being said, peace.

Oh, and feel free to post some .edu links when you get a free moment so others can actually learn something from your links in the future.
My god, you're really something, man. Yeah, I'm done with this one too. Who is it that can't admit when they're wrong? I do it all the time, because I make mistakes, but this isn't one of those times. Bye.
Homebrewer hows that incomplete h&g working for you? I just talked to you a week or so ago and you said they were working flawlessly for you.

Well I just got some aqua flakes and was searching info on them and came across this thread.

So do you take back that their formula is incomplete with only 4 elements or whatever it was you said?

Not trying to stir up trouble here pal but just wanting to clear things up.
Homebrewer hows that incomplete h&g working for you? I just talked to you a week or so ago and you said they were working flawlessly for you.

Well I just got some aqua flakes and was searching info on them and came across this thread.

So do you take back that their formula is incomplete with only 4 elements or whatever it was you said?

Not trying to stir up trouble here pal but just wanting to clear things up.

I didn't reread this thread to know what it's about but to answer your question, H&G's Agua Flakes performed really well actually. I think on the bottles themselves, they only list like 5 elements but clearly there are more. I spoke with H&G about this on the phone and they said they list 'minimums' as to 1) not get in trouble with the various states and their labeling laws but 2) to keep their 'nutrient formula' a secret.

I felt like the NPK ratios listed on Oregon's Department of Agriculture website (which are different than what is listed on their bottle) matched up well with a PK booster I had. The grow was as trouble free as any I've had with DG or GH and I've actually posted this info on here before.
Well, basically you were just saying that their nutes are crap.

They dont tell you much on those bottles though. Its hard to even make out a amount per gallon off the bottle.

House & Garden's customer service is by far the best on this planet!

What additives did you run? I have drip clean, bud xl, shooting powder, multizen, and I am going to add in dark energy. Its similar to the amino aid but I just so happen to already have it here. H&G says their aminos are cold pressed and other chemecial or heat extraction methods that most other companys use are sub-par.
Well, basically you were just saying that their nutes are crap.
Back when this thread was going on, I didn't know companies hid their nutrient info by sometimes listing 'minimums'. They can't sell you less than they guarantee but apparently they can sell you more. That makes it really hard to determine what is best to use in conjunction with a base nutrient program. They list one thing on the bottle and register other NPK numbers on State's websites, it's a guessing game at best with some of these companies. I'm not a fan of running my garden blindly like that. However, Aqua Flakes delivers.

They dont tell you much on those bottles though. Its hard to even make out a amount per gallon off the bottle.

House & Garden's customer service is by far the best on this planet!

What additives did you run? I have drip clean, bud xl, shooting powder, multizen, and I am going to add in dark energy. Its similar to the amino aid but I just so happen to already have it here. H&G says their aminos are cold pressed and other chemecial or heat extraction methods that most other companys use are sub-par.

Protekt and magpro are the only other bottles I used with Aqua Flakes.
Ahh yes it the Nutrients that the company spend millions on research not the grower that has nute burn, heat stress and numerous deficiency on his plants. I like your logic sir :/

Been growing with House and Garden for a while now was growing with Canna before since there made by the same person which i do hope you would do some research on before posting. And never had a problem with them. There is also a thread with 60+ pages with nothing but numerous of very happy and satisfied growers. But once again its the nutrients right friend?

LOL first of all House and Garden was not created by the same person who created Canna. For awhile they claimed it on their webpage and were taken to court and sued and had to change the wording so now it doesn't claim that it created "Canna" but other "dutch brand nutrients."

Secondly if you look up the heavy metal analysis on House and Garden they exagerate the NPK greatly you can look for yourself. The actual NPK on Aqua Flakes A is .3-0-.3 not 3-0-3 as they claim. They also have 5 PPM lead in the Aqua Flakes A. LOL this company is a joke. That's why they have to lie in their marketing.
LOL this company is a joke. That's why they have to lie in their marketing.

I have used G.H, B.C, D.G, A.N, and currently H&G. I can already my plants are loving H&G. Perfect looking plants with leaves at a 45 degree angle just reaching for the light. Love it when they do that :-)

Did I mention H&G has the best customer service? lol
did you ever get this figured out? i am currently on my second grow with H&G and my first went like shit. Now on my second grow, i am having lots of deficiencies with different plants. I am currently on week 3 of 12/12. Lots of my plants look like the pictures posted in this thread. I am using their whole line (except algen extract). Aqua flakes A & B, roots excel, mutlizen, drip clean, starting budXL next week. There is maybe 15 out of 42 that look green and healthy, but others are showing signs of phosphorus deficiency (brown points/tips that are not crispy nute burn), some are showing signs of magnesium deficiency (leafs curled up), or calcium deficiency (minor rust spotting that is not bugs). I am keeping all bugs in check using orange guard regularly so we can rule out bugs. my tap water is about 35 ppm / 50 uS. At week 3 of 12/12 i followed the feeding chart and added 8.5mL of A & B per gallon, which i had 60 gallons. Once A&B was mixed up the ec was about 1425 uS (micro siemens). after adding roots excel, multizen,dripclean nute strength was 1525 uS. I have been adding 125 mL of MagiCal over the course of the week (fresh nutes A&B on sunday, add 125mL of magical on tuesday or wednesday and add water). Ph adjusted everyday if it is needed and i have also been adding 50 - 75mL of snow storm ultra per week One plant is having some issues where the lower shoots are just crumpling up/drying out and dieing. other than that all the plants are growing fairly well, generally look OK but it seems like there is something more i should be able to do. I am adjust the ph as needed, the room temp is 65 - 85 degrees, have co2 runing at1700ppm, water temp is between 65 - 70 degrees, hydro setup with grow rox,5 gallon buckets, 10" net pots, top feed sprayer heads and two 30 gallon resevoirs with mixing pumps. no airstone. feeding 6 - 8 minutes every 4 hours during the light cycle.

The thing is i have grown with awesome yields using GH - 3 part,lucas formula, and advanced nutrients sensi grow and connoisseur one grow, sensi bloom another grow. All great yields, almost a gram per watt doing hte exact same as described above.

it seems like everything grows absolutely fantastic when i have plants under 24/7 lighting and vegging them with aqua flaks A&B w/ drip clean under flouros with co2 and nute strength at about 900ppm. it just seems like things go to shitte when i move into my big room / bloom room with the 10" netpots, 5 gallon buckets and HID lights. i have selectable watt ballasts and light spreaders to avoid hot spots! wtf H&G. I see the potential with my shit growing under florescents but why do i have the problems when things get big? didn't have these problems with GH or AN. peace and thanks to all who share their knowledge

The problem is simple. First im a lil late for the reply. House and garden A+B give your plants NPK + Calcium + Magnessium+Iron but they lack the other micronutrients such as Molybdenum, manganese, copper, etc. The problem is micro deficency. Seaweed of any sort, would help you. House and garden Aqua flakes already contain Cal-mg and don't need more even with R/O. Because they already have it if you over feed cal/mg your over feed the plant it making it use massive amounts of Cal/mg eventurally locking the plant up. Plants have to have an semi-equal amount of macro's and micro's. Some are at different ratio's buit you never want 2 products adding Cal-mg at the recommended levels unless u use less of both to compensate. My Advice: If your using the recomended ratio's of Aqua flakes A and B, foliar spray with a Seaweed like B.Seaweed or Soluble Seaweed Extract. This feeds your plants the other things they need that A and B don't provide. Orchid Champion/Hyugrozyme or both for helping with root rot by gibing em enzymes. Use with EITHER myco or Hydrogen peroxcide but not both(h202 kills myco's) Goodluck and a pro doesn't worry about mites and mold, because a pro doesn't get mites and mold. Predict ahead of time, Your gonna get em no matter what you think, spray before u got em.

The Beast

*Oh how I wonder about William's Wonder, the most potent strain of all marijuana, From the highest of hills, across the farthest of seas, gleaming oh so bright, it stands tall and proud, the smell tickles my nose, and kisses my lips, oh how I wonder about that imfamous marijuana, the most potent of all cannabis sativa, Oh how I wonder about William's Wonder..." -A phrase to the song of William.
I just started using H&G recently.. Not because I want to, but because the people who are fronting all the money for this op want to run H&G.

People seem to like this line, but what really bugs me is the fact that there's no full disclosure on what they use. Even with their base nutes, they don't even clue you in on what's in aquaflakes A&B. I don't like to be guessing what I'm feeding my plants... I really wish there was a guaranteed analysis that included everything they use. As far as them not adding micros, they might not add them in salt form (zinc sulfate manganese sulfate etc) but there's definitely kelp in part A, which is full of micros...

Just wish they'd let you know what's in there from a plant nutrition standpoint...
I know this is an old thread, but I'm a long time H&G user who praises them normally, but I am suddenly having this same issue. When I do my normal mix according to the nutrient calculator my e.c is really low.

This is the second run where I've had this same issue from the same 20L of A&B.
Id like to ask how people have faired using A and B. I am on my first grow and so far so good. coco/perlite so adding a small amount of calmag plus. I agree that the cust service is great. I called, spoke with someone immediately and he answered all my questions. Ther ARE micros. 12 micronutes in a and b. and to use a and B in equal parts. I know it is an older thread, but now everyone will have an idea of how their grow went!! ty :D
is there something I am missing my plants are all dieing and turning yellow..DO I NEED DIFFERENT NUTES? SUPPLEMENTS? is aqua flakes a&b alone ok or am i missing something important?
I did not add any of there other products from there line
I see other products have different things for flowering veg etc

no clue why it happened ive posted up pics of the plants over and over but nobody has been able to tell me what was wrong. here they are again
ph 5.8 meter is calibrated every few days and its always on point
ro water

feed 15 min a day twice daily..takes about same time to drain 930 am 730 pm ..should i add a 3rd feeding mid day?
ive never noticed the rockwool dry

house and garden a&b nutes with calmag 5ml per gallon 1150 ppm total..i had at 1250 and i started burning tips so i backed it off 100
temps 65 night 75-79 during day lights on
2 fans one blowing bottom of leaves one blowing tops
had some powdery mildew problems since the beginning. treated with 1 ounce peroxide to 1 quart water then switched to serendade
440cfm pulling air out room, 6 inch intake fan
1000 watt hps air cooled hood 18-24 inches from tops of bad plants
used hardwater from tap at 520ppm up until 10 days ago

really i have no clue wtf to do and nobody around me locally knows either, i would love to save these plants ..there gonna give me a heart attack Attack
Id like to ask how people have faired using A and B. I am on my first grow and so far so good. coco/perlite so adding a small amount of calmag plus. I agree that the cust service is great. I called, spoke with someone immediately and he answered all my questions. Ther ARE micros. 12 micronutes in a and b. and to use a and B in equal parts. I know it is an older thread, but now everyone will have an idea of how their grow went!! ty :D
this thread is from 2014 and it’s now 2020 , is anyone still on here ?! People should be master growers by now right ?