Anti-Semitism in the EU


Well-Known Member
"Jew, Jew! Cowardly pig," they said.
"We haven't had this dimension at all before," said Deiter Graumann, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. "When you imagine in German streets, people here chanting - a roaring mob chanting - Jews to be gassed, to be slaughtered, to be burned."
Sounds like something you could expect to hear in Berlin circa 1938, right? How about last week in Frankfort, Germany. On Yom Kippur last week armed guards were stationed outside all the major synagogues in Germany. This in a country very aware of it's history with Jews, and that makes it more chilling.
This problem is not confined to Germany though, as in nearly all EU countries have experienced a sharp increase in reported anti-Semitic incidents since the invasion of Gaza this summer. France especially has a major problem with a large Muslim population empathetic with the plight of the Palestinians, and marches there led to Jewish businesses and synagogues being attacked and burned in Paris.
Some people think this is a backlash from Israeli actions, other take a more sinister view.
Roger Cukierman, president of France's Crif, said French Jews were "anguished" about an anti-Jewish backlash that goes far beyond even strongly felt political and humanitarian opposition to the current fighting: "They are not screaming 'Death to the Israelis' on the streets of Paris," Cukierman said last month. "They are screaming 'Death to Jews'."
So, the question is, is the increase in anti- Semitic acts occurring in Europe now, a direct result of Israeli actions this summer, or is something worse, the re-emergence of a nasty form of evil called anti-Semitism using the Palestinian/Israeli conflict as an excuse.
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Well-Known Member
"Jew, Jew! Cowardly pig," they said.
"We haven't had this dimension at all before," said Deiter Graumann, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. "When you imagine in German streets, people here chanting - a roaring mob chanting - Jews to be gassed, to be slaughtered, to be burned."
Sounds like something you could expect to hear in Berlin circa 1938, right? How about last week in Frankfort, Germany. On Yom Kippur last week armed guards were stationed outside all the major synagogues in Germany. This in a country very aware of it's history with Jews, and that makes it more chilling.
This problem is not confined to Germany though, as in nearly all EU countries have experienced a sharp increase in reported anti-Semitic incidents since the invasion of Gaza this summer. France especially has a major problem with a large Muslim population empathetic with the plight of the Palestinians, and marches there led to Jewish businesses and synagogues being attacked and burned in Paris.
Some people think this is a backlash from Israeli actions, other take a more sinister view.
Roger Cukierman, president of France's Crif, said French Jews were "anguished" about an anti-Jewish backlash that goes far beyond even strongly felt political and humanitarian opposition to the current fighting: "They are not screaming 'Death to the Israelis' on the streets of Paris," Cukierman said last month. "They are screaming 'Death to Jews'."
So, the question is, is the increase in anti- Semitic acts occurring in Europe now, a direct result of Israeli actions this summer, or is something worse, the re-emergence of a nasty form of evil called anti-Semitism using the Palestinian/Israeli conflict as an excuse.
it is sad but one likes the jews as a whole.


Well-Known Member
it is sad but one likes the jews as a whole.
Historically. it seems that the Jews do have a PR problem. They have been subjected to harsh treatment ever since the Pharaohs, and that has made them insular as a means of self-defense in my opinion. This isolation, whether imposed or desired, is, and has been a huge problem, for the Jew in general, and Israel in particular. That has to change, and soon. The world is truly a global community now, and Israel seems to show that it really doesn't give a shit what the world thinks of them. That's the way it appears to me, and seemingly to a lot of other people. The world generally doesn't like the way the Palestinians are being treated. Period. You can take your pick as far as actions taken by Israel that are making enemies around the world. Walls being built, embargoes enacted, military actions that cause needless deaths, ignoring international laws with settlement building in areas designated as off limits, land annexations wherever and whenever they fucking please. And the list could go on. Then they have as their spokesperson to the world that lying sack of shit, Netanyahu. They are doing everything, not most things, everything wrong as far as showing to the world that they want to be part of the global community as it exists today. The actions of State of Israel now, are destroying all the sympathy that they have gained since the end of WW 2. They had better change their way's, and very soon, or as the saying goes they haven't seen anything yet in respect to violent acts being committed against Jewish communities worldwide, not just in the EU.


Well-Known Member
The world generally doesn't like the way the Palestinians are being treated.
oh, you mean the only group in the world to inherit refugee status, ever?

why do their unannounced bombs on israeli citizens earn them sympathy with folks like you?

care to point me to any other groups of terrorists who you sympathize with?


Well-Known Member
oh, you mean the only group in the world to inherit refugee status, ever?

why do their unannounced bombs on israeli citizens earn them sympathy with folks like you?

care to point me to any other groups of terrorists who you sympathize with?
The IDF and Mossad are two of the biggest and most well funded terrorist groups on the planet.

I don't see you decry their massacres on civilian populations...


Well-Known Member
do any other terrorists you anti-semites can think of warn their enemies to evacuate in order to avoid civilian casualties?


Well-Known Member
Sorry goiboi, but the rest of the world doesn't buy that pro israeli/zionist propaganda crap.

I'm glad you realize your position is untenable and that support for Israels genocide is waning.

As a country, Israel is losing respect daily and the facade they put up claiming to be "the only western democracy in the near east" is as hard and crusty as one of the turds you leave on a wendys floor.


Well-Known Member
isn't the point of terrorism to inflict maximum civilian casualties, thereby terrorizing the populace?

warning people to evacuate beforehand seems contradictory to that end, no?


Well-Known Member
probably more terrorizing to have death rained on you from above by a predator drone with no warning whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
The point of terrorism is fear, not death.

Death just so happens to cause the most fear so......


Well-Known Member
oh, you mean the only group in the world to inherit refugee status, ever?

why do their unannounced bombs on israeli citizens earn them sympathy with folks like you?

care to point me to any other groups of terrorists who you sympathize with?
While some people can call a person or a group terrorists , usually there are others that call them freedom fighters. Folks like me? What do you mean by that? Be more specific, please. I am assuming you mean intelligent.