• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Should i stop smoking weed ?


no offense but someone who has anxiety issues shouldnt be dabbling in psychedelic drugs..please refrain from giving advice to those with medical conditions you clearly know nothing about
its mushy season :D wooow im goin out at half 5 in the morning to get the little buggers pick till about 9 wen people start swinging golf clubs around me that will be about time for me to go ..:D


Well-Known Member
oxycodone helps with anxiety better than xanax even does hey should just give that to everyone


oxycodone helps with anxiety better than xanax even does hey should just give that to everyone
u be suprized it breath control teq. and simple medditation if its ppl do it to u stand back a lil think whats goin on.. y's it happenin and ull pull urself together and figure that there is fuk al to worrie about .. not some pill that takes away ur feeling ur natural human instinct .. just my opinion .. just will power and control uno ur own body #mindovermatter ..


Well-Known Member
I agree firstly with avoiding psycho-pharms as they should only be prescribed as one of the last, not one of the first solutions for any mental health issues. The trouble is that they help doctors to make patients go away quicker , plus they make alot of people a helluva lot of money, so of course they gonna be prescribed like candy. But do be careful as even good old weed has better time-served case studies on it than a lot of these psycho-pharms do.

Secondly, anxiety functions very much thru association, so whatever ur conscious or subconscious mind tags as being the source of anxiety will in turn become it, and that source will then act as a trigger for future episodes.
Anxiety is just a sort of sub-set of the fear emotion, and is in itself a very useful psychological tool our brains have developed, but only when applied rationally and with reason.
The problem with the anxiety mechanism only starts when our brains begin to make irrational associations that have no basis at all in reason. Then if we encounter a situation which we've wrongly tagged, the anxiety mechanism will still kick in thinking it is right to do so.

This is what is happening to you with blunts and is just your subconscious mind trying to turn u off weed because it wrongly thinks it is a genuine source of anxiety and should be avoided. It is not secretly trying to tell u a message or anything, as the body doesn't work like that, it is just a incorrect association ur brains made.

Certainly though I do think the reason why your anxiety is not just incorrectly associated but also so wildly exaggerated at the moment, is because u do sound like u been caining heavy. Plus not being in regular sleeping & eating patterns and general stress can affect the brains balance too.
I would also agree that a general moderation would be good but also that total weed abstinence would maybe even be detrimental. Plus why give up something u love for no good reason? The reason I say this is the answer to curing & banishing irrational anxiety & panic attacks is not to completely avoid the triggers for the rest of ur life. It may help in the short term, but it won't address the root cause and it won't stop future irrational associations happening all over.
For me, when I suffered them I found the key is to recognise that anxiety comes from fear and that the only way to conquer both is to face them head on.

Whenever it next happens, focus on deep, slow, steady breaths and just remember that the last time it happened it only lasted 5, 10, 20,whatever minutes and all u gotta do is ride it out till then.
One strange trick was, I found that if I started just thinking of it as a bad trip then I just thought, "well I've ridden out enough bad trips on acid before, so actually 10 mins of non- drug induced mind weirdness will actually be pretty easy!" And then once i started putting it within a timeframe & rationalising it down, its almost like my mind then realised this association is a bit irrational, and that nothing bad has actually happened, and then slowly that association dissolved away over a short time till it never happened again.

So overall, I'd say stop the morning and lunchtime blunts, save it for evenings & weekends, stop the pharms and concentrate on mental coping mechanisms for when u feel stress or anxiety coming- even if the first few u just gotta think fuck u & ride them out!
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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i don't recommend you take vallium or any of that pharmacological shit like people suggested to deal with your anxiety, because once you use that shit to deal with something is when you get addicted, having a few drinks when you get anxiety attack would be a better approach, don't smoke weed when u get anxiety either. i got moderate anxiety and weed only makes it worse when i get a anxiety attack


Well-Known Member
alcohol can make my anxiety worse, then i cant fall back on an emergency benzo like xanax to knock out the panic because ive already consumed alcohol and the two dont mix.


Well-Known Member
i got anxiety but never tried psychedelics, just went by what some ppl said on the internet
, my bad
I have heard a lot of people say that myself. Who knows, maybe there is something to it. Personally, I think it is a bad idea though. Hallucinogens amplify whatever mood you are in, and having a panic attack while tripping sounds terrible. I agree about the pills. They are more dangerous than most street drugs. I do have a soft spot for valium though. I don't care about much of anything while I am on them. Haven't done any in a few years though.


Well-Known Member
Happened to me, same exact shit, i think its a phase, some people go thru it some people dont, lasted about 2 months where id smoke and then get really bad anxiety attacks and felt like my heart was gonna burst, my skin got tight all around my face and i felt really light headed, that was about 2 years ago, havent had any since. They just randomly stopped one day, definitely from weed cuz it only happened wen i smoked, but like i said i believe its just a phase. I was 19 at the time and im 21 now.


Well-Known Member
And after having about 8-12 of them i realised what was happening right away when one was coming on and i just took a couple slow deep breaths and i knew i was going to be fine having gone thru a bunch already and not dying. The last few i had i just kinda let them come and do their thing. Each one being shorter and less intense than the last until they haulted alltogether.


Well-Known Member
smoking and going to work? I consider that drinking and driving, same shit different pile. I'm not trying to be big brother in anyway but working under the influence I'm against. I hope you don't drive a forklift at work.


smoking and going to work? I consider that drinking and driving, same shit different pile. I'm not trying to be big brother in anyway but working under the influence I'm against. I hope you don't drive a forklift at work.
Hey lol...yea...I function better when im high lol and no I dont drive a fork lift...I work n a call center environment...and weed is nothing like alcohol when u drive or at least when I drive...not saying its right but I wouldnt do it if it affected me any other way...if anything im MUCH more alert...and ive had 1 major wreck n my life that was my fault and I was sober as a toothpick lmao


Well-Known Member
i am an avid marijuana user...i love mary jane and her effects and over the past 3 years...i've grown accustomed to smoking at least 3 blunts DAILY. I use white owl cigars and not much has changed over the years with the way i smoke (blunts) and what i smoke (local reggie). Now my issue is...just 1 month ago...after returning from my lunch break... i experienced what my doctor told me to be a panic attack...classic symptoms...shortness of breath...chest tightening and that intense fear that i was having a heart attack...in fact because i had not had this experience before...i DID CONVINCE myself i was having a heart attack throughout this episode which led to me to feel dizzy...depersonalized and momentarily black out. Now...my job can be described as a stressful, competitive environment which i've been working with happily for 2 years and for at least the past year i regularly smoke before coming into work and smoke half a blunt on my lunch break, returning to work everyday happy, refreshed and ready to conquer the remainder of my day, but this day did not go as usual and my question and discussion would be could this possibly be a reaction from the marijuana and if anyone would know why ? My post reactions with weed are apprehensive...since that day...i havent smoked or partaken in a session where a entire blunt is consumed...i hit it once or twice...i feel a faint tightening in my chest and I AM DONE...i kno this could be from anxiety of another panic attack but it has been a month and each time i try the same things happens...and when i try to go past my limit...i feel as if it's happening all over again but THIS time...i am not in fear that i'm dying from a heart attack! i just feel a scary tightening, grasping feeling at whats feel like my heart but radiating from the center of my chest...i have never had any anxiety issues...but i think JUST telling someone they may have anxiety issues...causes anxiety, but i do feel like within the past year and turning 26 and still trying 2 figure out life has taken some effect on my and my mental health and i have begun prozac as prescribed by my doctor...but i miss my weed...i miss that floating care free feeling and i would figure THAT would help with my anxiety...i have not tried any other form of smoking but i did just bake brownies and for one i didnt get as high and when i did feel slightly high...i felt just a few moments of that telltale chest tightening...PLEASE help...everytime i hit the blunt, i say i'm done but i want 2 keep trying 2 see if the problem is there, but i think as of today...i am done and sick of these effects and if that means giving up on weed altogether, then so be it...the problem is JUST THAT scary and i hate that feeling almost more than i love being high at this point...so with the info given are there any solutions or is it best to just stop smoking altogether ??
Dude, you should STOP smoking blunts anyway. That is a very unhealthy and archaic way to administer THC into your body. Try vaporizing, or @ Least get your self a water pipe. Secondly, STOP smoking that nasty ass "reggie". Take it from us, we know just how Horrible that shit is. Grow your own, and stay out of the black market. If your "reggie" is anything like ours, it is absolute SHIT and not worth the money. Use the $$ you would normally spend on "reggie" (yuck !) to buy seeds and growing equipment. Find a way to: greatly increase the quality of your product (grow your own) and Find a way to administer the THC in the most non-harmful way (vaporize). > :peace:
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Well-Known Member
smoking and going to work? I consider that drinking and driving, same shit different pile. I'm not trying to be big brother in anyway but working under the influence I'm against. I hope you don't drive a forklift at work.
What the fuck? I am a big time Corporate Manager of software engineers.

We all know if they drug tested high tech, there would be no high tech.


Well-Known Member
i am an avid marijuana user...i love mary jane and her effects and over the past 3 years...i've grown accustomed to smoking at least 3 blunts DAILY. I use white owl cigars and not much has changed over the years with the way i smoke (blunts) and what i smoke (local reggie). Now my issue is...just 1 month ago...after returning from my lunch break... i experienced what my doctor told me to be a panic attack...classic symptoms...shortness of breath...chest tightening and that intense fear that i was having a heart attack...in fact because i had not had this experience before...i DID CONVINCE myself i was having a heart attack throughout this episode which led to me to feel dizzy...depersonalized and momentarily black out. Now...my job can be described as a stressful, competitive environment which i've been working with happily for 2 years and for at least the past year i regularly smoke before coming into work and smoke half a blunt on my lunch break, returning to work everyday happy, refreshed and ready to conquer the remainder of my day, but this day did not go as usual and my question and discussion would be could this possibly be a reaction from the marijuana and if anyone would know why ? My post reactions with weed are apprehensive...since that day...i havent smoked or partaken in a session where a entire blunt is consumed...i hit it once or twice...i feel a faint tightening in my chest and I AM DONE...i kno this could be from anxiety of another panic attack but it has been a month and each time i try the same things happens...and when i try to go past my limit...i feel as if it's happening all over again but THIS time...i am not in fear that i'm dying from a heart attack! i just feel a scary tightening, grasping feeling at whats feel like my heart but radiating from the center of my chest...i have never had any anxiety issues...but i think JUST telling someone they may have anxiety issues...causes anxiety, but i do feel like within the past year and turning 26 and still trying 2 figure out life has taken some effect on my and my mental health and i have begun prozac as prescribed by my doctor...but i miss my weed...i miss that floating care free feeling and i would figure THAT would help with my anxiety...i have not tried any other form of smoking but i did just bake brownies and for one i didnt get as high and when i did feel slightly high...i felt just a few moments of that telltale chest tightening...PLEASE help...everytime i hit the blunt, i say i'm done but i want 2 keep trying 2 see if the problem is there, but i think as of today...i am done and sick of these effects and if that means giving up on weed altogether, then so be it...the problem is JUST THAT scary and i hate that feeling almost more than i love being high at this point...so with the info given are there any solutions or is it best to just stop smoking altogether ??

Hey, big clue. Maybe pot is not your thing.


Well-Known Member
After my first bad panic attack induced by too much cocaine, I couldn't even be alone after that for 2 months.
Always thought my heart was going to explode, breathing would get choppy and tremors.
I was at the point where I couldn't to even feel or hear my heart or I would start panicking and become dissociated.
Then I would get panic attacks worrying about having panic attacks.. It was a bad few months.
This was the only time I stopped smoking, and came back to it after those couple months when I started to get over it.
If your not enjoying something, don't do it.


Active Member
Man I had the same problem at the start of the year it started off as mucous coughs and then move onto the chest tightening and blackouts, I have over come these issues and as soon as I had these problems stopped smoking weed the next day and I quit for a whole month (that was actually a hard thing to do after the first week it got easier but i got more stressful) and a bit like a week or 2 maybe? So anyway I sat down to have my first session with acouple of mates I thought i love marijuana one wont be to bad. First toke of the session i had felt so good after a whole month to sit down and have a fresh bowl :)... But then my tight chest crept up on me, so I thought it was just all in my head and i didnt think about it, had some more bowls and after my 3rd bowl it was just gone and then i continued to smoke up with my mates annd have a good night tight chest free and havent had it since :grin: bongsmilie